Friday, May 17, 2013

Exactly What Does He Think Dawdling Is?

From the Twitter Feed of Brooks D. Simpson:
Just make sure that when you apologize for yr transgressions that you don't dawdle like Susan Hathaway
  Four days is dawdling? 

Complied from Susan's second release:
Friday May 10 -- Original release posted on the Internet

Saturday May 11 -- Navy personnel emails Susan; Susan goes out of town for the day to  son's graduation. Other Flaggers attend Confederate events. In evening, Susan and Tripp decide to investigate vandalism claims

Sunday May 12 -- Mothers Day activities much of the day.. Flaggers contact Rob about lack of police report. He says he will get it Monday.
Monday May 13 -- About 1 p.m. Tripp  messages Walker about police report. Walker says he was unable to get the report over the phone and would be out of town for the summer and could not produce it in person.

Tuesday May 14 -- In early a.m., Susan goes to Police Department to check on lack of report in person. About 12:55, posts second release with clarification and apology on the Internet.
I wonder which of these steps he would consider "dawdling." And if he thinks this is dawdling, what on earth is his concept of expedite,  hurry, speedy...

There are lots of other phrases we need to go into before we're done with this issue. One of them is "piling on."

Stay tuned.


  1. The level of hatred and mockery thrown at a single individual by the Floggers and their lackeys shows their mounting desperation at the effectiveness of the Virginia Flaggers and their mounting fear that soon the MOC will fold to their demands on the Chapel flag issue.

    Susan is a brave Southern woman, and Karen, Billy, Tripp and the others are all Christian martyrs for standing firm in defiance of anti-Southern bigotry.

    The Floggers themselves and their little Tools and Fools all have to wake up the next morning and still....well, be them. In their place I know I'd be a bitter hateful collections of SOBs under those circumstances, LOL!

  2. "Christian Martyrs"?

    LOL...that is the best I have ever heard. I am glad I am not anywhere near you...I don't want to get splattered when the lightning bolt strikes you.


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