Sunday, December 24, 2017

The Co-Popes of Confederate Right-Think -- Hall and Levin

Kevin Levin has a list of monuments that have come down in 2017 in a blog post titled, "The Year Confederate Monuments Came Down".  Creative, catchy and fresh, isn't it? Not a bit banal....

Sez Kev, "There is no other way to spin what happened this past year as anything other than a complete rejection of the Lost Cause and the belief that Confederate military and political leaders deserve to be honored in our public spaces..."

What he's saying (he may not realize it) is that HIS SPIN is right and anyone else's spin is not right. Is he not? There's no other way to spin it except the way HE has spun it....

Once again we have a glimpse into the leftist, anti-Confederate mindset. Spinning is okay for them; it's not okay for anyone else.

Spin, btw, is just another word for interpretation -- a favorite word of what passes for historians these days. That's what Levin thinks the job of a historian IS --  to interpret history ... to SPIN it. And if you don't accept his spin, or if your spin clashes with his, then you're ignorant and probably an evil white supe, to boot.

He relates the comment of a resident of Memphis as if he's reporting on somebody telling the gospel truth, as if anyone who is for the removals is incapable of spin. "Finally," sez the Memphian, "we can come down and really enjoy this park. And we don’t have to see something that reminds us of our painful past: the lynchings, and beatings, and the selling of our forefathers.”

"In the end," Levin concludes, "that is what this is all about."

It's not about the truth, oh, no. It's not about other viewpoints that are just as valid.

You're a historian. You spin history, and your spin is to paint the side you don't like as total evil and unworthy of remembrance, and the side you do like as totally righteous. Your spin fosters a victim mentality in yet another group. You do this for years and years, indoctrinating students and the public.

And when somebody chants that indoctrination back to  you, you crow, "That's what it's all about!"

(Note: Kevin doesn't even mention the extremely pertinent leftist/socialist/Deep State war on our current president that uses fabricated or artificially incited racial conflict to discredit him and portray him as a racist. Although you'd have to be deaf/blind/stupid or off-planet to miss it. All you have to do is ask yourself why all these removals did not occur at sometime the previous 8 years... But that doesn't fit the pre-selected spin.  )

The Co-Popes of Confederate Right-Think -- Hall and Levin

Posting on a comment thread of a Confederacy-hatin' blogger, Kevin Levin, Delusional Andy Hall writes:
I have long believed that in at least some of these cases some sort of accommodation could be achieved that would be acceptable to both parties. An example of that might have been the flag at the Sutherlin Mansion in Danville, that before its removal in 2015 flew year-round at the site. Now it’s gone completely. A good-faith effort to reach an accommodation might have prevented that outcome.
But all the incentives for the Confederate Heritage™ folks are to be defiant, uncompromising, and to prove to their fellows that they are more unreconstructed than the other guy. The idea that they’re trying to educate the general public sway broader public opinion is simply ludicrous. So instead of working in a constructive way, they demand nothing less than complete and total victory, and very often they lose completely as a result.
You know what, Andy? I don't believe you have "long believed" that at all. And I don't believe you would accept it. You are in the camp that will not be happy until every physical artifact of Confederate history and heritage are ground down to molecule level, and the history books that don't spin the war your way either burned or hidden away in dank, damp caves where they will mold and deteriorate until they are dust.

Folks, two things about Andy -- he tries to come across as unruffled, unemotional and above the fray, but it's futile, because his hatred manages to punch through, anyway.

The other thing about Andy is that he thinks he knows everything there is to know about an event (not to mention the people involved) without the benefit of having been there. Presumably, reading about it on the Internet opens his brain and pours in a bunch of information that isn't reported, so he can speak of it as an expert -- as if he was right in the middle of it, beginning to end, and knows every single thing about it. What happened at the Sutherlin Mansion in Danville when the Third National was removed is an example.

But the most telling thing about Andy is how he knows heritage folks, INSIDE OUT -- almost always people he has never met, never talked to, never been around. He reads some sentence on the Internet and HE JUST KNOWS. He can tell you what MOTIVATES THEM. He can tell you WHY they are thus motivated.

Well, no. He doesn't and he can't. What Andy can do is hate certain people, bigtime. And not only that, but to post crap that will encourage others to hate them, too.

Andy is like a reformed drinker who now rails against any and all who drink -- even if it's just swallowing a spoonful of Nyquil when you have the Mother of All Colds and you just need some sleep; you're no better than the town drunk.

He used to see Confederate history in a favorable way, or sez he did. But then he SAW THE LIGHT. He was WOKE. The scales fell from his eyes and now he knows that heritage folks are Satan's minions on earth, spreading lies to entrap people, and send them to Civil War Hell... And Andy is the infallible pope of Civil War History. He knows it all, folks, even what he doesn't know. What he thinks about it is RIGHT. It CANNOT be wrong because HE SAW THE LIGHT. And he not only SAW THE LIGHT, he did what was right in response -- he got on the Internet and started drumming up hate for heritage folks who don't see things like he does...

Of course, Andy isn't the only one who thinks he is infallible about this stuff. You could call Kevin Levin Andy's co-pope of Civil War History. He knows it all, even the unknowable. And he is as much a hater of heritage folks as Andy is.  More on Levin in my next post.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Ridicule and Utter Disrespect -- Hallmarks of the Left

~ ~ ~ “The devil … that proud spirit … cannot endure to be mocked.” St. Thomas More ~ ~ ~ 


Learning from the enemy.... And, yes, they are enemies. Not opponents. Enemies.

At the Pensacola city council meeting last night, I was appalled at a small collection of Take 'Em Downers -- white women, feminists and assorted other leftists in the twenty-something age range, and some black compatriots in the next row forward -- who heckled and disrupted and showed their utter scorn for the rules, the city council and the others attending the meeting.

Their behavior wasn't nearly down to the level of lawlessness seen at some Charlottesville, Va., council meetings, but it was jarring, nonetheless.

After the meeting, when I had a little time to reflect, what came to me is -- we need to rip a page out of their book and use it for our cause.

It's a simple thing, really, but I don't know whether we are up to it. You see, we're Southerners, and our mamas raised us better. But folks, push is rapidly coming to shove and we will have to step outside our comfort zone. Besides, we don't all have to do this ... a handful of volunteers could probably pull this off....

Now, three, maybe four people who addressed the council on behalf of keeping the monument as is, where is, mentioned the dangerous and violent groups taking part in the war on Confederate monuments -- antifa, Black Lives Matter, Democratic Socialists (communists), and World Workers members (also communists).

When these groups were named, the little Take 'Em Downer girls would erupt in peals of laughter, as if that was the most hilarious thing they'd ever heard. The problem was, their laughter was not spontaneous, and they were not amused. They laughed as if on cue. Their performance was well rehearsed.

We need our own peanut galleries to attend city and county government meetings in every city where our heritage is threatened. And they need to erupt into peals of laughter every time some Cotton Candy Kid addresses the elected officials with the words "white supremacist" "Jim Crow" "KKK" "Neo-nazi" "hate" and such.

Of course, the cops lurking inside and outside the council chambers did nothing about these brats. Only one fellow who talked back to them -- said maybe three words, but he said them loudly -- was removed.

So we can expect our hecklers to be removed, and theirs to be allowed to remain and continue to figuratively moon the council members and the public.

In that case, our hecklers should file a discrimination suit.

Most of us can remain magnanimous and above it all, but at least some of us need to show them the same scorn they themselves display.

Ridicule. It is a potent weapon we simply don't use. Either we're scared, or we don't know how...

Uncomfortable or not, we had better learn, and learn fast

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Gettin' Ready to Hit the Sidewalk

Appointment with surgeon coming up soon. Hope he discharges me. Second knee was a lot easier. I've been walking with and without a walker since the day I got home from the hospital. When he lets me go, I'm looking forward to doing some projects around the house that will be pretty physical ... AND ... I'm really looking forward to flagging and handing out leaflets downtown in support of keeping Pensacola's Confederate Memorial in Lee Square.

I have sent several emails to Mayor Lemming-- I MEAN, Mayor Ashton Hayward and members of the city council, plus made the case for keeping the memorial as is, where is, on news report comment threads.

Now, as soon as doc turns me loose, it's time to hit the sidewalk. I will probably take my walker (with a seat added) the first time, because walking from room to room in my house isn't the same as standing for long periods. Plus I can zip-tie my flag poles to the frame to leave my hands free for handing out leaflets. But as soon as I don't need it anymore, back in the closet it goes.  I'm checking on bases for the flag poles, also for hands-free flagging.

I have typeset a few letter-sized leaflets, but there are many more in the works. Here are some samples:

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Monuments Our Grandchildren Will Raise?

Inspired by a Facebook post made by Susan Hathaway.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Buncha New Memes

Cue flogger fake derision, lies and outrage... hahaha.

(Note: I suspect Pat meant "astronomy.")

Sunday, July 23, 2017

​A Chronology of Southern Cultural Genocide:

From The Confderate Society of America

The Eradication of a Region’s Cultural and Heritage
by Dr. Arnold M. Huskins

1970's: The Univ. of Georgia's "Dixie Redcoat Marching Band" drops the word "Dixie" from its name and discontinues playing the song which was played after the National Anthem; City of Atlanta, GA renames Forrest Street; University of Texas-Arlington drops its Rebel mascot

1990: NBNC-Texas asks Texas State Fair to discontinue the playing of Elvis Presley's American Trilogy because of its "Dixie" content

1991: City of Atlanta renames street named after Confederate Gen. John B. Gordon; NAACP passes resolution “abhorring the Confederate battle flag” and commits their legal  resources to removal of the flag from all public properties

1993: Governor Guy Hunt removes battle flag from Alabama State Capitol, it had flown there since Democratic Gov. George Wallace placed it underneath the state flag atop the dome upon Attorney Gen. Robert Kennedy's visit in 1963; Senate votes not to renew patent on the United Daughters of the Confederacy logo; New Orleans ISD renames Jefferson Davis Elementary, PGT Beauregard Jr. High School, Robert E. Lee Elementary School, JP Benjamin School, and George Washington Elementary School (yes, that’s right, George Washington!) 

1994: February - Atlanta Fulton County Recreation Authority votes to remove  the Georgia state flag from the Fulton County Stadium 

June - Holiday Inn Inc. orders its hotels in Georgia not to fly the state flag with the battle flag emblem

July - NAACP calls for economic boycott of South Carolina for flying battle flag from its State House; Mayor Bob Coble of Columbia, SC sues to remove Confederate flag from SC State House

September - The University of the South removes all Southern state flags from its chapel. 

October - Dixie Youth Baseball drops the battle flag emblem from its logo.

November - Louisiana State Museum removes newly found prototype of original Confederate battle flag from display after receiving complaints.

1995: January - First person killed: A 19-year-old father of twins, Michael Westerman, of Elkton, KY is chased down and murdered for flying a Confederate flag on his truck.

February - City of Cumberland, MD removes battle flag from its historic flag display

April - Jamie Kinley is suspended from his middle school in Anderson, SC for wearing a Confederate battle  flag jacket.  

1996: September - Louisiana Senate Secretary remove a battle flag from Memorial Hall; Cracker Barrel chooses to omit the Confederate flag from a set of bookends featuring Gen. Lee  (without a flag)  and Gen. Grant holding a US flag.  

1997: The University of the South's mace, featuring Confederate symbols, is permanently retired.

February - State of New York removes the Georgia state flag from its capitol building.

November - Univ. of Miss. bans all stick flags, namely Confederate battle flags, from its stadium.

December - Texas A& M bans the Confederate flag in its ROTC Corps, equates it with Nazi flag.

1998: The VA discontinues flying the battle flag daily over the 3,300 graves at the Confederate POW cemetery at Point Lookout, MD.

2000: February - City of Pensacola, Fla. removes battle flag from its Five Flags Display, replaces it with Stars and Bars; L. M. Clairborne, Jr. head of the Mississippi Highway Patrol, orders all unauthorized emblems including images of the state flag to be removed from its vehicles.

April - City of Jackson, Miss. votes to remove the  state flag from its meetings and municipal buildings; The president of the Citadel bans the playing of "Dixie" by the band at the school.

May - City of Biloxi removes battle flag from its historic flag display, replaces it with Stars and Bars; Texas A&M official, Herbert Richardson, removes an official portrait of former Chancellor Gilbert Gilchrist from the lobby of the Gilchrist building because the portrait contains an image of Gen. Robert E. Lee in the background. The painting is moved to a conference room with a note explaining why Lee is in the painting and a new painting of Gilchrist (sans Lee) is placed in the lobby; the president of the Virginia Military Institute punishes two cadets during a New Market Day event for playing a few bars of "Dixie."

July - The first removal of a Confederate memorial: Governor and Presidential hopeful George W. Bush removes two plaques featuring a battle flag and a seal of the CSA from the Texas Supreme Court Building honoring Texas Confederate veterans, Confederate pension money was used to build the edifice.  He also refuses to issue a Confederate History and Heritage Month proclamation; the state of South Carolina removes the battle flag from the State House which had flown beneath the state flag since 1961 when Democratic Gov. Hollings placed it there to commemorate the firing on Fort Sumter during the Civil War Centennial; the battle flag is removed from the legislative chamber as well. 

September - Matthew Dixon, an SCV member and mechanic, is fired from his position at Coburg Dairy in Charleston, SC for refusing to remove two Confederate flag stickers from his personal tool box after a black co-worker complained to company officials. Dixon took his case
believing his First Amendment rights and state employment laws were violated.; three Federal judges ruled against him in May 2003.

October - Two employees at the John Deere facility in Pontiac, SC are fired—one for having a small battle flag on his tool box and the other for whistling "Dixie."

2001: January - The Georgia Legislature votes to change the state flag which included the Army of Northern Virginia's Confederate battle flag which was placed on the flag in 1956 to honor Confederate veterans. The new flag is not popular and it is changed in 2003. The NCAA announces a ban on tournament games in SC because of its memorial flag on the State House grounds.
March - Fla. Gov. Jeb Bush removes all historic flags, including the battle flag, from an historic flag display on the state Capitol grounds; the city of Madison, Wisconsin prohibits the flying of the Confederate battle flag, which was flown twice a year over a Confederate cemetery in the city.

September - Andrew Jackson Council of the Boy Scouts of America representing 22 Mississippi counties remove a uniform patch that contains the Mississippi state flag;  Ryan Oleichi, an 11 year old boy attending Labay Middle School near Houston, Texas is physically assaulted,  knocked unconscious and threatened with death by a black and Hispanic student and is hospitalized for three days. Prior to the incident, Oleichi wore a shirt with a Confederate battle flag patch and was suspended for three days and forced to apologize  and admit his  racism by the assistant principal.  The School fails to discipline his attackers.

October - A Harley-Davidson employee in York, Pa.  who was sent to the company’s Human Relations Office twice for wearing Confederate flag on his t-shirt and having a Confederate flag on his motorcycle helmet is again sent to HR for wearing his Confederate re-enactor uniform to work on Halloween, which he had done since 1995.  This time, he is suspended from work for three days without pay; Hays High School officials ban several fans carrying the Texas and Confederate flags from entering its stadium. 

November - Comedian Dennis Miller compares battle flag to swastika on The Tonight Show; SCV member, Tim Meadows, is arrested for carrying a Confederate battle flag in the Mobile Veterans Day parade Matt Pitts, a student at the University of Missouri-Columbia, returns to his dorm room and finds it had been vandalized and his Confederate flag torn to shreds; an 18 year old Illinois native is later charged with throwing a TV out the window and shredding the flag; Seminole County, Georgia School Board bans students from wearing clothing with the Confederate flag; a portrait of Jefferson Davis is removed from the Davis residence hall at Transylvania University in Kentucky and rehung in the Mitchell Fine Arts building.

2002: January - The Confederate Air Force changes its name to “Commemorative Air Force;” Louisville, KY renames street known as “Confederate Place” to “Unity Place;” Va. Gov. Mike Warner advises Lt. Gov. John Hager not to attend ceremony honoring Gens. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. Hager, who agreed to speak one year ago, complies.

March - College student arrested for burning Georgia state flag at private residence in Augusta; Univ. of Mississippi begins to phase out the playing of “Dixie;” Autauga County, Alabama School board removes Confederate memorial monument from school grounds erected by the local SCV who had gotten permission to place the monument by the School Superintendent.

April - “Wings over Dixie” Air Show in Peachtree City, Ga. changes name to Greater Georgia Air Show; Jefferson Davis monument vandalized in Richmond, Va.; Alabama pre med student assaulted for wearing shirt with Confederate battle flag and the words “Dixieland” in Gulf Shores, Ala.; Confederate memorial flag on SC State House grounds intentionally burned; pre-med student, John McDow, is assaulted by blacks in Gulf Shores Ala. for wearing a shirt with a Confederate flag on it.

May - Neosho (Mo.) School District tries to paint over a pavement painting of a Confederate flag that was painted by the  students on Senior Hill; the students stage a "sit in" to guard the painting; Univ. of Vermont Interim President asks students to refrain from hanging Confederate flags in their dorm windows.

June -Federal attorney, John Austin, attempts to stop a Confederate Memorial Day service in Knoxville, Tenn; his wife accuses attendees of using racial slurs.
August - Mobile Tricentennial Commission tells visiting tall ship to remove battle flag from its mast; the crew complies, however the captain, who was away when the flag is lowered, is angered and considers leaving the city; Aycock Middle School in Greensboro NC bans a essay contest sponsored by the UDC, states: UDC is "against basic goals of Aycock Middle School"

September - Vanderbilt Univ. announces plans to remove the word “Confederate” from dormitory hall funded by the UDC; McIntosh Middle School in Sarasota, Fla. bans Confederate flag clothing; sixteen students are suspended in Lawrence County, Ala. for wearing Confederate flag clothing; ten students in Lee County, Ala. are suspended for wearing Confederate flag clothing 

October - Mississippi DMV omits state flag from its newly issued US veterans license plate; Florida man fired from 1 ½ day job with Mortgage Investors Corp. for having Confederate battle flag tattoo and the words “born a rebel, die a rebel” on forearm

December - Jefferson Davis statue in New Orleans vandalized; Bel-Air Mall in Mobile, Ala. boots Camo Unlimited from the mall after receiving complaints about its merchandising of Confederate flags and  Southern heritage T-shirts; cartoonist Scott Stantis of the Birmingham News draws a trash can containing symbols of oppressive regimes, one of which is a Confederate battle flag

2003: January The state of Missouri removes two Confederate battle flags at two state historic sites: Confederate Memorial Historic Site near Higginsville and Fort Davidson Historic Site after Rep. Dick Gephardt called for their removal.  The flag at Higginsville flew over a Confederate cemetery containing the graves of 694 veterans; the city of Clarksdale, Miss. votes to remove state flag from all city property; the Dixie Intercollegiate Athletic Conference announces it will change its name to  the "USA South Athletic Conference"  to show "sensitivity to ethnic groups and just making sure that the name is not offensive to anyone."

February - The Town Council of Exmouth, England, scuttles plans for a ceremony to honor Gen. Collett Leventhorpe, an English General who fought in the Confederate Army, because the observance might be seen to have "racist undertones;" in an official directive (section 13.02 of its Advertising Standards), BellSouth states "Cuts of ALL Confederate flags are PROHIBITED from appearing in Yellow Pages advertising." 

May - Conference planners for a group of judges and court officials from Washington, DC mandate that the hotel staff of the Fort Magruder Hotel and Conference Center in Williamsburg, Va. remove or cover all images of the Confederate flag in WBTS battle scenes prints at the hotel.  As a result, two images were covered and  two images were removed. Conference planners  feared the images might be offensive  to some of the attendees.

November - The Robert E. Lee Council of the Boy Scouts of America in Richmond, Va. decides to drop the name of Robert E. Lee, which it had borne for over 60 years, from its council and its logo.

2004: May -Chickasaw County Miss. supervisors reverse their decision to allow the SCV to erect a Confederate memorial monument on the courthouse lawn and vote to allow a referendum on the issue; a Kentucky student is denied entrance into her high school prom because of her Confederate flag dress

July - Gettysburg College (PA) sponsors “a hanging of a Confederate flag.”

September - Augusta, Georgia Mayor Bob Young removes Second National Confederate Flag from historic flag display along the Riverwalk display.

November - Robb Gray, director of Oklahoma's Tourism and Recreation Dept, orders 200,000 copies of their Annual Events Guide destroyed after finding that it featured a photo of a reenactment  group with a Confederate flag, his action costs taxpayers $46,000.  

2005: March - Charlotte NC removes memorial battle flag and flag pole over Confederate graves in city Cemetery; City of Ringgold, Ga. removes battle flag from memorial after NAACP requests its removal and  replaces it with Hardee Corps flag. 

June - Palm Springs ISD renames Jefferson Davis Middle School in Jupiter, FL; Portsmouth, VA Confederate Memorial Monument vandalized

December - Savannah Mayor removes portrait of Gen. Robert E. Lee and a mayor who was a Confederate officer from City Hall.

2009: February - South High School in Denver, CO changes its Rebel mascot to a griffin, previously it had changed its yearbook and newspaper names’ from “The Johnny Reb” and “The Confederate” respectively.  

March - Dixie State University retires Rebel mascot and the name “Rebels.”

August - Jonesborough, Tenn. refuses to allow bricks inscribed with the names and units of Confederate veterans in the veterans’ memorial park.

October - Homestead, Fla Veterans Day parade bans battle flag

2010: March -  Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal ignores request for Confederate History and Heritage Month Proclamation.

April - Two Confederate cemeteries vandalized, one in Ala, the other in Miss.; Abilene Baptist Church in Carrolton, Ga. removes and disposes of Confederate battle flags placed on veterans’ graves in its church cemetery. 

May -Flags stolen, ropes cut from poles at Confederate cemetery at Brice’s Crossroads Cemetery.

June -Movie theatre in Spotsylvania County, Va. alters War Between the States mural to remove a Confederate battle flag after complaints; potential recruits for US Marine Corps must acquire a waiver if they have Confederate flag tattoos.

October -Univ. of Mississippi discontinues “Col Reb” mascot, eventually choosing Rebel Black Bear as its mascot; Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell announces he will no longer issue a Confederate History and Heritage Month proclamation.

November - Confederate memorial monument in Augusta, Ga. Vandalized.

December - History Channel forces local cable companies to remove Georgia Division SCV historical spots.

2011: January - City of Marshall, Ark. votes to prohibit flying of Confederate flag on public property.

May - Confederate statues of Lee and Davis vandalized in Richmond, VA; Memphis VA Medical Center removes paralyzed veteran’s small battle flag from wall and forces him to place it in a drawer; the veteran, a descendant of Confederate soldiers, almost cried when he told it must be removed; City of Reidsville, NC decides not to restore Confederate memorial monument destroyed when a van "accidentally" the statue, NC; UDC decides to move memorial to a local cemetery.

August - NC man fired from Forest City Housing Authority after displaying SCV logo on his vehicle.

September - Lexington, VA bans the flying of First National and Second National Confederate flags on light poles during celebration of Lee/Jackson Day; battle flag sign removed Confederate Powder Works Chimney in Augusta, Ga.

November - Missouri State Univ. President apologizes after its Pride Band plays Dixie during dedication of a new park on campus, states it will not happen again; Third National flag and flagpole removed from Confederate Memorial in Caddo Parish, La.; it had flown there since 1951; Texas DMV votes to prohibit SCV license plates with SCV battle flag logo.

2012: February -A Missouri students is penalized for flying Confederate flag on his vehicle on his high school Campus; a Minnesota student is suspended for failing to cover a battle flag tattoo blending in with a US flag on his tricep.

March - NASCAR prohibits golf pro Bubba Watson from taking the initial lap in his “General  Lee” car at the beginning of Sprint Cup series at Phoenix International Speedway; Statue of Lt Gen Nathan Bedford Forrest south of Nashville, Tenn. Vandalized; Lee and Davis monuments vandalized in New Orleans; vandals steal bust of Gen. NB Forrest from memorial monument in Selma, Ala. Cemetery. 

April - Recently dedicated Museum of the Confederacy-Appomattox refuses to fly any Confederate flag on its grounds; a Tennessee student is denied entrance into her high school prom because of her Confederate flag dress.

May -SC Gov. Nicki Haley refuses to issue Confederate History and Heritage Month proclamation; City of Paducah, KY officials condemn flying of the battle flag in a nearby privately owned Confederate memorial park.

July - Las Cruces, NM Tea Party denied $1000 first prize after its historically themed float includes a Confederate battle flag in a 4th of July parade.

September - Confederate POW cemetery’s privately-owned Confederate Memorial Park at Point Lookout, MD is vandalized, a noose is placed around the statue's neck and a swastika is spray painted on the base of the memorial.

October - Hays High School in Buda, Texas ceases playing of Dixie at football games.

2013: February - City of Memphis removes marker from Forrest Park, renames its three parks with Confederate names—Forrest Park, Jefferson Davis Park, and Confederate Park.

March 2013: Gov. Pat McCrory authorizes removal of ANV battle flag from historic display in NC’s Old Capitol Museum; City of Orange, Texas condemns the building of the “Confederate Memorial of the Wind” to be located on private property.

May - City of Jacksonville, Texas prevents Marine Corps League from placing Confederate flags on Confederate veterans’ graves; two Confederate flags removed from historic flag display in South Dakota VA Hospital.

September - Memphis’ Gen. Forrest statue vandalized.

December - Knoxville, Tenn. American Legion Post denies SCV to march in Veterans Days Parade; Museum of the Confederacy merges with Richmond’s politically correct Civil War Center. 

2014: January - Jacksonville (Fla.) ISD renames Nathan B. Forrest High School.

February - Hero Dogs Inc. rejects donation from Maryland Division, SCV.

May -  California passes law to ban governmental sales or display of Confederate flags.

July - Washington and Lee University removes battle flags surrounding statue of Gen. Robert E. Lee in its Lee Chapel, the tomb of Gen. Lee.

August - Univ. of Miss. announces plans to rename Confederate Drive, install plaques to explain Confederate Memorial and limits the use of the term, "Ole Miss."

2015: January - Dixie State University removes Confederate statue, “The Rebels—depicting two cavalrymen—from campus.

February - Blue Ridge Assembly YMCA in Asheville votes to change name of Robert E. Lee Hall to Eureka Hall.

April - The state of Florida refuses to include three prominent Floridians who served in the Confederate Army in its Veterans Hall of Fame; St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay forms task force to consider removal of Confederate memorial monument in Forest Park, seeks to rename Confederate Drive to Freedom or Unity Drive.

June - Tragedy in Charleston, SC prompts removal of all things Confederate: SCOTUS rules against Sons of Confederate Veterans stating license plates are government property and can regulate its content;  “Dukes of Hazzard” program is removed from TV Land’s lineup; Miami, Fla car museum covers roof of Gen. Lee car on display; Alabama Gov. Bentley removes all four Confederate flags from monument on State Capitol; SC Gov. Haley signs bill to remove Confederate memorial battle flag from State House grounds, flag removed on July 10th; Univ. of Texas removes Confederate memorial from campus; City of Mobile removes all its historic flags from its city seal; Hillsborough County, Fla removes its historic flag display from the government center; Wichita, KS removes battle flag from Veterans’ memorial park; Cities of Columbus, Starkville, Hattiesburg, Magnolia and Grenada, MS remove state flag from city property, Natchez, Philadelphia and Vicksburg will eventually do the same; Virginia and Maryland discontinue their Sons of Confederate Veterans license plate program; National Park Service removes all historic flags from Fort Sumter, discontinues sales of  battle flags in its stores; NPS later reinstates Ft. Sumter’s historic flags on smaller poles; National Cathedral in Washington, DC removes Confederate flag imagery from its memorial reconciliation windows; Amazon, eBay, Wal-Mart, Sears, & Target discontinues sale of any items featuring Confederate Battle flag including already pre-ordered class rings; Flag companies Anin, Valley Forge, and Dixie Flag in San Antonio discontinue sale of battle Flag; Confederate monuments vandalized in Austin, Texas, Asheville, NC, Charleston, SC, Baltimore, MD, Columbia, SC, Richmond, Va. and St. Louis; Nashville restaurant, Acme Feed & Seed, removes Confederate flag artwork; Kentucky State Fair Board bans sales of Confederate flags, merchandise at state fair, flea market.

July - Black Confederate flag supporter, Anthony Hervey, killed in a suspicious automobile “accident,” his car had been followed by a car containing blacks who had demonstrated against the flag and whom Hervey had angered; Confederate flag bearing horse removed from carousel in Saginaw, MI; Fort Smith (AR) ISD votes to remove Rebel mascot, end playing of “Dixie” at Southside High; Mississippi state flag removed from state flag display in Santa Ana, CA civic center; Disney removes Confederate Third National flag from its Epcot Exhibit on American history; City of Memphis vows to exhume remains of Gen. Forrest and his wife, move his statue; Monument to Women of the Confederacy vandalized in Raleigh, NC; Confederate Memorial monuments are vandalized in Charleston, Bellmead, Texas, Denton, Texas, Reidsville, NC, Rockville, MD, Cornelius, NC, Durham, NC, Richmond, Va., Oklahoma City and Charlotte, NC; Golfing Pro Bubba Watson decides to paint over the flag on the roof of his Gen. Lee automobile; Ohio State Fair bans sale of Confederate flags.

August - Univ. of Miss. states its marching band will no longer play any version of “Dixie;” VA prohibits flying of Confederate battle flag on large poles in its Confederate POW cemeteries, the flag was flown twice a year; College of William and Mary removes Confederate flag from its ceremonial silver mace and a plaque honoring students who became Confederate soldiers from its Wren Building; Univ of Texas in Austin removes statues of Pres. Woodrow Wilson and Jefferson Davis from campus grounds; Vanderbilt Univ. reimburses United Daughters of the Confederacy to allow the removal of the words, “Confederate Memorial Hall” from a campus dormitory;  Bexar County, Texas officials remove all Confederate memorial plaques and monuments from Courthouse square—none of which featured an image of the battle flag;  Georgia Gov. Deal renames Confederate Memorial Day and Robert E. Lee’s birthday on state calendars to “state holiday;” Confederate monuments vandalized in Memphis, Chapel Hill, NC, Albemarle, NC, Charlotte, and Pensacola, Fla.; Wisconsin and New York State Fairs ban sale of Confederate flags or any other related merchandise; portrait of General JEB Stuart removed by a judge from courtroom in the Patrick City courthouse.

September - City of Winchester removes battle flag from its city seal, replaces with Stars and Bars;  Washington and Lee Univ. officials deny the SCV request to utilize Lee Chapel for Lee/Jackson Day services; City of Danville, Virginia removes Third National Confederate flag from site of last capitol of the Confederacy; City of Albuquerque removes first National Confederate flag from historic flag display; VA Hospital in Grand Junction, CO forces artist to paint over Confederate battle flag in mural depicting scenes from American history; Walton County, Fla. removes battle flag from Confederate memorial, replaces it with "Stars and Bars;" Boone Hall Plantation cancels Battle of Secessionville re-enactment.

October - University of Mississippi and Univ. of Southern Miss. discontinue flying state flag, Jackson State, Mississippi Valley, and Alcorn State have long since removed flag, Mississippi State will do so within a year; Florida Senate removes battle flag from its seal; monument to Florida's oldest Confederate veteran removed in Crestview, Fla; Rockville, MD moves Confederate memorial monument from courthouse grounds to private property; Boone County, MO moves "Confederate Rock" veterans memorial from courthouse grounds to Centralia battlefield.

November - St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, known as the “Cathedral of the Confederacy,” removes Confederate flag imagery and plaques that honor Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Confederate soldiers from their sanctuary, other plaques that feature a Confederate flag  will be modified to remove the flag;  City of Charlotte NC moves its Confederate memorial monument from city hall grounds to a local cemetery.

2016: January - The words” Confederate Memorial” are removed from Orange County, NC Historical Museum Doorway; Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo bans Confederate battle flag, Second & Third National flags during events; Confederate graves are vandalized in Oakwood Cemetery in Raleigh, NC; Arkansas teen prohibited from joining US Marines because of his Confederate flag tattoo with the words ” Southern Pride.”  

March - Fla Legislature votes to remove the statue of Confederate Gen. Kirby Smith from Statuary Hall in Washington DC; Austin (Texas) ISD votes to rename Robert E. Lee Elementary School, San Diego (CA) ISD votes to rename Robert E. Lee Elementary School; City of Charlottesville seeks to remove statues of Gen. Lee and Stonewall Jackson and rename their respective parks; Oregon removes Mississippi state flag from state flag display; Alabama attorney removes Confederate flags from veterans’ graves in Union Springs; Confederate memorial monument vandalized in McCracken County, KY; Washington County (NY) Fair bans sale of Confederate flags, merchandise; San Lorenzo High School in California drops its UNLV “Rebel guy” mascot which was changed in the 1990’s from  a “Colonel Reb” mascot with the battle flag.

April - City of Indianapolis prohibits placement of Confederate flags on the graves of Confederate soldiers buried in Crown Hill Cemetery.

May - Jefferson Davis Highway marker vandalized near Texas State University.

June - The Southern Baptist Convention passes resolution repudiating Confederate battle flag and asks its members to refrain from flying flag; Confederate flag removed from historic flag display in museum at Pennsylvania State Capitol; Douglasville, Ga renames Forrest Street.

July - Mississippi flag absent in state flag display at Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.

September - City of Alexandria, VA renames section of Jefferson Davis Highway in the city; Jefferson Davis Highway marker removed from Texas State University campus; State of California bans artist and Civil War buff from displaying artwork featuring the Second National Confederate flag at the Big Fresno Fair.

August - Addison County (VT) Fair bans sale of Confederate flag merchandise.

November - City of Louisville Kentucky removes Confederate memorial monument, later the monument is moved to Brandenburg, Ky.; Long Beach (CA) ISD renames Robert E. Lee Elementary School; Florida State Senate changes its seal to remove its historic flags and removes an historic Five Flags mural from the State Capitol.

December - City of New Orleans votes to remove its three Confederate monuments; Oklahoma Baptist University removes the Confederate battle flag from one its “History and Government” stained glass window in its Raley Chapel.

2017: March - Arkansas separates holiday honoring MLK and Robert E. Lee with no state holiday for Lee.

February - Orlando (Fla.) ISD renames Robert E. Lee Middle School; South Burlington, VT high school drops Rebel mascot.

April - City of Demopolis, Ala. votes not to restore Confederate soldier statue on Confederate  monument damaged by accident to original monument; Biloxi, MS mayor removes state flag from city’s municipal buildings; York County (SC) Clerk of Court removes Second National Confederate flag and portraits of Gens. Lee and Jackson from York County Courthouse; Confederate memorial monument in Brandenburg, Ky. Vandalized.

May - Mayor Landrieu of New Orleans removes the statues of Gen. Robert E. Lee, Gen. PTG Beauregard, and Pres. Jefferson Davis from New Orleans; Confederate memorial monuments vandalized in St. Louis and in Norfolk, VA

June - Baltimore, MD mayor states city wishes to remove and sell its four Confederate statues after initially installing “interpretative plaques” at each; Orlando Fla Mayor moves Confederate Memorial from Lake Eola Park to a local cemetery; City of Gainesville, Fla votes to remove "Ol' Joe" Confederate memorial; St. Louis, Mo removes Confederate memorial monument in Forest Park; Caddo County, La officials will discuss removal of Confederate Memorial monument; Lexington, KY to consider removal of two Confederate statues; Macomb, Miss. votes to remove state flag from all municipal buildings; The Mayor of Richmond, Va. states the city will create a commission to add context to statues on Monument Avenue

July - San Lorenzo High School in California drops its “Rebels” mascot name; Bexar County, Texas votes to replace Courthouse Confederate Memorial with plaques honoring Texas Medal of Honor recipients.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Postmodernism -- The Destroyers' Philosophy

This is Jordan Peterson, a Canadian clinical psychologist and professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. And this video about postmodernism is an eye opener. Understanding postmodernism brings understanding of those who hold with the philosophy ... and this video clearly explains why they are our enemies.

Professor Peterson recommends this book, Explaining Postmodernism by Stephen R.C. Hicks, a Canadian-American philosopher who teaches at Rockford University. The book is available as a downloadable PDF here:

Dr. Hicks' book is a bit involved, although I've read texts on philosophy that are much more arcane and difficult. But the conclusion he reaches isn't difficult at all. In fact, his conclusions are hardly new.

"Nihilism is close to the surface in the postmodern intellectual movement in a historically unprecedented way," he says and he devotes a section to "Foucault and Derrida on the end of man".

It mirrors what Igor Shafaravich, Soviet mathemetician and dissident, wrote about socialism decades ago, here edited from a paraphrase found at Sobran's:

"...socialism had endured throughout history, usually in the form of one or another Christian heresy. It gives expression to the gnostic urge to rebel — the rebellion of the educated against the constraints imposed by Creation and by God. In earlier periods, when of course the socialist label was not used, it could be identified by its insistent, unvarying emphasis on certain goals: the destruction of private property and of the traditional or 'nuclear' family; and above all, the dismemberment of traditional, or orthodox religion. Throughout history, the phenomenon has been obsessed with material equality, and with the eradication of individual and gender distinctions. It wars incessantly against the normal. A 'striving for self-destruction,' for nothingness, for the “death of mankind,” is the true goal of socialism. Instinctively, without stating it or even seeing it as the conscious goal, the socialist phenomenon seeks the death of the human race."

Socialism's goal is the death of mankind.

The people I call The Destroyers -- antifa, BLM, TEDNOLA, anarchists, leftists and other assorted haters -- have targeted Southern heritage, just as they have targeted Trump events, conservative speakers at universities, and others.

They are formidable opponents, but not invincible. Everything that helps us understand them and push back should be welcomed, and learned from, by our people. That includes  Professor Peterson's video, and Dr. Hicks' book.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

ANNOUNCING The Dixie Flyer

An underground newsletter dedicated to supporting and promoting Southern and Confederate heritage.
The Flyer is single-fold, letter-sized, to be printed front and back, and photocopied for distribution. Content is focused on current heritage battles.

It will be professionally digitally typeset and made available for download as a PDF file. It can be taken on disk or thumb drive, or uploaded, to quick-print shops for photocopying. (If you photocopy it yourself, make sure you know how to do two-sided copying.)

A digital version of each edition will be available for reading online.

The Flyer will be a cooperative, volunteer project, at least for the foreseeable future. To be successful, I am looking for:
1. Writers/content providers. Content should fit one of these categories:
A. successful strategies for counter-attacking opponents, short of violence. The Flyer will not endorse or encourage violence.
B. neutralizing the arguments of critics, offline and online, particularly on social media,
C. persuading authorities and the general public,
D. "Did you know" features -- interesting historical tidbits (a few sentences) not generally known.
E. inspirationals, to combat discouragement.

Writers' guidelines will be posted in the future.
2. Original artwork and photography related the Flyer's mission and/or a specific article or report.

3. Advertisers -- Since the Flyer will be small -- 5 1/2 inches wide by 8 1/2 inches tall, and four pages (front, back, and two inside), ad space will be minimal -- one column inch per ad, two ads per issue. Ad costs are not set at this time, but will also be minimal, to defray the cost of web hosting and a domain name.

4. Distributors. In addition to activists who will hand out Flyers at gatherings and pass them out at city and county council meetings and other venues, we need heritage-friendly businesses to make space for a Dixie Flyer display rack. Acrylic bi-fold-sized racks are cheap and work fine. If you don't have a business but you know of one, ask if you can set up the displays and keep the rack stocked with Flyers. 
Southern heritage supporters, visit the new page for The Dixie Flyer at It's Our Heritage webpage. Read the preliminary issue of the Flyer online, or download a PDF. The downloadable version is in two pages (front/back and two inner pages) for printing out, photocopying and distribution. If you use a quick print shop, ask them to show you how to do two-sided copies; then, a single fold makes the Flyer ready for distribution.

Plans are to put a new issue online every two weeks. Content will relate directly to out endangered monuments, and how to fight back.

Meanwhile, here's the preliminary version:

The Dixie Flyer

If you download, print, and distribute, please let me know your experience, not only with the printing, copying, etc. (in case I need to change anything) but also what kind of reception you get.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

A Little Visit to the Land of Cyber-hate

I haven't noodled around much at Simpson's hate blog in a long time -- a quick looksee now and then...  But I checked out the comment thread that follows the filth he lately hurled at me, and it is fascinating to see how ungrounded in truth they are, what their concepts of certain subjects are, how they--

Well, here. I'll show you.

Charlie sez, "All the leftists and socialists I’ve read really hate Hillary Clinton! Funny how a New York Billionaire has stolen the heart of these southerners…."

Only the Bernie faction, Charlie. And Trump hasn't stolen any hearts -- well, only a few. Most simply voted for him because he was the only alternative to Hillary.

Ohio Guy: "Far left and far right have a lot in common. They are both motivated primarily by hate. And, the extremes of their hate is evidenced when they focus on each other. A pax on both of their houses!"

Simpson's and DeStroy's blogs being great examples of extreme far left hate. Peace on both houses, Guy? Or did you mean pox?

Jason writes, "They deserve each other imo, I just wish our country wasn’t collateral damage while they dishonesty slug it out."

Pretty flimsy country you got there, Jason.

Jason also writes, "Isn’t this the same crowd who keeps ignorantly claiming that the CSA was right that a state can secede whenever it wants, that the Constitution is just a loose compact between states and that the US is just a “federation”?

There may be some who claim that, sure enough. The "crowd" of Southern heritage thinks and claims the whole spectrum. Getting them to speak in unison is like trying to herd cats.

Jason continues, "How is not anti-american, destructive towards the founders achievements and wishes?? How is violating and attempting to overthrow the Constitution on behalf of preserving slavery not polar opposite to the wishes of people like Washington and Jefferson…?"

Nobody violated or tried to overthrow the Constitution -- they tried to LEAVE the union it governed. You know, depart, withdraw, get the heck out, take a powder, scram, skedaddle....

As a matter of fact, in the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson established that people are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, and that governments are instituted to secure those rights. One right he specifically identifies is the right of the people to alter or abolish their government and create another that suits them better. This right both pre-exists and transcends the U.S. Constitution.  How grotesque, then, that the only time Americans have attempted to exercise this right, the government that was supposed to secure it for them made brutal war on them instead.

Andy Hall sez, "You’re looking for intellectual consistency. That’s sweet."

Just don't look for intellectual honesty at Simpson's blog, or Andy's, or Levin's or the demented DeStroy's blog. But if you go looking for hate, you'll find it in spades.

bob carey muses, "I wonder if Chastain collects social security or does she stand on principle and refuse to accept any benefits."

My personal situation is none of your flippin' business, carey, but how would it be "standing on principle" for anyone to refuse to take a benefit one paid into all one's working life? Giving up something you've contributed to for decades is "standing on principle"? My gosh, I wonder what else "standing on principle" means to you.

charlie (don't know if it's a different charlie) sez, "Look at what one of her masculine southern boys had to say…."

Ah, no sense of the passage of time, eh, charlie? I clearly identified that I was talking about Confederate men -- specifically, those in the armed forces of the CSA. I guess separating "back then" from "now" is too much a strain for charlie.
Nightflyer shows the world the extent of HIS conception of manliness: "I didn’t realize the “Lost Cause” was about the virility of the South and the size of Lee’s and Beauregard’s penises."

Unbelievable. Y'all trip over to and look up viril and virility, and see if you can find "penis size" anywhere in the definition. The closest thing you'll find is that a secondary definition of the word is "the power of procreation."  Why is it when one discusses traits of masculinity and femininity or relationships between men and women, leftists promptly illustrate their prurient interests?

Shoshana Bee quotes me (Our Confederate heroes were some of history’s manliest of men. Even in cold, lifeless bronze, Davis, Beauregard and Lee exuded a level of virility that shames Mitch Landrieu...) and then sez, "A casual observation: Why is it that Chastain has to call upon long dead heroes as paragons of her heritage movement? No current examples? Ooopsie! It seems that a majority of them are tied up in one sort of litigation or another, court dates, sentencing, depositions — you know, heritage hero stuff."

Ah, Shoshy, have you been off planet? Or under a rock somewhere? I mention Davis, Beauregard and Lee because THEIR MONUMENTS IN NEW ORLEANS HAVE BECOME THE TARGET OF A STALIN-LIKE PURGE... That's what my whole blog post was about. A casual observation: Can you read? Or when you go into snide snippy mode, does the ability to read and accurately observe elude you?

If you don't mind my asking (and I know I won't get an answer) what does it do for you to lie about heritage folks?

Dimmy Jick bleats, "Note that Chastain seems to exhibit a desire for men who dominated women who could not object to being used for sexual gratification by men who owned them. As I’ve said before, Chastain’s fetish is a psychological matter."

Ah, yes, Dimmy, the fake psychiatrist... my admiration for the men whose monuments have become the targets of a cultural jihadist purging is for their awesome abilities as warriors in the defense of the South and their sterling character (something you might not recognize if you saw it). You have just showed us what prurient historical subject is near and dear to YOUR heart...

C. Meyer mutters, "With all the virility and masculine spirit it’s amazing they lost."

It is amazing, but it becomes more understandable when you know that their enemy preyed on civilians -- women, children, the elderly, servants and other non-combatants-- stealing their food and leaving them to starve. Burning and shelling towns across the South that had no military presence or significance. Because the great humanitarian Lincoln blockaded medicine. Because the South didn't have an endless supply of immigrants who could fight for them right off the boat like the north. Because they were fighting to defend what they loved, homes, families and territory; and the north was fighting to destroy, motivated by hate (their treatment of POWs, Sherman's desire to genocide Southerners ... echoed by his wife. Salmon Chase saying he didn't love slaves as much as he hated slave owners -- but he didn't want free blacks in Ohio. John Brown's murderous/terroristic abolitionist hatred). There's more but that should give you an idea

Hey, Simpson-bots. Have y'all looked in a mirror lately? Probably shouldn't. You might not like what you see -- because what you'll see is what you criticize in others... you know, the folks you hate the most.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Another One Getting Like and Shares....

How unfortunate to have such a sleazeball as mayor. There will be some grim satisfaction, however, in watching the city rot and grow moldy and dessicated.  At least it will still have voodoo, drugs, prostitution and crime.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Friday, May 19, 2017

The Nature of the Monument Destroyers

The force behind the assault on Confederate heritage is the same force behind the attacks on President Trump. What we are seeing is an enormous psychotic episode, a colossal nervous breakdown by the ultra-left in America because their adored Hillary was defeated.

The left has always been destructive, increasingly so in recent years. But since Trump has been in office -- since late January -- where he has steadily razed the Obama legacy, they've been like an animal in the furious stage of rabies.

These people are not Americans. Leftists are socialists. They are the antithesis of Americans. They are destroyers. Since they cannot have our country and transform it into Socialist America, they will destroy it.

Destroying Confederate heritage is an early phase, a trial run, you might say. They have the same fate in mind for the legacy of the Founders... not just monuments and statues, but the very country they crafted. They want to destroy every aspect of the culture -- Christianity, the family, private property, education, historical memory, our cultural cohesiveness, our very identity as western man.

Western man. Man. Men. The left hates nothing the way they hate masculinity. From "feminism", which is not about equality for women but about hating and hurting men ... from feminizing industry, education, the military, church leadership, the popular culture, the government to the demonization of "dead white males" the left hates virility.

VIRILE, VIRILITY characterized by a vigorous, masculine spirit: manly character, vigor, or spirit; masculine energy, forcefulness, or strength in a marked degree.

Our Confederate heroes were some of history's manliest of men. Even in cold, lifeless bronze, Davis, Beauregard and Lee exuded a level of virility that shames Mitch Landrieu.

The nameless Confederate soldiers in marble and granite standing atop pedestals and obelisks across the South shame the typical leftist male -- the Michael Moores, the Morris Deeses, the brainwashed antifa, the mindless mobs, the spineless and weak-minded men, leftists themselves or influenced by leftism, who run government at all levels. The closest thing these men have to masculine energy and vigorous spirit is hatred. Oddly enough, this is the same fuel that energizes leftist women -- the Hillary Clintons, the Maxine Waterses, the Ashley Judds and the Madonnas -- as well.

As we craft and then implement our counter-offensive in the defense of our heritage -- and our continued existence and the future for our children (make no mistake, these are in the Left's crosshairs, as well) -- it will do us well to remember the nature of our attackers.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Recent Facebook Graphic Memes...



Hard-core Commies Against Southern Heritage  (Remember, Communists
murdered almost 100 million people in the 20th Century)

End of Updates
Shared about 37,000 times in a few days