Monday, September 16, 2013

For the RVA Citizens....


  1. The floggers seem to have flagged out on this issue. Ole baldy hasn't posted in ten days.

  2. Maybe he contracted an STD from one of his jailbait students?

  3. Corey, tell it to the RVA Unity folks. They're the ones who keep talking about "the American flag" "the American flag" "the American flag" -- presumably meaning the U.S. Flag.

  4. I have friends that are Native Americans and are a little radical side at times that don't like the American flag. They also don't like their symbols and likenesses used with sports teams.Far as a flag to be flown or not flown, I leave it up to the individual as to what flag is flown.Living in the metro Atlanta area you can drive around and see an endless assortment of flags. But I then do realize flags flown on public property opens up a whole other line of debate. I have no problem with any flag that has historical relevance being flown on public property. In Georgia could be a Spanish flag,Creek nation flag ect.

  5. An interesting example of how differently people see things. Go into a pub in Scotland and ask about the Jacobite Rebellion. Then go to a pub in East Wessex and ask the same question. You will wonder if they are talking about the same historical event.I also noticed in Italy when talking to older people about WWII and Mussolini opinions between of those in the north and the south vary considerably. I have also noticed the many times going through Cherokee, North Carolina the amount of Confederate flags including the Cherokee Braves Confederate flags flown. That has been what I have experienced from my travels. People see the world very differently, no one world view. Civil war issues in the US are no different.


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