Sunday, September 15, 2013

Oh, NOES!!! What Are We Gonna Do???

Image: Free Digital


  1. The fake, self-anointed, Yankee historians are creating new challenges to their fictionalized version of Lincoln's War of Northern Aggression. From their own admission, without a new challenge, one is invented out of thin air, much like their version of history - invented out of thin air.

    Yankee historians are working hard to define the southern version of history. They know they are failing at their attempts to define/redefine southern heritage and the failure leaves the Yankee historians in a panic.

    The self-anointed of all things historical resort to name calling and personal attacks, and blatant outright lies, while demanding absolute proof from southern historians what is obvious.

    The more desperate Yankee historians become, the more they lose creditability in the real world. Thank you Simpson, Levin, Hall and the fake, self-anointed, Yankee historian crowd. You make the search for truth, and the southern historian's work easy.

  2. The following link ( is:

    A. Virginia Beach vacationers upon learning that Matt Heimbach has been seen in Virginia

    B. Gilbert, Arizona, Lakeside community citizens upon learning that an African-American has been seen swimming in the Lake.

    C. Students from Corey Myers school (90% white/1.1% African-American) upon learning that an African-American is swimming with them in Lake Michigan.

  3. Austin,

    You still have not answered my question as to what school you are attending or what degrees you have obtained.

  4. Corey, that profile photo is, I think, very revealing. In it, you look shocked, bewildered, appalled, frightened, confused, and speechless. What the hell happened? Was that photo taken the moment you learned you had an African-American student in your class?

  5. Corey, what does it matter what degrees he possesses? You write off Professor Clyde Wilson and Professor Wilson earned all your fancy credentials and you still think nothing of him. That game is so dishonest. You must jump through all the whoops to be taken seriously. Professor Wilson jumped through all your hoops and people like you still don't take him serious. Bug off.

  6. Austin, don't answer his question. It's all circular logic. They don't care about your collegiate credentials. Look at Professor Wilson as Exhibit A...

  7. Perhaps Corey would like to explain why people jump through all the whoops to be taken serious by people like Corey and then are just written off like they are amateur scum (like Professor Clyde Wilson)? Huh Corey? You greatly limit who can enter your so-called hallowed halls of Academia then make fun of why so few people with higher credentials think like Professor Wilson. Could it be the Gatekeepers limit who can pass between the gates? That example is another reason why Simpson's claiming of free speech on college campuses is a blatant lie! So Corey, when Austin receives all his fancy degrees like Professor Wilson, what will you then say he is 'missing' from your 'hallowed halls of Academia' when he makes the same arguments as Professor Wilson? I am so tired of Academia's false sincerity and false claim of free speech upon its campuses. End the lies and insincerity.

  8. Johnny,
    I appreciate the words of encouragement, but I understand their false and worthless hypocrisies very well. Corey is basically a putz, and I know that too. When he leaves his white-only school and teaches in Chicago's South Side, he will begin to build credibility. Until then, he is just another loud- mouthed liberal fraud.

  9. The Virginia Flaggers issued something that proudly referred to Matthew Heimbach as one of their own. They were proud because he was awarded some sort of lifetime achievement award from the SCV.

    The obvious questions are:
    1) What did Matthew Heimbach do to deserve the award that the SCV gave him?
    2) Now that everyone knows what type of person Matthew Heimbach is, does the SCV stand by him or not?
    3) Now that everyone knows what type of person Matthew Heimbach is, do the Virginia Flaggers stand by him or not?
    4) When did the SCV find out what type of person Matthew Heimbach is?
    5) When did the Virgina Flaggers find out what type of person Matthew Heimbach is?

    My guess at the answers:
    1) All the stuff he's now known for
    2) Yes
    3) No
    4) They always knew
    5) When Andy Hall asked question #1

  10. Corey *darling*,
    You don't have a degree? Why are you questioning what degrees others have? You know I've already been over this with you and *Bwooks* before. No one here should give any Revisionist Marxist *so-called* historians titles of anything except fraud.

    You only use such titles to belittle others while elevating yourselves over others. You use such titles in hopes of profiting off others. It makes such peopel BIG money, especially Marxists like James McPherson and Twiddly Bwooks. I am quiet sure I can go in my back yard and find some rocks that know more honest history than you Yankee Marxists. And you have the nerve to ask for another's credentials? --roflmao-- at you!

    Michael-- Deo Vindicabamur

  11. Austin,

    That is not even is Sam from Transformers...Shia LeBouf...

    Keep dodging the question.

    Johnny...the reason I asked him is because he declared mine to be fake.

    So know you stuff be for you open your mouth.

  12. Mr. Rogers, most of your questions should be addressed to the SCV.***

    The SCV and the Virginia Flaggers are not the same organization. They may have some overlap of membership, but they are not the same organization.

    I have countered all the "evidence" offered that Heimbach is a Flagger, that he is "embraced" by the Flagger, that he is "warmly welcomed" by the Flaggers, that he is "a member in good standing" of the Flaggers, blah-blah-blah, and all the other untrue slick-glib terms used by Brooks Simpson and his copy-cats.

    If you have not read my counter-arguments, I request that you do, and reconsider your questions in light of my counter-evidence.


    *** I read one account -- I don't even remember where, the issue is so unimportant to me -- that Heimbach attended some SCV event in Maryland wearing a pin or something with a Nazi symbol...or maybe a neoNazi symbol...I don't know, I'm not up to speed on all that stuff. But anyway, a member or officer saw it and said it wasn't welcomed at SCV events and asked him to leave. As far as I know, he left.

  13. Dodging your question Corey? Don't be so bromidic. I flatly reject the very idea that you are entitled to ask for anyone' s credentials. The difference may seem slightly quodlibetic to your unenlightened mind, but then again, I could not possibly care less.

    PS- I didn't answer your question, why dont' you ask again. Oh yeah, the University of North Georgia is a crummy, third-rate school, utterly without distinction.

  14. Austin, if you don't want to share your credential that is fine with me, but don't assume mine are fake.

    And I am not attending the University of North Georgia...Rob Baker is.

    Please try and keep up would you... Thanks

    Mike Lamb...long time.

    I see you still have no argument hence resorting to calling people Marxists. Try reading a history book for once and then get back to me.

  15. Corey, I said nothing, absolutely NOTHING, EVER, about your credentials. What I DID SAY, is that your school is lily-white, just like Levin's, just like Crossroads, and that you phony limousine-liberals fool no one. Or something to that effect. I could not give two chits about your "credentials". I also said, and now repeat, that Baker's University is a miserable, crummy little third-rate school. It is after I made that remark, by the way, that you became hysterical and started screeching and demanding to know where I went to school. Try to keep up, would ya?

  16. Well gee Corey darling, the Marxist shoes fits you perfectly, so I'm gonna slip it on your feet! You are what you are and you can't help it.

    Just for starters, anyone, I say ANY ONE, who believes in the philosophy of interpreting law forcing any group of Sovereign people to do anything against their will is fulfilling a role of Marxist or tyrant. Your revision of history also plays a part in showing this. You espouse the history you believe in order to justify actions against many people who disagree with you. Only difference between you and people such as Bwooks and McPherson is that they have more capability and mastery, mainly by their so called credentials in fleecing the public into believing them. Which is the biggest reason Marxists depends so heavily on people having so called titles of merit from academia before they will even begin to acknowledge them as being educated. It's all a *Buddy System* in order to protect the status quo, keeping the charade going. Sorry darling, I no longer recognize such academic titles. Nor should any other freedom loving person who opposes Marxism.

    Michael-- Deo Vindicabamur

    Michael-- Deo Vindicabamur

  17. Johnny,

    I have never said that Clyde Wilson was a poor academic. I said his views on the war are a bit skewed because he is a League of the South member. Seriously what legit. academic would join such a radical organization. I wonder if Wilson approves of the likes of Matt Heimbach?

    Wilson from what I know of him has done a fine job with the John C. Calhoun papers.

    As far as the freedom of speech on a college campus goes, it is obvious you don't spend much time on a college campus or you would know how ridiculous that statement is.

    If and when Austin gets a degree...apparently he is afraid to discuss it with anyone...he can do what he want, and will be called on his arguments as a historian it those arguments warrant discussion. Simple as that.

  18. It's entertaining to see people explain "Marxism" or "Marxist Historiography," when they have no idea what it is.

  19. It is worth repeating, perhaps, that a fatuous putz grade school history teacher is entitled to demand and judge the credentials of no one. Absolutely no one.

  20. So, Darling Baker; How many volumes of Karl Marx and Frederich Engels have you read? Have you even read the Communist Manifesto and the 10 planks in it? How many philosopher's works have you read in your lifetime?

    To answer your question, you know hardly any, if that. You don't have a clue as to what Marxism includes, or the associated philosophers from which Karl Marx and Engels drew their understandings and writings. You don't have a clue do you? You've never read the 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto, or you would know all 10 of them are fully practiced in the usa today.

    It is YOU DARLING who doesn't have a clue as to what Marxism is. In understanding what Marxism is you MUST first read Hegel and Nietzsche and then read several volumes of the works of Karl Marx and Engels. Do you know how many volumes of works is in the writings of Marx and Engels? Read at least the 3 volumes of Das Kapital. there are many more volumes to read after that.

    Marxism covers many ideologies, NOT just communism. Fascism and socialism are just two ideologies covered by Marxism. Globalism and Fabian Socialism are two more. Marxism itself derives from the philosophy of Humanism. Glad you knew that! You only have the knowledge of what your *so-called* professors such as Bwooks and McPherson tells you as bylines and sound bytes. Essentially all students in public education and college are being taught the same dumbed down, revised way.

    Darling you are IGNORANT and your ignorance makes you a danger to ALL freedom loving people and to all Christian people. Ms Connie Chastain may very well ban me here because of my crude and indignant behavior towards you. But I know that you are evil and the truth is not in you. I know if given the chance you will destroy me and my people, Ms. Connie Chastain included. I will NEVER give you, Corey, Bwooks and your kind credit for anything, because you ain't anything to begin with, except evil. I know your nature and despise all of you for what you are. I expect NO quarters from you, nor shall I ever grant you and your kind any. For I know how any generosity given to your kind will be repaid. There will NEVER be compromise with your kind again either, for that only benefits you. You simply can't compromise with evil.

    So yeah, give me your best shot. But you must do much much better than what ya'll shown me so far. As you've only shown me your ignorance thus far. This is NOT some game which is to result in some agreement. I take ya'll very seriously and treat you as such because I know the results from the past in trying to be polite and compromising. We are two distinct people and I wish NO part of your side and will fight to preserve my side. So get over it, the war is not over BECAUSE you won't let it, as you want be satisfied until you have everything. You want everyone to be your slaves in a collective... Still wanna claim I don't know Marxism? Better do a lot reading before you continue to make your ignorant claims.

    Michael-- Deo Vindicabamur

  21. Michael Lamb,

    I am glad you wont give me any credit, respect, or quarter because I was never looking for you to give it.

    After a rant like that I don't want anything from you.

    Besides I have evil things to do like grade homework....

  22. Mike,

    I must say the excessive use of the word "Darling" is rather creepy, unless of course you're an old Irish man from the movie Glory in which case I apologize.

    I am not, by any means, an "expert" of Marxism but I have taken enough classes and read enough on the subject to know what I am talking about. I've read the Communist Manifesto (I found it quite dull), I've also read excerpts from both Marx and Engles. (By the way, there are not "many more volumes to read" after Volume III of Das Kapital. There is only one volume left, IV, though it was never finished before Marx died). Dragging Hagel and Nietzsche into the conversation is rather moot. They are the most prolific and prominent philosophers in German history, they influence numerous modes of thought right and wrong.

    I never mentioned Communism, not sure why you chose to bring it up. You are also making some gross generalizations the influence of Marxism. Fascism is the most obvious of these. Fascism and Marxism are opposing ideologies. In Fascism, the role of people is to serve the state. In Marxism, the role of the state is to serve the people. Fascists across Europe were violently opposed to different marks of Marxism, creating paramilitary groups to rid the country of the "Communists." Yet none of these things have to do with the historiography of which you are accusing certain historians of practicing, nor have you actually cited the works of Marx or Engles that influence this mode of research, leaving me to restate: "It's entertaining to see people explain "Marxism" or "Marxist Historiography," when they have no idea what it is."

    That is quite an anger problem you have there. It is also quite judgmental for someone claiming to come down on the side of Christians, to call another person "evil". Not to mention the ludicrous statements about my intention to "destroy" something. Get a grip Mike.

  23. What's sad is Corey is not exaggerating. Grading homework is ungodly.

  24. Corey Meyer
    I am glad you wont give me any credit, respect, or quarter because I was never looking for you to give it."

    Corey *Darling*, it's just this simple. It really is. I consider YOU, Baker, Bwooks and EVERY last person of your beliefs the enemy. *IF* it were physical it would be no different than us shooting at each other. I have absolutely no respect for any of you, because I know the evil you are capable of. And as much as possibly, and as much as Ms Connie will let, I WILL destroy you here with my writ, you only having dead orthodoxy as your beliefs.

    You are NOT my countrymen, much less me ever trying to fight for you or YOUR country in order that your kind rule over my people as you have done for the past 150 odd years.

    Sadly one of the problems is most people of Southern culture, heritage and values does not fully comprehend how tyrannical you and people of like mind really are. They cannot see the evil that is the root of your mindset, so they think, to varying degrees, they can make peace with you and everyone live together under some sort of agreement. For example, even if the flagging issue was resolved to everyone's satisfaction. Of course it won't. This has already been tried for many previous years and it's a continual attack against us in efforts for ya'll to promote the mufti-cultural world which ONLY supports a humanistic understanding and acceptance of life. Embracing such dead orthodoxy would be the death of my Christian people and of everything Southern, good and or bad.

    Michael-- Deo Vindicabamur

  25. Part 1
    "Gee Rob Baker, "Darling"

    Have you ever heard of Russian sarcasm? You know if the usa attacks Syria, I'm pulling for the Russians. Can you even begin to understand why? -NO you can't.- It's because you man Lincoln turned this country into an Imperial Empire by his actions. That's the short of it.

    Marx and Engels produced over 50 volumes of works. It is so detailed they give you the most minute of instructions on how to brainwash, propagandize and manipulate people. It is the standard basis for ALL modern contemporary works on how to control people and debauch entire nations, cultures and societies. Every bit of propaganda coming out of the usa today has its roots or basis of concepts in Marxist philosophy. I noticed you never responded concerning the 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto, & them being implemented in the usa; why?

    My anger: I’m angry to a large point, & for many reasons, you being 1 of them. Corey, Bwooks & the rest of your kind are reasons! My people cannot live in peace. You make issues of everything we believe & do. If ya'll have your way we won’t exist. What has really started me into this war against you people is the fact you will never give up until we are gone, whichever way that may be to your cause, knowing full well what many of your Yankee ancestors thought of us, before, during & after Lincoln's War & it has NOT changed today. President Garfield wanted to put Southerners on reservations similar to the Indians, saying a lot of how your mentality works today. Let's just say I now know & understand enuff to know where your government is headed in relation to the world & to my people. You support an Empire that is bent on controlling the world by whatever means possible & your government uses the same basic tactics of deceit today as it used against us in 1861. Supporting ANYTHING the usa is involved, even agreeing with you, is only to my people's detriment.

    My views on Christianity: As a Christian I am NOT supposed to support such evils as you & your government supports. OTOH I am to stand for what is right & if need be, fight for it. With you being my enemy, I think I have been extremely kind to you & your kind so far. But just know this will only last until the country's government crashes due to the great internal strife that is presently boiling within it. While you may see this country as the greatest thing since cornbread & do not realize how close to collapse it is, I and many others do see this. If it doesn't happen then you’re fine. OTOH if I’m right, you are going to have to pay with your lives.

    Michael-- Deo Vindicabamur
    End part 1

  26. Part 2
    My evil, I stand by my statements for many reasons. Mainly I can make such claims because of your dead orthodoxy & beliefs which runs completely contrary to the free will, liberties & sovereignty of man as they seek their own life through self-determination. No, you, Bwooks and the rest of your kind believes in self-determination as a collective. Bwooks said so himself, which proves he believes in many more principles concerning the collective ideology, all of which is finalized from Karl Marx, of which Marx's basis comes from *Humanism*. This makes your orthodoxy just as dead and anti-Christian as say some Jew or Muslim. It was never meant to be this way according to the spirit and literal interpretation of the US Constitution.

    Never apologize to me, I don't accept apologies from my enemy. I’m NOT here to be your friend and hash out differences. I’m here to destroy every belief & thought you have that I can. I am here to conquer your thoughts and mind and to show others, making an example out of you & your kind, how little you really know & how you twist the truth in order to satisfy your twisted beliefs.

    You know nothing of me. Bwooks made the same mistake, thinking I was some great historian. Well I am some great historian, but not who Bwooks claimed. You don't know how many decades I’ve constantly studied history, making it my second life. You don't even know my person library, of which my books run into the hundreds. Nor do you know my personal ancestry, which I have as good a connection to the past, concerning US history as any man anywhere. Then again, I want & dare you to think. I want you to really think about what your beliefs are & what you're really saying & where they really lead society. If it takes sarcasm, I use that on you & your kind. If it takes actual knowledge of history, I'll use that too. If it takes me proclaiming myself to better than you, I'll do that too! Eventually, if it comes down to brute force, in the end, I'll use that too. But whatever it takes to make you think, or to run, or to become agitated & angry, I am here to elicit a response.

    Michael-- Deo Vindicabamur

  27. Mike,

    Your grasp of history is as perverse as your grasp of Communism. If anyone is responsible for the spread of what some call "tyrannical government", then it starts with George Washington and the very beginning of assumed presidential powers. This extends to John Adams, who made it mandatory to have health insurance for seamen. Jefferson, who acted outside the Constitution to acquire the LA Territory, and so on and so forth. Manifest Destiny? Hello? Also, Lincoln, though he may be viewed as usurping the Constitution in a time of war, is not an imperialist. True U.S. Imperialism emerges with the concepts of American Exceptionalism in the Gilded Age, if we are to exclude Manifest Destiny that is.

    I did not address the 10 planks because, to put it bluntly, it is a stupid assertion. If you type in the 10 planks on Google, you will get numerous hits from Conspiracy website telling us about the evils of Communism, and how our Government is Communist in theory. I'm betting you read those a lot Those claims are not accurate to say the least. There are a couple of inferences which can be made, such as plank 10 (free public schools). But that was actually established in America for the first time under the Land Ordinance of 1785 and NW Land Ordinance of 1787. Meaning that Americans advocated public education at the beginning, before the birth of Marx.

    In your immense Library that you claim to have, please provide the citations for such claims as "It is the standard basis for ALL modern contemporary works on how to control people and debauch entire nations, cultures and societies. Every bit of propaganda coming out of the usa today has its roots or basis of concepts in Marxist philosophy."

    I don't really care why you're angry, I was being facetious. You are also making some statements that are completely asinine. I am overly critical of the American government. So you are basing this rant on an assumption that is not remotely true. Sorry. Also, who is "my people" exactly?

    What evils exactly do I, and apparently my government (even though I explained above that I am critical of such things) support? Pay with my life? Get real Mike.

    Your statements about Brooks are laughable. For someone claiming to know a lot about Marxism, you don't know much about Marxism. You realize Marx was against and academic elite, or any type of elite for that matter.

    Good luck getting me riled up btw, currently I just think you're a joke. I'm literally forwarding your comments to other people on Facebook to get a laugh. You're hilarious, keep em coming.

  28. Michael,

    Like I said before...I am glad you don't respect me. I don't want the respect of people like you.

    Unlike you I do not believe you are my enemy. I am not at war with or Connie or David Tatum etc. It should be know that in more than one instance I have helped out Connie and she has returned the favor. When David Tatum had some health issues I aske Connie to send my well wishes to David...which I believed she did.

    I do not hate the people I disagree with...I wish them no harm but the opposite...

    I am capable of evil. Cool...I wonder if I have the Force Choke like Darth Vader...that would be so cool. Do the Sith Lords have the Sith version of Jedi Mind Tricks...let see...Michael are you dancing Gangnam style? Remember these are not the droids you are looking for...

    LOL...thanks for the laugh!

  29. Mike Lamb writes...

    "But whatever it takes to make you think, or to run, or to become agitated & angry, I am here to elicit a response."

    Mike, can I just laugh at that a acceptable response. Heck, its the only one you get from me.

    Again, thanks for the laugh!

  30. Rob, Brooks' obsession with Susan's red shirts is rather creepy...

  31. Corey, what is wrong with the League of the South? You have me at a loss.

  32. So now the kid who was "educated" at Carter-Newsome University (whatever the hell it is), informs us that Marx opposed any and all elitism. Who, I wonder, if not the intellectual elite, were supposed to read and understand "Das Kapital"? The kid, sadly, has a sloppy comic-book understanding of history, and thinks absolutely nothing through.

  33. Johnny, your at a loss on a great many things. I am sure you don't see anything wrong with the I won't waste my time telling you.

  34. Johnny, where Corey refuses to answer, I think I can. Below is the statement of purpose of the LoS.

    ""We seek to advance the cultural, social, economic, and political well-being and independence of the Southern people by all honourable means."

    The problem is immediately apparent, and it is discovered in the use of the word "Southern". To prove this, let's conduct a brief experiment. We will simply change ONE WORD from the statement of purpose. Let's see what happens

    ""We seek to advance the cultural, social, economic, and political well-being and independence of the African-American people by all honourable means."

    See? Now if that one-word was changed, the lily-white limousine-liberals at Crossroads would wet themselves with approbation. Let's try again:

    ""We seek to advance the cultural, social, economic, and political well-being and independence of the Hispanic people by all honourable means."

    See? Once again, the lily-white limousine-liberals at Crossroads would roar with approval at such a statement. Just one word. That's all it took. Let's do one more:

    ""We seek to advance the cultural, social, economic, and political well-being and independence of the Native-American people by all honourable means."

    Funny how that works, isn't it? Just change that one word, that one little word, and the lily-white limousine-liberals would go from excoriating the statement as hateful, bigoted, and discriminatory, to foaming at the mouth with the highest praise possible.

    Flippin' miserable hypocrites.

  35. Ya know Baker, I can't help it if you're ignorant. I can't help what you profess to be, even if it is a Marxist. I can't help it if you believe in the tooth fairy. You are free to believe whatever you so desire, but I know the curtsey doesn't run two ways. That's also what helps make you a Marxist. You believe in the *collective*, and the will of the majority imposed upon all without due process. Oh sure you can claim some sort of deviated due process but there is always an excuse like the many you gave in your post. I particularly liked this excuse you gave, "True U.S. Imperialism emerges with the concepts of American Exceptionalism in the Gilded Age, *if we are to exclude Manifest Destiny* that is."

    So now your excuse is dependent upon excluding bits and pieces according to suit your needs. Duh, that's a key component of revisionist historians using Marxist tactics. The point being you can't exclude what's there in order to make your point.

    You deny the truth due to your ignorance and arrogance. You can only believe the history that creates your fantasy world and how you want people to be in it, and you try and force those beliefs onto everyone as a collective.

    Here is a good example of your ignorance in a comment to me, "In your immense Library that you claim to have, please provide the citations for such claims as "It is the standard basis for ALL modern contemporary works on how to control people and debauch entire nations, cultures and societies. Every bit of propaganda coming out of the usa today has its roots or basis of concepts in Marxist philosophy."

    IF you had any knowledge and sense about you and the drive to actually read history instead of repeating propagandized sound bytes, you would have read enuff of Marx to know his more detailed writings and what he was teaching/espousing. You would have also known the 10 Planks of the Communist Manifesto are in practice in the usa today. I now don't believe you've read hardly anything of Marx's writings, as you don't show it in your knowledge.

    Instead you are ignorant as a door knob and laugh when those truths are pointed out to you. My statement is commonly understood by all those who understand what Marx is teaching. It is self-evident! It's actually "Collectivism by Force" which also includes deceit and that deceit depends on YOUR ignorance.

    So Darling Baker, when you laugh at me, you are only showing your own ignorance and arrogance, which is typical Yankee stupidity.

    Michael-- Deo Vindicabamur

  36. Carey Darling,
    "Like I said before....I don't want the respect of people like you."

    Well gee whiz, you don't deserve any! You'll not get any title of educational merits from me either. You're just another *DUMB* door bell hanging on a door. Same applies for Bwooks.
    "Unlike you I do not believe you are my enemy. I am not at war with or Connie etc."

    Your beliefs and soul are at war against us, physically you are correct at this moment. Your philosophy of life itself is opposed to our way of life and understanding. This in itself makes us two distinct and opposing groups of people. And you can't see that. Try reading what Calhoun and others had to say about those differences. They are fundamental differences of core beliefs, concepts, culture and heritage. I share absolutely nothing in common with you. Matter of fact I want my people to separate from your kind, and many of my people desires the same, and have since before 1860. This desire has never changed in all those years. And you can't begin to understand this except to argue over technical issues, twisting law and history to suit your needs. It is MUCH deeper and more complicated than that. It's NOT a matter of just separating from you, our existence as a distinct people depends upon it.
    "...know that in more than one instance I have helped out Connie and she has returned the favor."

    I'll even admit when you are right, or Bwooks or anyone. The truth is the truth regardless. And I have more than once bit on some pro Southerner or State's Right activist who said something I disagreed with. Last week I gave a so called Dr. Donald Livingston a nice go round. Supposedly one of the Abbeville's finest, who supposedly teaches at Emory University. So I don't limit myself to just one side.

    I also wrote here here earlier about Bwooks and Billy Bearden. I had no problem agreeing with Bwooks on the specifics. However I did question Bwooks motives.

    Just because I don't accept your man awarded credentials doesn't mean I can't agree with a statement you may make. Matter of fact ya'll have memorized many facts regarding dates, places, people...etc. as well as anyone. Your studies of the battles are as great as anyone. Bwooks are even you would make a good tour guide. BUT, you don't know your history and there is a BIG difference in knowing certain events and understanding the causes and effects behind them.
    "When David Tatum had some health issues I aske Connie to send my well wishes to David...which I believed she did."

    So? That doesn't mean you don't wish to control him and his personal beliefs as he states them in public. That doesn't mean you do NOT oppose his philosophy of life or what he cares for. You must make the connections and understand the difference between the physical and the spiritual (or emotional and personal beliefs if you do not accept the spiritual aspect.)
    "I do not hate the people I disagree with...I wish them no harm but the opposite..."

    Again the distinction must be made between the physical and the mind/spirit/beliefs.

    As for hate; do you know the intricate terminology and *Etymology* of the word? It is Greek used generally in reference as *misos*. Basically hate being the absence of love, though in modern usage it would be closely related to *despise*. So yes, I hate many things. I hate the way this government controls people for its' own goals. I hate the people who supports a government that is committed to the destruction of personal liberty and sovereignty, just to name a couple.
    "I am capable of evil. Cool...I wonder if I have the Force Choke like Darth Vader...that would be so cool.... Michael are you dancing Gangnam style? .."

    I suggest you learn what evil constitutes. You may find it being as different in understanding as were your thoughts on hate.

    Michael-- Deo Vindicabamur

  37. Corey, seems like you are unable to articulate your argument. It's okay. I forgive you.

  38. Corey, If you, Brooks, Kevin, and Andy love Blacks so much then why do you live in such White neighborhoods. Also, why don't you, Brooks, and Kevin teach at an inner-city school that is predominately Black in a high-crime area. Just curious, since Southerners who practice that wimpy White flight stuff are just ole racists. The League is fighting back Corey. We will win this war...

  39. Carey Darling
    "Again, thanks for the laugh! "

    You laugh because of your own ignorance.

    Michael-- Deo Vindicabamur

  40. Corey Darling, you make such asinine statements...
    "I am sure you don't see anything wrong with the I won't waste my time telling you."

    You being a *collectivist* and Marxist, of course you would see everything wrong with the LoS. It teaches all the things you are opposed too. You know like State's Rights and the literal interpretation of the uS Constitution. It also above all things supports the succession of states from the forced federal union, and you can't stand that because of your Marxist mindset.

    Where ya'll lose your fight is by the fact that you deny the rights and sovereignty accorded man to his own self-determination. To justify your self-righteousness you revise, twist, mis-construe and lie about history in order to justify your collective self-righteous ways. You give NO consideration to other people except for you gain. This is why some of my fellows are so pointedly pointing out Bwooks and your real racist attitudes, from the numbers of different races, especially blacks in your neighborhoods to where Bwooks sends his children, to how many are in your classes. You use race as your excuse for control of others. Again this was taught in detail, by Marx and Engels, on how to incite racial tensions and hatred in order to remold and support the Marxist agenda. It was first used with devastating effects in Russia during the Bolshevik Revolution. And it all came from Marx's works!

    But there is much more to this. We can ask; what makes a person wish to enslave his fellow man, not by physical means, but by governmental servitude for a common cause? What do you gain from such selfish beliefs?

    Prestige maybe? Power? Money? A more comfortable lifestyle? Whatever your gain there is a reason for your basic thoughts and they run counter Christian theology as well many related philosophies, going back to Socrates himself. It also goes against the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God and it goes against one's unalienable rights. I would say this is more than enuff to call such people who supports such governments evil and tyrannical. And you are one of'em Darling.... Just as evil as the devil himself. So too are your buddies Baker and Bwooks. And that is why none of you can stand the LoS of anything Confederate or anything Southern, including our religion, culture and heritage. And you are dedicated to destroying it! That is why you are really here.

    I can have a laugh at your expense though. I know your country is about to explode, just like Jefferson Davis said would happen. That's why the war really isn't over. It's only took a physical break for all sides to regroup and re-consolidate. You have a rouge president in power who is like the Lincoln he so much adores. Both are power hungry and war-mongers. Most likely your country will soon be at war with Syria and Russia. And I'm backing the Russians! No lost cause there! Putin has already mentioned about arming the Texas Separatists, and he needs too. For if the states don't secede from this unholy union, the evil emanating from Washington DC is gonna destroy all of society in a great war. Most likely though this time it will be a real civil war. This is what YOUR beliefs and Marxist collective nature has brought upon all people in this nation. So yeah, despise the LoS all you want, because it's working against your core beliefs of making government slaves out of everyone.

    Michael-- Deo Vindicabamur

  41. Johnny, re: your question to Corey: "If you, Brooks, Kevin, and Andy love Blacks so much then why do you live in such White neighborhoods. Also, why don't you, Brooks, and Kevin teach at an inner-city school that is predominately Black in a high-crime area."

    The reason they don't do that is because they are liberals. What that means is that if you say nice things about black people, and sympathize with their history of oppression, and vociferously put down white racists and white racism, you can keep your liberal, anti-racist credentials WITHOUT HAVING TO ASSOCIATE WITH BLACK FOLKS.

  42. Michael and Johnny...when you refer to me as a "collectivist and a Marxist" is only show that you have no argument.

    I do believe in self-determination, but not the type that is gained on the backs of others.

    Have you paid attention to the LoS lately...they are in bed with former members of the National Alliance...Neo-Nazi's. They will lose this war...its not even a contest.

    Michael writes... "We can ask; what makes a person wish to enslave his fellow man"

    Have you ever heard what Alex. Stephens said was the Cornerstone of the Southern about Hypocrisy.

    Why don't I live in a black neighborhood. I don't know...blacks just don't live here...they are welcome, ask them why they don't live in my neighborhood. And, why must there be neighborhoods for whites or blacks...why can't there be just neighborhoods with neighbors in them?

    It is funny that you mention the Laws of Nature and Natures God...was just teaching about that in my U.S. History class the other know that we have natural rights and that they are God-Given and cannot be taken away. Hard to believe...but it just proves that when you call me a have no argument.

  43. Ms Connie,
    What you say is true to point. However the real reason is they are not just liberals but Marxists. Being such they only use racism as an excuse to further their agenda.

    If you think about it, their assertions of equality are quiet stupid. They know that as a whole blacks scores less than any other racial group of people. (The WHO reports openly admits that black IQ, on average, is borderline mentally deficient.) They also know that blacks as a whole are responsible for a far larger disproportionate number of crimes in most all areas. They know that violence is worse in black neighborhoods also.

    They can make all the excuses as to why this is so that they wish, but it doesn't change the fact that it is so. Because of such things it it only sensible to these Marxists to separate themselves from as many of them as possible, yet using their suffering and excuses for their short-comings as a guilt trip on others in order to fulfill their Marxist agenda.

    This tactic is nothing new, as I stated earlier concerning the Bolshevik Revolution and how they used racism to drive a wedge between society by sending people on a guilt trip.

    Michael-- Deo Vindicabamur

  44. Okay, I will be fair here. Corey, I disagree with 99% of what you just wrote. However, your post read more conversational than argumentative smartass jive. I asked a sincere question. I received a sincere answer as if we were just sitting down talking. It's the only post in our many encounters I have enjoyed reading. I have a gay older brother, so it was almost as if I was sitting down talking to his partner. We will just have to agree to disagree. I will not bring up the question with you again. I have made my point. You were kind enough to respond. To labor the point would just be rude...I will admit that Corey does try to have a dialogue here. A compliment to him.

  45. "...To labor the point would just be rude...I will admit that Corey does try to have a dialogue here. A compliment to him. "

    Corey as well as the rest of his ilk are only here to intimidate and try and make ya'll look the fools. There is and never will be no meaningful dialogue between those type people and us. They are here only in hopes they can destroy every once of credibility you and we have.

    All of you ABSOLUTELY MUST understand they are your enemies and are to be treated as such. For if they had the power they would destroy EVERY LAST thing you hold of value, including your soul! Once you realize this and act appropriately in your responses to them, much of their asinine and pretentious writings will stop.

    These people, plus people such as Bwooks writes against us and against you here simply because they know they can get away with it, which is because of ya'lls attitudes that you are still friends in some sort of way.

    Personally I wouldn't pee on any of'em if they were on fire. Personally I don't care what happens up North, if New York City or any Yankee state is nuked off the planet. And I would never ever fight for them or their government. They ARE NOT our people. They subjugated all of us and by killing, raping our own people, and they took and destroyed our property in the process, enriching themselves at our expense. And now they call us traitors because we won't kiss their @$$ for the inhumanities they've done to us! Folks you better take these people seriously for a change, for their attitudes have NOT changed! Only the times and the arena has changed. They still have that same evil within them. So you better learn to properly deal with it before they actually do destroy all of us.

    Now do I seem hateful? Do I hate what has hated me and my people in the past? Do I hate the same type of people that supports these similar sentiments today? Well I'll say this much, I have absolutely no love for them! And the absence of love is HATE!

    Corey Darling, I know your real thoughts, your inner-self. You see I've read most of Karl Marx's works and I know his weaknesses in his philosophy. And I will use it against all of my people's enemies, especially you and the likes of Bwooks. Your humanism is about to destroy you.....

    Michael-- Deo Vindicabamur

  46. Mike,

    I'm sure it makes you feel superior to throw out such insults, but it really reinforces the fact that you do not know what you are talking about. I'm not a Marxist, never have claimed to be, never use the rhetoric to be one. Your propensity to call others 'Marxist' clearly shows your juvenile mindset.

    No, the exclusion of "Manifest Destiny" or Westward expansion, is based on a few things: 1, Manifest Destiny is correctly identified as "Continentalism,"; the intent of Westward Expansion was to create states of equal character to those already in existent (unlike imperial colonial holdings); and finally, because Abraham Lincoln was against Manifest Destiny. So no, it wasn't exclusion based on a Marxist tendency, which you've yet to define. It is excluded simply because MD is not Imperialism though it does share some characteristics. The two however, are not mutually exclusive. Your cries of Marxism based on one word is the proverbial "grabbing at straws."

    You have a rather perverted view of information passed onto a collective. What would you call Christian ideology passed down by the SBC, Catholic Church, UMC, etc. Mike? Are you really advocating a utopian society where every opinion is right and every opinion matters? What say you of the individualist that claims gravity does not exist? Are people to let one believe such lunacy rather than educate him otherwise, for the sake of avoiding what you claim is a collective mindset? Get real.

    I'm sorry Mike, in your attempt to call me a fool, you've mishandled an attempt to quote me. Sad. You also avoided the question. I get that calling people ignorant is enticing for you, but you failed to answer anything opting to say "If you thought as I do" [paraphrase]. So you preach about conforming to collective, but say that others should think as you....interesting.

    On a parting note, I'm not a Yankee. And you've yet again shown that you've no grasp on Marxism, Marxist Historiography, or History for that matter. Keep them coming, Mike. I'm enjoy the laughs.

  47. Robo Cop Darling, I know I am superior to you; OK? I know you are NOT my equal; OK? So dispense with trying to insinuate it in order to justify your claims I am not smart. You are actually becoming offended and short tempered because I am exposing your real self.

    So, now you vehemently deny being a communist, or Marxist, or socialist, or fascist. I and others knows for a fact you are not Capitalist and you do not support a Republican form of government. So instead of me having to explain what all these terms really means, and since you haven't read to understand the 10 Planks of the Communist Manifesto, I'll ask you to explain; what do you call yourself?

    We know you support a democratic government which is a main basis for Marxism, but we'll let you explain your own use of the word, in your own words. You support business as is applied today and you call it Capitalism but is is NOT. So you explain that too! You believe in equal voting rights when people are not qualified to vote, even people who cannot read or write, and people with low IQs, and that is definitely not a Republican form of law as which this country was founded upon. So why not explain this too?

    And while you're at it; how about explaining all these other SOCIALISTIC programs like Social Security, Medicare, and now Obamacare and how you support them.

    And finally, do tell us how you support the rights of the few to replace the rights of the many in what you believe to be a democracy where the majority rules? How can you support the FORCED rule of some over others in consideration that one or a party has to assent to their governance, but they have rejected it.

    By forcing such onto others, you have assumed the authority as being a dictator and tyrant in your views over others. But you use your democratic ideology in justifying your actions and beliefs. This also amounts to you adhering to the tenets of Marxism which espouses those same principles, all of which DENIES the self-determination of man.

    Michael-- Deo Vindicabamur

  48. I'm sure you think these things Mike, but I really find you hilarious. As Corey said, if you are "superior," what makes you so because all you've exhibited here is ignorance.

    I and others knows for a fact you are not Capitalist and you do not support a Republican form of government

    I love how you insinuate such things but then ask me what I tells me that no matter how I answer, your mind is already made up.

    In voting, currently my ideology shifts towards Libertarianism (Gary Johnson camp). I hold high the aspects of personal freedom but I acknowledge that one's personal freedom should not trample the rights of others and such is the need for a government. This also makes me a Free Market Capitalist of the Hayek school. I believe the economy is an organic function, yet I do acknowledge the need to protect people from impoverished conditions, or a "safety net" theory. Though I realize abuse of such a system leads to welfare states.

    Republicanism also has roots in democracy through the process of citizen voting. Marx declared Communism as a super democracy but his idea is never implemented which is why there is a difference between Marx's Communism (Marxism) and Communism (Soviet, N. Korea) that we know today. I support Republican government as a preventative to mob rule, and I support Capitalism. However, the system today is a mixture of wrongful regulation, a lack of regulation in right places, and corporate greed. Meaning that the regulation the government institutes has a lot of "show", but doesn't serve to protect people, government ignores areas of regulation where people need to be protected because of lobbyist money, and the corruption of corporations that create monopolies and oligopolies with government apathy.

    I've never stated that I support any of those programs, nor do I want to go into detail about why I support or do NOT support each one of them.

    Again, I don't assert those things. You are asking questions based on assumptions which shows me your mind is already made up.

    Again, babbling assumptions I've never made.

    Thanks for the string of assumption, all of which are false.

  49. I'll make my points very simple.

    I believe the Floggers are latent homosexuals yearning for an intimate touch with some dead Confederate soldier.

    Or, the Floggers possess latent sexual desires for Susan. Brooks may fall into that category with his obsession with her shirts.

    All the Floggers' use of high church words cannot conceal the eroticism trying to escape their primal bodies.

  50. Rob, I haven't been reading the feud comments. Is there something in particular sticking in your craw?

  51. Nothing particular, but perhaps your should moderate more often. What would I know, I'm apparently just a latent homosexual necrophiliac(something Johnny considers an insult).

  52. Rob, didn't you post some where on this blog site you were ignoring me until I shared my real identity?

    So Rob, I am obeying your wishes to ignore me. Get lost loser.

  53. Rob, remember these comments you directed at me: "Johnny, UnReconstructed, I'll answer your questions if you say who you really are."

    Rob, you chose to ignore me. Not a problem. Why don't you just continue ignoring me? I'm not playing this silly game with you where you get to pick and choose to comment about my posts. You chose to ignore me. Be an adult and ignore me.

    Regarding Connie's blog, if you don't like her 'moderation,' then go somewhere else. What is up with you people? Why the obsession?

    Rob, quit acting like a little child. Let's go back to ignoring one another.

  54. What a curious comment.

    I never said I was ignoring you. I refuse to answer personal questions from someone hiding in anonymity.

    You take this as some sort of insult and instead throw out obscene insults. Perhaps you are the one who should grow up.

  55. I'm sure most everyone thought I had tucked tail and ran off, but I assure you that was not the case. I've been laid up the past several days with a kidney stone. I ended up at the hospital. My health is not good as I have many health problems, yet I try and make the most of the time allotted me. Over the years this has given much extra time to study history, far beyond the abilities of most people, including most so-called professors of today.

    As for Robo Cop's comments:

    "I'm sure you think these things Mike, but I really find you hilarious. As Corey said, if you are "superior," what makes you so because all you've exhibited here is ignorance."

    That's your beliefs, not mine. Yet you fail to consider in your own ignorance that everyone is NOT to supposed to agree on everything. Your thoughts are of the "collective," whereas all people think along one set of directed guidelines, including revised history. I have to ask you what you are because no matter how I label you, you will deny it, just as you have done so far. So I simply reverse the process and let you tell us so I can point out why you are NOT what you claim.

    "I love how you insinuate such things but then ask me what I tells me that no matter how I answer, your mind is already made up."

    Of course I have to ask, because YOU deny the truth. I cannot specially label you a Marxist except by your own actions, by what you say and how you act. You show the traits, you walk the talk, so-to-speak. Your problem really is, you don't how involving and varying are the concepts of Marxism. Marxism is not the simple definitions and bylines as taught in public education. Yet you and many others use those bylines as a quick reference in denying your own principles.

    END PART 1

  56. PART 2

    "In voting, currently my ideology shifts towards Libertarianism (Gary Johnson camp). I hold high the aspects of personal freedom but I acknowledge that one's personal freedom should not trample the rights of others and such is the need for a government."

    All well and good, except, "libertarianism" also includes the ideology of big government, although it is based upon slightly differing concepts than a Constitutional or Republican form of government. That is also why you have two parties that appear to be somewhat equal but in reality quiet different. Those parties being the Constitutionalist Party and the Libertarian Party. A libertarian can be for a strong and large Fed Gov just as well as opposing it. It depends on the person, which is the reason you named Gary Johnson as whose philosophy and ideology you agree with. Yet I also find you actually opposing some of his views.

    Regardless to how you label yourself, you still believe in an all powerful central gov and law's based NOT on a Republican form of gov but a Democratic one. This simply shows your tendency as leaning towards *Humanism* which then manifests itself into different roles relating towards society. If I am wrong, you would be extolling the virtues of personal freedoms, liberties and sovereignty. All this being based on the individual, NOT the collective, which the collective is exactly what Bwooks espouses and you too, so far. If I am wrong here, then you would have NO problems with people who wishes to fly the the Saint Andrews Cross(aka the Confederate Battle Flag) You would have no problem in letting people determine their own fate and how they wish to live, the culture and heritage they wish to promote and how they go about supporting it.

    "This also makes me a Free Market Capitalist of the Hayek school. I believe the economy is an organic function, yet I do acknowledge the need to protect people from impoverished conditions, or a "safety net" theory. Though I realize abuse of such a system leads to welfare states."

    As a Constitutionalist I understand the usa gov has NO authority over the commerce by economic means. There is a *Commerce Clause* in the US Constitution, but that pertains to a different understanding that what is being practiced today. It is the States, each of them that determines how business will be conducted within their state. The Fed Gov is to only ensure that it is fair amongst all the states. Meaning any state can regulate business much as they desire, but the us gov ensures one state's claims and authority in their state is NOT extended to other states.

    What you have today as an economic system is actually *State Capitalism* which is very close to the Fascist economic system, whereas the Fed Gov grants, restricts and taxes all forms of business, dictating practically everything a business can and cannot do. It is then left tot he public to take their risks by buying stock and supporting the life of any such business. All the while the Fed Gov takes a larger and larger share of the profit's from the business.

    END PART 2

  57. PART 3

    "Republicanism also has roots in democracy through the process of citizen voting."

    That purely depends on how the Law would be written and enforced. You need to understand what the term *Republican form of Government* is before you start adding by lines, extending it.

    Republican form of Gov itself simply means, "Rule by Law." You have a set of guidelines that are followed in carrying law. Everyone is to be held equally accountable to these laws unless specifically noted.

    Democracy simply mean, *Determined by vote*. This in itself is never a good idea. It doesn't set any guideline for government, nor does it take into consideration the abilities of people who vote, unless specifically noted. There is NO rule of Law in a Democracy, as any law can be decided by a vote and no one be held accountable except as determined by the vote.

    Of course you have full and limited democracies. Which can mean something as simply as not letting anyone under a certain age vote. But hey, a person's intelligence or education has nothing to do with being able to make educated decision, much less a wise one. This is why I am all in favor of Jim Crow Laws. It it also why the usa is today a country ran as an oligarch, where the masses have found out they can enrich themselves from the public's largesse. You show no such tendencies in wanting a fair and representative gov.

    "Marx declared Communism as a super democracy but his idea is never implemented which is why there is a difference between Marx's Communism (Marxism) and Communism (Soviet, N. Korea) that we know today. I support Republican government as a preventative to mob rule, and I support Capitalism. However, the system today is a mixture of wrongful regulation, a lack of regulation in right places, and corporate greed. Meaning that the regulation the government institutes has a lot of "show", but doesn't serve to protect people, government ignores areas of regulation where people need to be protected because of lobbyist money, and the corruption of corporations that create monopolies and oligopolies with government apathy.
    END PART 3

  58. PART 4

    You make such claims but you fail to deliver in your acts. Again, you follow the ideology that everyone must follow as a collective. You are actually here trying to suppress the thoughts and actions of people you disagree with. It really boils down to the fact that there are two main groups of people in reference to government. One wants as small a gov as possible and as open and limited as possible, all in order to allow people to be themselves, and to let problems settle themselves at the local and state levels. The other side being all for large government or a controlling government that is bent on dictating what are people's *privileges* while revoking their Constitutional rights. If you understood this you would know and would support the rights of those Confederates here and elsewhere, in their claims of flying whatever flag they wish and honoring their people in whatever way they wish. Yet you are bent on vilifying anyone who does not follow and accept your principles and beliefs.

    "I've never stated that I support any of those programs, nor do I want to go into detail about why I support or do NOT support each one of them."

    Just doing a check to see how far along in Marxist ideology you were. Of course it would have been easier to prove your Marxist ideology if you had listed one. Nevertheless you still show your Marxist leanings and that is enuff to label you.

    "Again, I don't assert those things. You are asking questions based on assumptions which shows me your mind is already made up."

    Of course my mind is already made up. I already know what you are and I have been pointing it out for others to see. You are simply hiding your Marxist philosophy and ideology behind other forms of political concepts.

    You cannot truly represent freedom and liberties of people unless you let people be themselves, letting them sort out their own problems. Once government intervenes, they will consumes everyone's rights and liberties and re-dispense them as privileges.

    I am going to repost an article about the Saint Andrews Flag under the topic, "The Truce Is Over". You should find that very interesting. -END

    Michael-- Deo Vindicabamur

  59. Mike, there is nothing in your rant worth reading. I browsed the first paragraph and it only proved my initial hypothesis. Your mind is made up. You've tap danced around every answer I've given, searching, clawing at the very fiber of it in order to half-way turn those answers into a big government/anti-Communist rant.

    There is no point in arguing with you, you're a moron. Have a Dixie day.

  60. Robo Cop,
    "Mike, there is nothing in your rant worth reading....."

    Of course there is nothing to respond too, as you can't oppose the truth. You are stuck with the label as pinned to you because that is what fits. No matter how you try and twist the truth or lie about it, no matter how you dice it, you're a *collectivist* which is a main part of Marxist philosophy, of which the Marxist philosophy is composed of Humanism.

    Being labeled a Marxist is very general terminology used in representing many, no almost all forms of social engineering and welfare concepts. Anything having to do with allocating the progress and livelihood of society among society is a form of Marxism no matter how small the initial concept, and that initial concept ALWAYS enlarges in scope and impact upon that society until that society becomes a full fledged socialist society. The usa is far past this stage today.

    When ever anyone hears such keywords used by Marxists as; racism, unity, democracy, freedom, rights, patriotism, self-determination...etc.. it should automatically be understood that those concepts are ENTIRELY different in meaning than originally ordained and meant by people who actually stand for independence and individual self-determination among man.

    The concept aligns itself among the duality of man, each type of man seeing and accepting freedom and liberty in entirely different ways. While both of our groups do in fact claim to stand for freedom and liberty, both sides are in opposition as to what constitutes freedom and liberty. My way is old way, based upon principles that are actually Christian based, and even unto the original and real Jews. Your ways are based upon modern concepts whose principles are based in Humanism, of which everything is relevant to the times involved. You are NOTHING but a modern day Humanist and historical revisionist who believes freedom and liberty is to be voted upon and decided by a majority. That the writ history is to be decided by only a few chosen people. This way you can keep all the people in line, knowing and understanding ONLY what you want them to know. And that is because people make good sheeple in following blindly.

    You see Robo, this Southern Confederate battle you're fighting against goes far beyond any war that was fought in 1861. It was exactly as the great Southern leaders proclaimed, that Lincoln was fighting over much more than any slaves, for even Lincoln denied that slavery was the actual cause of the war. It was over State's Rights verses Federal Rights and who had the final say so in how the US Constitution was to be read, literally or figuratively. The war is not over, it has never ended, only the times has changed and in an enlarged arena.

    Even as we speak, as your country crumbles down around your feet, know this, you can fool some of the people some of the time, you can fool a lot of the people, a lot of the time, but can NEVER fool all of the people all of the time! That is because the truth is deathless, you cannot kill it. The self-righteous attitude of the Yankees has led you to the hopeless state of the country today, and all those Southerners you despise had nothing to do with the fate of this country after they lost Lincoln's War!

    Michael- Deo Vindicabamur

  61. I look forward to the day our enemies our evicted from the South. Rest assured, were they to possess more power, they would pull an anti-Golden Dawn on us. Arrest us and evict us from our own country.

    Imagine a Third Worlder considered more 'Greek' than a native Greek. I suppose Greece is now a propositional nation. Unreal.

    Unlike my colleagues, I don't waste my time with debate and intellectualism any more. Beware the Southern Dawn.


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