Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Another Screenshot You Won't See At Crossroads

As we all know, Brooks D. Simpson, Professor of History at Arizona State University and recipient of the distinguished award of ... um ... uh ... well ... uh ...(ahem) ... Professor of History at Arizona State University, likes to "tiptoe through the Internet" to find people, usually Southern heritage folks to bash, smear and lie abou-- I mean, to "sample historical understandings about the American Civil War." (Smirk.)

Apparently, what that translates into is spending hours and hours online, fine-toothed combing proSouthern groups or personal timelines on Facebook, blog comment threads, and even comments following news reports, looking for crap he can bring back to Crossroads and misconstrue, lie about, and subject to the derision and hatred of his peanut gallery floggerettes.

Of course, not everything gets hauled back to Crossroads. His interest is in smearing, and if it doesn't smear, it doesn't make the grade. Thus, here is a screenshot you'll never see at Crossroads:

What I want to call your attention to, dear readers, is this sentence from one of Lani Burnette Rinkel's comments: "I plastered what Robert posted on 7 or 8 groups ... But Susan asked me not to, so I deleted the posts."

Keep that in mind that this comes ONE DAY AFTER Simpson's snide, smug post blabbing about Susan employment, and identifying her employer by name on the WORLD WIDE WEB.

I keep reading new stuff at Simpson's blog and wondering, how many times can one go off the deep end before one doesn't come back up?

Now he's pissed off about people attacking Kristen Schroeder Konate, as if only that matters. Of course, he doesn't acknowledge that most of the "attacks" on the thread he identifies are not personal attacks on her, anyway, but complaints about what she's doing which, last time I looked, is speech as protected as hers. (Look, Simp. If Konate can't stand the MoveOn-petition heat, she should stay out of the MoveOn-petition kitchen.)

He's also pissed off about somebody contacting ASU and complaining about him, as if he's not protected by tenure.

Hey, Simp, if you can't stand the attack-blogger heat, stay outta the attack-blogger kitchen.

In the past, on your blog, you jumped on the Tripp Lewis "child abuse" bandwagon (it was "no accident" Tripp's children were with him, you said, remember?) while none of you reported the alleged abuse. Why not? Meanwhile, you and your blog population have a history of welcoming and embracing and embracing and welcoming the comments of some despicable characters (from a child's point of view) without a peep outta you.

Now you attack Susan Hathaway with your speculation and fantasies about her employer and employment, utterly heedless of the damage it could cause her. She doesn't work in academia and she doesn't have tenure. You put this potentially destructive speculation and fantasy on your attack blog where threats, clearly visible through a gossamer-thin veil, have been directly aimed at the Flaggers:
"Well, they should be scared of us, we win at this game, always have and always will. We would like to help put a stop to this flag going up, but we need a little assistance."
I have a question for you, Simp: ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?
As we move closer to September 28, things get more interesting.~Brooks D. Simpson
No, things coming from YOUR side get more desperate, revolting and despicable. And dangerous. Slathering your comment threads with attempts to associate violent white supremacists (eyeholes in sheets remarks, for example) with the Flaggers, who are far more honest, honorable and decent than some in your floggerette peanut gallery, is thoroughly immoral.

Perhaps it's time to take your moral compass in to get re-calibrated....


  1. Connie,

    Thank. I must add that I don't care if people know where I work. It is pretty easy to discover that on their own, but when for no apparent reason they begin to contact my employer, that is whatn I have a problem.

    I have a blog and a FB page that if they want they can contact me there and I will be glad to debate them.
    I also disapprove a anyone calling Susan's place of employment.

  2. This seems oddly like victimization. Corey's place of work has been contacted. I'd imagine the only reason mine has not, given that I work in GA, is because I am not as confrontational on Facebook as he is.

    Susan's information is easy to find online. The LadyLibertyLamp, or, The Liberty Lamp, is an online persona of several of the One People's Project researchers. They operate through words, not violence. You are making a lot of unfounded assumptions based on the little information you have. Granted, giving credit where its due, you are honest in your standards.

  3. It also appears there is a double standard here. You routinely post about Brooks providing who he works for and where. You also allow comments from the Austin/Caldwell/Reed/Jennifer Cotton (depending on what day it is) personality that who gives Kevin's exact place of work. I don't recall the outrage over those comments. The difference is, I have yet to hear of Brooks or Kevin contacting Susan's place of employment. But I have heard, and witnessed Flagger, SCV, and SHPG members celebrate the fact that they contacted Kevin's, Corey's, and Brook's place of employment with much smugness. That is your side Connie. Though I appreciate your honestly and stance in not agreeing with such tactics, it is not our (or what you called "THEIR") policy.

  4. Wow two more weeks to go and he's really losing it. I checked out his page (against my better judgement) and the stuff those people write hardly shock me considering the sort of people they are and what ideals they represent. They can go as low in the gutter as they want because in their minds they are perfectly justified.

  5. Rob -- you, Corey and Brooks are public sector employees, paid by the taxpayers, which means your employment is a matter of public record. Most heritage types contact a teacher's employer (even at a private institution) for reasons having to do with disagreements about what the teacher teaches -- usually history.

    Susan works in the private sector. It hardly matters how easy it is to find her employment info online; Simpson posted the info to his angry mob of blog readers in the midst of a flurry of posts opposing the I-95 flag project -- after a months of derisive posts lying about them (Tripp is not a child abuser. Rob Walker, not the flaggers, was responsible for his fake vandalism report. And on and on.) Why do you suppose he did that. To explain her "silence"? No.

    He has been trying to drum up hate for the Flaggers almost since their beginning. Since the I-95 project was announced, he has clearly gone over the edge.

    The "online persona" you mentioned is anonymous -- how can you know the person using it is actually one of the "researchers"? Maybe the project is non-violent (or claims to be) but it is eminently possible for an individual member to be personally violent; it is also possible for their rhetoric to inflame a reader to violence. This person has publicly implied that the Flaggers are murderers, i.e., KKKers -- or comparable to murderers. He's drumming up hatred for them, too. (That's mainly what Libertylamp's words do -- drum up hatred -- making them no better than the "racists" and "right-wingers" they target.)

    What's going on at Crossroads is the attempt to demonize and marginalize good people to justify doing to them whatever is necessary to stop their mission.

    I can get vociferous in my defense of my heritage, but I don't threaten anybody. That comment from "LibertyLip" as Dave calls him, is clearly a threat.

  6. And in the right to fly battle flags and freedom of expression catagory is a question.

    If the Dakota Indians had a battle flag, would the likes of the "self righteous" Brooks Simpleton and his cohorts deny the Dakota Indians their right to fly the flag?

    Probably, since Abe Lincoln conquered the Indians by ordering 38 innocent Dakota Indians from Mankato, Minnesota hanged in the largest mass murder in American history. It all happen 151 years ago 26 December 1862.

    One of Simpleton and his cohorts' arguments is that conquered people don't have a right to fly their battle flag.

  7. Rob Baker is a DIRTY LIAR. I know of Mr. Levin' s place of work, ONLY BEAUSE MR. LEVIN HIMSELF POSTS IT ON HIS BLOG. I could not give two chits where anyone works.

  8. Most heritage types contact a teacher's employer (even at a private institution) for reasons having to do with disagreements about what the teacher teaches -- usually history.

    I'd recommend asking Corey about the recent contacts to his well as Brooks, etc. So far, nothing at my school.

    Simpson posted the info to his angry mob of blog readers in the midst of a flurry of posts opposing the I-95 flag project -- after a months of derisive posts lying about them (Tripp is not a child abuser. Rob Walker, not the flaggers, was responsible for his fake vandalism report. And on and on.) Why do you suppose he did that. To explain her "silence"? No.

    You'd have a hard time proving malicious intent in a court of law Connie. Her place of employment, etc. is not exactly private information. Just because she works in the private sector, does not make it private information. Nor is the posting of a phone number and/or address. I don't know why he did it, or anything for that matter. I'm not him. Why don't you ask him that?

    To call the statement from libertylamp a threat is, well I'm sorry, it's a joke. No one on that page took it as a physical threat, they did not intent it as a threat. The group itself is very open about their actions. Good luck proving otherwise but to most people it is playing a victim card. Rather than fight back with a "best of luck," you've instead taken on the roll of a crying adolescent claiming someone said something bad.

    People on the other side quite literally drum up hatred. Comments come through your filter all the time, or are posted to numerous heritage groups that are antisemitic (in that they feel the need to point out that apparently Kevin Levin is Jewish). You and others constantly use words as insults, such as "Commie, PC, Fascist, Liberal, Authoritarian, etc. etc. Yet those things are not addressed, and purposely intended to be insults. That's not drumming up hatred?

    The aspects of history that you mentioned earlier, are never cited when your side calls schools. It's usually some rant about how unethical someone acted by being PC, or Liberal, or indoctrinating kids, or hating Confederates, etc.

    Like I said....double standard.

  9. We use our real names too. If you got to use a fake name on the Internet to say something you must be ashamed of it.

  10. @ Robert,

    You mean like Austin who commented above? Who also goes by Caldwell, Reed, Jennifer Cotton, etc.?

  11. Rob, in our culture, our opponents are more likely to call us fascists than vice versa. How is it drumming up hate to call someone a commie, PC, liberal or authoritarian? People who wear those titles don't consider them insults.

    NEVER cited when my side calls schools? How do you know?

  12. And Rob, regarding LibertyLip's threat -- if one of us said something even remotely like that, the outraged screeching in the floggosphere would echo and re-echo for months on end.

  13. 1.) Because you and others constantly use it in a negative context.

    2.)Because Brooks and Corey usually talk about what the call was about. And because those that called brag about the reasons they called. It's on Facebook. The emails have been published as well. To concede that history is sometimes involved, it contact is usually made because someone, somewhere, infringed upon heritage the way evolution infringes upon God.

    3.) Those types of "threats" (your words not mine, nothing there constitutes a threat)are made all the time.

  14. "Maybe the project is non-violent (or claims to be) but it is eminently possible for an individual member to be personally violent; it is also possible for their rhetoric to inflame a reader to violence. This person has publicly implied that the Flaggers are murderers, i.e., KKKers -- or comparable to murderers."

    Just to give a better example of this point, feminists use their misandrist rhetoric of the patriarchy combined with outrageously exaggerated statistics of male-on-female violence to instigate their subjects' minds into a forced bias that only triggers a natural reaction of intense hatred and deep suspicion of all elements and beings that are male. A hopefully achieved eternal distrust of the male for the feminists' behalf. When in fact study after study, after study, turns outs that a man's hand and a woman's hand are often the first to attack in equally documented quantitive measures.

  15. flame.thrower, you're absolutely right about feminism. Feminist mouthpieces are dedicated to evilizing everything male -- leadership, discovery, invention, creativity, physical strength, fatherhood, and especially male sexuality. This is just my opinion based on years of reading and observation, but I think feminist dedication to abortion exists in part because of the intense desire to rid the female body of an invasive substance that is OF a man and put there BY a man....

  16. "Feminist mouthpieces are dedicated to evilizing everything male."

    The Men's Movement is dedicated to accurately recording every single piece of hate spewed out by femiNazis, that of what could be foreseeing prosecution in the near future.

  17. "Feminist mouthpieces are dedicated to evilizing everything male."

    The Men's Movement is dedicated to accurately recording every single piece of hate spewed out by femiNazis, that of what could be foreseeing prosecution in the near future.


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