Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Truce Is Over

I'm posting a speech by Dr. Clyde Wilson, from 2003, because it has never been more applicable.

We allowed our heritage to be suppressed for several decades -- sometimes
because we were cowed, sometimes because we were simply trying to be courteous. But our attempts at courtesy were far too often met with a bootheel in the teeth,
Now, we are increasingly facing down intimidation with righteous anger and determination.

The Virginia Flaggers are proving to be an electifying example of courage and purpose for Southern heritage advocates. The raising of the I-95 Battle Flag has inspired others all across Dixie to repeat this event, and big Confederate flags will be rising  from one end of Dixie to the other.

But we must never lose sight of the fact that we have enemies and they hate us. As Dr. Wilson notes, "We have been for several years now fighting brush fires instead of realizing that we are in a war---a cultural cold war with an enemy who wants us dead. Our Confederate heritage is being banished to a dark little forbidden corner of American life labeled 'Slavery and Treason.' ... If we are going to save our heritage it will have to be done by us. After us, it will be too late."


Dr. Clyde Wilson's Speech at the Order of the Southern Cross banquet, 
SCV National Convention, Asheville NC 
August 1, 2003

As the direct descendant of a private in the 42nd NC and a sergeant in the 20th NC, I am honoured to talk to a group descended from notable officers in our War of Independence---or the War to Prevent Southern Independence, as I like to name it.

Nobody gave me any orders as to what to talk about, which is a happy situation. I am going to talk about "Southern Heritage Then and Now," about the place of Southern heritage in American life.

We all know that before and during the war, and during Reconstruction and for years afterward, our ancestors were officially the demons of American history. We were the evil people who tried to "destroy the greatest nation on earth" because of our lust for slavery.

This is easy to believe if you start out with the assumption that everything Yankees do is always righteous and that, obviously, any people who don't want the inestimable blessing of being governed by Yankees are by definition bad people.

There were always decent Northerners who decried this bloody-shirt mentality. It was, interestingly, the Northerners who had actually fought in the war who wanted to treat defeated Southerners with respect and to do what they had fought for---restore the American Union--- rather than continue to oppress, exploit and slander the South.

Joshua Chamberlain at Appomattox saluted the defeated. He later wrote of the Confederates: "There stood before us . . . the embodiment of manhood, men whom neither toils and sufferings, nor the fact of death, nor hopelessness could bend from their resolve...." And he remembered his feeling was not of triumph but rather that ALL Americans should fall down on their knees and beg forgiveness.

Another hard fighting Union soldier, Ambrose Bierce, was enraged by a Republican orator who wanted to prevent the decoration of Confederate graves. He wrote these verses:

The brave respect the brave. The brave
Respect the dead; but you---you draw
That ancient blade, the ass's jaw,
And shake it o'er a hero's grave.

But such generous foes then were a minority.

In the 1890s things began to change. A truce was called to which most Northerners and Southerners subscribed in good faith. It was symbolized by Charles Francis Adams Jr., who in 1907 made a speech on the centennial of R.E. Lee's birth called "Lee, the American." This speech was delivered in Boston and Charleston and others places. (Charles Jr. was the only one of the Adamses who actually fought in the war, by the way.)

The TRUCE was also symbolized by Fitz Lee and Joe Wheeler and many Southern volunteers joining up for the war with Spain and by joint reunions of Union and Confederate veterans. And by D.W, Griffith, the genius of early American cinema and son of a Confederate soldier, who produced "The Birth of a Nation," which combined a sympathetic account of Southern experience with an admiring portrait of Lincoln.

The terms of the Truce went something like this. Northerners agreed to stop demonizing Southerners and to recognize that we had been brave and sincere and honourable in the war, even though misguided in trying to break up the Union. Northerners agreed also that Reconstruction was a great wrong that would not have happened if Lincoln had lived. And they willingly accepted Confederate heroes like Lee and Jackson as AMERICAN heroes.

For our part, Southerners agreed, in exchange for a little respect, that we were glad that the Union had not been broken up and that we would be loyal Americans ever after, something which we have proved a thousandfold since.

And both agreed that the war had been a great tragedy with good and bad on both sides, a great suffering out of which, thankfully, had emerged a better and stronger United States.

The Truce held pretty well for a long time, till past the middle of the 20th century. I have seen a photograph of Franklin D. Roosevelt making a speech before a huge Confederate battle flag. Harry Truman picked the romantic equestrian painting of Lee and Jackson for the lobby of his Presidential Library. Churchill wrote admiringly of Confederates in his HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH SPEAKING PEOPLES. "Gone with the Wind," book and movie, was loved by audiences worldwide.

If you look at the Hollywood movies and also the real pictures from World War II, you will see battle flags painted on U.S. fighter planes and flying over Marine tents in New Guinea.

Well, my friends, that truce is over.

Let me tell a few stories from recent history. George W. Bush, while governor of a Southern state and running for president, sent his henchmen in the middle of the night to remove two harmless UDC plaques from a state office building. Governor Pataki of New York banned the true Georgia flag from the display at the state capitol.

More recently, Vice-President Cheney refused to come to the funeral of a longtime respected Congressman if that Congressman's wishes to have a Confederate flag and "Dixie" at his funeral were followed. The Secret Service was on hand to make sure that the VP was not embarrassed by any display of evil symbols of the Confederacy. (Nevertheless, a few months later, he came back and South Carolinians gave him a dinner at which they contributed $300,000 to his campaign chest.}

These are not leftwing multiculturalists. These are so-called "conservative" Republicans. These are people who could not have been elected without the votes of Confederate descendants.

I could spend the rest of the month talking about the total unconditional surrender of Southern institutions to organized hatred of the South. Right now, there is a carpetbagger who holds an endowed chair in history at a major Southern state university who teaches that America would be a better place if Southerners had been exterminated at the end of the war. Another carpetbagger in another endowed chair in history in the South teaches that so-called Southern honour was nothing but crude, violent suppression of dissent.

Another teaches that Southern women did not really support the war and their menfolk, but were in secret rebellion against the white male ruling elite. Another teaches that every favourable thing we believe about our ancestors' courage, skill, and honour is a "Lost Cause Myth," a pack of lies made up after the war to cover up our evil and failure.

When the Confederate flag controversy was raging in my state, some 90 historians in the state signed a statement which said that the Confederate flag represented slavery and nothing but slavery, and that that was not an opinion but a "fact" established by their expert knowledge. The unstated premise was that South Carolinians are deluded about our own history and need to be corrected by wiser people.

Of course, many of these historians were in other fields and knew nothing about the War. Some were recent imports from strange places like Burma or California. Their position did not rest on study and knowledge. It is a party-line that you must agree to to be a member of the club of so-called "experts," an officially proclaimed "truth" not too different from what used to pass for history in the late Soviet Union.

But my main point is: The Truce is over. Those times are gone, gone, gone. Yet many of those who are charged with the defense of our heritage are living in a dream world, pretending that it is still 1950. The breaking of the truce has nothing to do with us. We did nothing to cause it. We kept our part of the bargain. It has happened because THEY have changed and THEY are in a mode which requires them to scapegoat US--- and not for the first time in history.

We have been for several years now fighting brush fires instead of realizing that we are in a war---a cultural cold war with an enemy who wants us dead. Our Confederate heritage is being banished to a dark little forbidden corner of American life labeled "Slavery and Treason." And incidentally, all the vast admirable contributions of Southerners to American history over four centuries are redefined as "American" and not really "Southern."

The people who are after our heritage are not folks we can win over by presenting historical evidence and assuring them that we are good, loyal Americans free of hate. They could not care less about truth or heritage. In fact, they don't even know what we are talking about when we speak of honouring heritage, that is, respecting our forebears. We are not in an argument over the interpretation of the past. Our very identity as Southerners---today and tomorrow, as well as yesterday---is at stake.

If I am right, what should we do? First, I think, we need to embrace and claim all of Southern history, from Captain John Smith and Pocahantas right up to this moment. The four years of war, as important as that is, is only a part of the long history of Southern people. The SCV summer camps are a great idea. So is the "Lincoln Reconsidered" conference recently sponsored by the Virginia SCV and other groups and the League of the South summer institute. We need many more such events where respectable scholars can be mobilized to challenge THEIR, our enemies, mythology. We ought to commission a thorough, comprehensive documentation of Union army atrocities, which are now being played down as insignificant, and perhaps mount a campaign for reparations---for after all, Southerners are a people who have been, and still are being, economically exploited through the whole existence of the United States.

But most of all, we need to reorient our thinking and fight this war rather than the last one. And I must say, many of those Southerners who have the most power and influence have betrayed the Southern people and left the real fight to be carried on by blue collar Southern white males, who have less public power than any group in the United States today. We need action from Southerners who have influence, who make campaign contributions, who can call up governors and state legislators and newspaper editors and put on some real pressure.

In one of the the greatest of all war films, the 1964 "Zulu," there is a scene just before a few hundred British soldiers are attacked by thousands of war eager natives. An anxious young soldier asks: "Why us?" The veteran unflappable old sergeant major replies: "Because we're here, son, that's why." We are here. If we are going to save our heritage it will have to be done by us. After us, it will be too late.

Dr. Clyde Wilson is a retired professor of history at the University of South Carolina and editor of The Papers of John C. Calhoun.


  1. Well, Well, Well...the truce has been over for 10 years...good thing you reprinted this Connie...apparently no one knew.

  2. Good related article here by AL Benson.

    I've heard similar from people in Europe. They know about what the Saint Andrews Flag stands for, more than does over 95% of Americans. The Confederate Battle Flag ALWAYS flies somewhere in any place of contention. It is and will remain forever, the flag of Freedom... It's flown in every country fighting for its' freedoms, by those who cherish freedom.

    I know a lady from Bosnia, a Christian. It flew there among their people when ole George Bush was supporting the Muslims and sending them aid to persecute the Christians there. Try asking here what that Confederate Flag represents?

    It's flown in many African countries by blacks, yet I never heard of them claiming the flag as being racist. It flew over the Berlin Wall as it came tumbling down. It's flown in Ireland and in Catalonia and in China. Funny how the Marxists are always the main ones who are opposed to this flag; isn't it?

    Michael-- Deo Vindicabamur

  3. Mikey,

    How can the confederate flag be a flag of freedom when it was the flag used by the soldiers of a "nation" dedicated to slavery?

  4. "How can the confederate flag be a flag of freedom when it was the flag used by the soldiers of a "nation" dedicated to slavery?"

    Huum, very, no extremely ignorant statement.

    Maybe you should ask all them people in all them countries; why they fly and accept the Saint Andrews Flag as the flag of Freedom? Or is it that they know something you don't? Or is it YOU who knows something they don't?

    Better yet; why wouldn't those people use that rag, the Stars and Stripes as their flag representing freedom and liberty, since they had a choice? Did you ever stop to consider that all people who really fight for freedom and liberty are opposed to the usa gov, that the usa government represents tyranny to them? And that rag of flag you call the Stars and Stripes has flown over many more slaves than any Saint Andrews Cross or Confederate Battle flag ever has.

    Which flag has been responsible for more deaths and human suffering? Which flag flew over slave ships that were owned by Yankees? Yankees that wouldn't follow the law and still tried to illegally ship slaves into the South? Which flag is it that now represents oppression worldwide? By now, if you weren't so ignorant, you would see all those people realize the usa is nothing but a cruel joke, claiming freedom while actually enslaving the people under a tyrannical government, and that government works towards the DESTRUCTION of freedoms and liberties worldwide.

    That's why those people proudly fly the Confederate flag. And you can't stop it, much less kill it. That Confederate Battle Flag will be acknowledged long after your rag flag slides into the ash heaps of history! And it makes you sick to even see or consider such thoughts.

    It's not about slavery, and never has been, it's about freedom and liberty, something you can't fathom in your world of Marxist ideology. You just use racism as a pretext in order to deceive people into bowing to your *collective* wishes.

    Michael-- Deo Vindicabamur

  5. Here is the flag honored by the Floggers, Simpson, Levin, Hall, Meyer and many others. Pictures are worth a million words.

  6. Our enemies will never respect Professor Clyde Wilson. Let it be a lesson to others. You can talk and show facts until you're blue in the face.

    I gave up a long time ago on debate and intellectualism. There is only one thing our enemies will fear...

  7. Reading Connie's posts here, it is clear Corey does possess more honor than any of the other Floggers...

    Commence the firing from my fellow pro-Southerners because I dare offer Corey a compliment...

  8. Corey Darling,
    Upon reflecting a little further upon your comment, which is besides my initial response, I have one more looming question for you.

    You *supposedly* claim to be some type of revisionist historian, so I ask; In all of recorded history where has one race of people went to war against their own race of people in order to free another race of people? Or better yet; Where in all of recorded history did one race of people go to war against their race of people, in their own country in order to free another race of people?

    It ain't never happened yet and it ain't going too! It can be the by-product resulting from other reasons, but not the reason in itself.

    OTOH-- Let's just say you are right for a moment, even though you ain't. If you were right, then the usa government should have acknowledged such from the beginning and after freeing the slaves, then they should have left the South as the separate and independent country it claimed to be. But you see, Carey Darling, that just can't be either, because if that were true, then the usa would automatically be condemning itself as being an Imperialistic power that invaded and destroyed another sovereign country, and voiding the very Constitution it claims to be upholding.

    I know the full answers to the above Corey and you do not. You cannot answer the above without condemning youself, everyone who believes as you do and the entire usa government. Simply put Corey Darling, you are in a pickle that you cannot get of. No matter your excuse history does not bear your excuse out as reasonable or truthful. And that's another reason why that Confederate Battle flies proudly within many nations and countries on this planet, because it stood for the antithesis of what your rag flag stands for, which is greed, self-righteousness, immorality, ungodliness, arrogance and every other foul and evil oppression in existence.

    People around the world are far smarter than you Yanks give them credit for Corey Darling. Look one last time as your country disintegrates around you. Ya'll caused it, not us. We were just trying to get out of it so we wouldn't get caught up in it, but ya'll had other plans...

    Michael-- Deo Vindicabamur

  9. Johnny,
    Do not expect to change any of their minds or opinions! Never debate an adversary thinking you are gonna change their minds or prove them wrong. That is the first and worst mistake committed among novice debates.

    When you debate an opponent, think of not, NOT trying to change their minds, but rather using them in making an example of how wrong they are to others who may be observing or reading the debate. Make an example out of your opponent.

    Also note, instead of letting them dictate the topic, take control of it yourself. Don't just respond to their accusations. The best way to understand this is to simply try and think as they do. It's not hard as their mindset is very simple. Show them from the basis of their thoughts, what drives them to make their accusations and claims against you and us. All people has their own religion which is simply the practice of their faith. Their faith coming from their core beliefs, being principles and dogma. If you understand what I am saying, then you know these people base their entire lives on a completely different set of values and principles than we do, and it is NOT Christian, not even by the ones claiming to be Christians. It is HUMANISM, and Humanism is the basis for Marxism. Meaning all you really need do in the debate is show the audience that your opponents stands for the opposite of what they really claim, and they are hiding their true intent. If you noticed I done this very thing to Robo Cop and he has NO answer, no excuses, no nothing. Instead he gets offended and aggravated and tried to brush off these attacks as meaningless. And that is all well and good, because what he can't see, many many other people do see and understand. He's hung his own self and he doesn't even realize it.

    Finally note: Be on your best behavior with little vileness and profanity. You make the greatest impressions by being and acting as a gentleman. Make your comparison against your opponent as being more civilized and mature than he is. Challenge him and slight him, claim your superiority over him, but don't cuss and use vulgar words. And just maybe, sometimes, there mite actually be a real lady reading these posts who would be impressed by one's gentlemanly manners.

    Michael-- Deo Vindicabamur

  10. "Reading Connie's posts here, it is clear Corey does possess more honor than any of the other Floggers...
    Commence the firing from my fellow pro-Southerners because I dare offer Corey a compliment..."

    The enemy NEVER receives nor deserves the first compliment. Fore any compliment offered them does not bid you any special favors for your cause. You grind them down into the earth until they are powder, and no more.

    Lest we forget, "Truth crushed to the earth is truth still and like a seed will rise again." Do you really want us to have to go through that again? If not I humbly suggest you completely annihilate your enemies, showing them NO kindness, honors or mercy. You are fighting them for your very existence, and it is NOT a game!

    Michael-- Deo Vindicabamur

  11. Corey,

    How can the US flag be a flag of freedom when it was the flag used by the government and soldiers of a "nation" that condoned slavery, genocided some Indians, and imprisoned others in concentration camps artfully called "reservations" in conditions worse than plantation slavery?

  12. Mikey...

    Well it seems you have all the answers and know all the why not just sit on your thrown of knowledge and be quiet? lost when you refered to me as a Marxist again. Just cannot help it...with lack of an argument labeling me a Marxist is all you have ...then you throw in the pickle thing in order to try and trap me. I respond at a later time...need to compose my're so funny.

  13. Connie,

    It is the flag of freedom because despite its failures, we continue to make those wrong right.

    IE: 13-14-15 Amendments, Reparations for Japanese who were in those camps.

    Sadly the American Indian's treatment is a dark spot in our history that we have not fully come to terms with and much work needs to be done in that area.

  14. Very nice quote from Al Benson's webpage (link above)

    "I found it interesting that while Communism was struggling in Eastern Europe in the 1990s there was an “emergence” of Confederate flags over there. The media didn’t spread that around, but I saw photos, some of which were undoubtedly “missed” by the “lamestream” media. In fact, when we lived in Illinois my wife worked in an office with a girl from Romania. Now my wife had a small Confederate Battle Flag taped to the front of her desk, and when the Romanian girl first came in she said to my wife “You have a freedom flag on the front of your desk.” That’s what the Confederate flag meant to her. She’d seen it in her own country and it was carried by those espousing freedom from Communism for Romanians. I doubt the Romanians thought too much about the race question."

    Thanks for posting this link.

  15. Corey, the so-called flag of freedom continues to fly over the wrongs its government commits.

    How about the half-million Iraqi children who died as a result of UN sanctions imposed by the US and Britian? Sooo, who are we gonna give reparations to fifty, sixty years from now? They were children, they died too young to have had children of their own....

    And how about the Pakistani children killed by US drones?

    Your flag of freedom drips blood.

  16. Johnny UnReconstructed said... Reading Connie's posts here, it is clear Corey does possess more honor than any of the other Floggers...

    Johnny, I agree: See this: Credit Where Credit Is Due

  17. Corey Darling,
    Me be quiet? Just for starters, you need educating, that's why.

    "LOL...with lack of an argument labeling me a Marxist is all you have.."

    Why are you so disturbed over being called a Marxist? Most all of Lincoln's followers were Marxists, although the designation didn't exist at that time. The radical Republicans were hard core Marxists of their day, so wear your badge proudly.

    You're too arrogant and self-righteous to see your own ignorance. You're proudly proclaiming to everyone you are a Marxist in beliefs; why deny it?

    You show this simply because of your mentality. You deny the true freedoms and liberties as unalienable rights of man. Of course you'll disagree.

    1-When one claims that society MUST work and obey when unlawful and unconstitutional laws are abridged, as well as never being addressed as being wrongs.

    2-When a sovereign and free people are treated as a collective and denied their unalienable rights to their own sovereignty.

    3-And when those same people has their lands invaded, their property looted, destroyed and burned, their women, children and old folks murdered by those claiming to be fighting for freedom and liberty, who were the ones who actually broke the laws of the US Constitution of which denied the unalienable rights of man.

    4-Who then forces them them sign and say a pledge of allegiance to a government that just finished invading, conquering, stealing, destroying and murdering them, to be faithful to the government then IMPOSED upon them AGAINST their self-determination and free agency.

    5-After which they are then treated as second class citizens, while having their local communities and state governments restructured and molded into a new nationally and Federally based government.

    6-After being fleeced by the carpet-baggers for more of their money and lands, all the while being forced to serve under a national government that is detrimental and completely contrary to their way of life, in reference to how they were once sovereign citizens having unalienable rights.

    7-Of which today, those same people who done all those things above in conquering a separate and free people, of which now they are trying to extinguish every last trace of that culture and their heritage and even their faith in their God.

    THAT IS WHAT YOU SUPPORT COREY DARLING! That is what makes you not only a Marxist, but a tyrant unto yourself.

    You and your kind completely fail to realize, understand and much less accept the fact that SOVEREIGN people retain the right to do as they so desire and that INCLUDES their state if they decide so by the vote.

    Who in their right mind; only a fool would agree to any contract that bonded his posterity without due process and their sovereignty, as individuals or as a whole to an agreement that they could never opt out. Would you sign a contract that bonded all your posterity to a contract in which they were forced to abide? You would be worse than a fool if you did, you would be downright evil!

    Or stated this way for today in comparison to what is left of us real Southerners:As for me: When you beat someone into submission and rule by force and fear, all you have is tyranny. You have destroyed their dignity, their loyalty towards you, and their God given right of Sovereignty(Choice, their free agency), trying to reconstruct them in... your own image is a big fallacy. It didn't work on the Scottish, or the Irish, or the American Indians, and it didn't work on MANY of us Southerners.

    “then you throw in the pickle thing in order to try and trap me. I respond at a later time...need to compose my're so funny."

    You didn’t answer the question; nor do you care too.

    You are a Marxist because you have the mentality of Marxist philosophy and ideology. And you will not hesitate to use force in achieving your goals. Your principles and beliefs are the anti-thesis to freedom and liberty, yet you hide behind its’ veil.

    Michael—Deo Vindicabamur

  18. Michael says..."1-When one claims that society MUST work and obey when unlawful and unconstitutional laws are abridged, as well as never being addressed as being wrongs."

    Examples? Civil War era or today?


  19. Mike Lamb

    Have you been reading Lincoln's Marxists and Uber Allies?

    That is the only thing I can think that would you make quite the dumbest statement I have ever heard....

    "Why are you so disturbed over being called a Marxist? Most all of Lincoln's followers were Marxists, although the designation didn't exist at that time. The radical Republicans were hard core Marxists of their day, so wear your badge proudly."

    Your comments 1-7 are just stupid. You make an assumption that the south did nothing wrong. It didn't defend slavery? It didn't enforce the gag rule in congress for almost a decade? I didn't refuse to accept a constitutional election in which they lost? It didn't It didn't fire the first shot? IF you can say yes to all of these then I guess your statements are not foolish. But you cannot...and your continued assumption that I am a Marxist is only making you look the fool you are.

  20. "Examples? Civil War era or today?"

    Then, now;
    What's the difference?

    Michael-- Deo Vindicabamur

  21. Have you been reading Lincoln's Marxists and Uber Allies?

    And what difference does that make?

    That is the only thing I can think that would you make quite the dumbest statement I have ever heard....

    That's because you blatantly deny the truth. You see and believe only what you wish too.

    "Your comments 1-7 are just stupid."

    They are just as valid as anything physically existing. There are volumes of information available. Your denial will never hold any validity among anyone who isn't already biased with your thinking. Only those that wish to deny history and revise it to suit their/your own purposes will agree with you. Remarkably arrogant statement you made. But of course Yankees are known for such, and I would expect no less from evil.

    "You make an assumption that the south did nothing wrong. It didn't defend slavery?"

    It's NOT about slavery, it's about sovereignty and the unalienable rights of a free people. You're changing the subject.

    "It didn't enforce the gag rule in congress for almost a decade? I didn't refuse to accept a constitutional election in which they lost? It didn't It didn't fire the first shot?"

    You're changing the subject again. We're not talking about any pretexts, we're talking about the law, the Constitutional Law. Lincoln, regardless of what pretext you use, he committed TREASON. He broke the US Constitution. He lied. He led a faction of a government that was officially dissolved against a free and sovereign people. And it is he and those who support him that has blood on their hands, not us who opposed him. They knew what he was from the start.

    Reminds me today, and Obama being the modern day Lincoln. I can easily feel and understand the thoughts of my people when they had to put up with the likes of Lincoln. No different today with Obama, except we have no part of this today, and we are guiltless from what you've brought on yourselves with such people. YOU ruined our country and now you are ruining what is left of yours. You have no one to blame but yourselves.

    "But you cannot...and your continued assumption that I am a Marxist is only making you look the fool you are."

    You still have NOT stated one single thing that supports your claim that you are not a Marxist! Not ONE single thing! And we haven't even got to you being a Humanist yet... And you say I am looking like a fool? I would like to have a jury of non-biased people who weren't familiar with either sides portrayal of history to judge our comments. If you reread all your statements, you have only denied my accusations and never presented anything proving otherwise, except trying to continually change the subject to slavery. I wonder why? Trying to avoid the issue maybe?

    Michael-- Deo Vindicabamur

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Michael,

    I don't have to prove that I am not a claim I am so you must prove that I am.

    Same goes for being a humanist.

  24. Marks a Little...
    "I don't have to prove to you I am not a made the claim you need to prove that I am. Good Luck with that.

    Same goes for being a Humanist..."

    But I have ALREADY proven you are Marxist and Humanist! Well I didn't prove it, ya'll proved it on yourselves. I'm just stating what ya'll are showing yourselves as being to others. It's ya'lls responsibility to prove your actions and intent is different or other than by what you merely claim. What's the saying; if it waddles like a duck, and it quacks like a duck and it looks like a duck, then it is a duck! Cuz it sure ain't no cow!

    So then, you act like a Marxist, doing the things a Marxist would do. You think like a Marxist, your ideals and philosophy following Marxism. And your appearance of the way you uphold your positions looks of Marxism. So you are Marxist regardless to what you think you are. The same applies to Humanism also, BECAUSE humanism is the basis for Marxism!

    Most all things ya'lls side does shows each of you to be of the Marxist and Humanist mindset. Even some of your most hardened leaders admit they are, including James McPherson for starters. And your Bwooks openly states such by his beliefs that self-determination concerns the *collective* and not the individual. And it's also a basis for anyone who claims no states are sovereign retaining the unalienable right to secede.

    You see, Marks a Little, it is your deeper beliefs and values, your inner principles that makes your mindset follow those Marxist and Humanist concepts. You can no more help believing the way you do than I believing completely opposite than you.

    Every man having the capability and ability to live independently also retains those unalienable rights to vote and form the government of their choice, to abolish it at any time, and at the levels that were established as they concerned his locality, state and region. But NOT at a level whereas those designated areas forms a compact, or Confederation or Union, of which they are only tools used to enhance the function of specific agreed upon areas for the mutual benefit of all.

    Forcing people in any one region or state to follow *Federalized* Laws in another region or state is not only tyrannical but evil. By forcing such cruelty without a strict and proper Due Process, with checks and balances only means the Federal concept is used as a tyrannical tool and is a simply a clear act of Marxist totalitarianism, forcing a diverse and multicultural people to act as one homogenized society. And you see the results of such actions all around you today. And it's all straight out of Marx's philosophy and writings.

    I find it quiet funny and pathetic that it is your kind who hollers racism racism, and equality equality, yet it your kind that are the real racists. Fore you're too dumb to understand that no two people are created equal, yet Marx teaches equality throughout his writings. (Google it and see.)

    Better yet, here is a short article on Marxist Equality. Why don't ya'll read and learn about your true selves...

    Michael-- Deo Vindicabamur

  25. In my last post where I stated, "But NOT at a level whereas those designated areas forms a compact, or Confederation or Union, of which they are only tools used to enhance the function of specific agreed upon areas for the mutual benefit of all. "

    I am saying that it is the state's or locality's responsibility to affect change or abolish or reject government at this level through the direction of their people. This is NOT a direct form of contact between the individuals of a locality, state or region and any compact they align themselves through their local government. It is a matter between government and how they interact as agencies among other governments. This is why it was originally considered that one's state was one's country and their actual government.

    Michael-- Deo Vindicabamur

  26. Wow, I have never seen a long line of bullshit in my life. So do you think that since I am a Marxist (snicker!!) that I don't teach the Constitution in my US History Class?

    Also, I would love to see some sources on some of your claim. Quotes from McPherson, statements I have made that prove this Marxist Theory.
    You said...Forcing people in any one region or state to follow *Federalized* Laws in another region or state is not only tyrannical but evil. By forcing such cruelty without a strict and proper Due Process, with checks and balances only means the Federal concept is used as a tyrannical tool and is a simply a clear act of Marxist totalitarianism, forcing a diverse and multicultural people to act as one homogenized society. And you see the results of such actions all around you today. And it's all straight out of Marx's philosophy and writings."

    You got some examples?

    LOL...this is fun!

  27. Corey Darling,
    You're only miring yourself deeper in your own horse dung....

    "..So do you think that since I am a Marxist (snicker!!) that I don't teach the Constitution in my US History Class?"

    Did I say you didn't teach the Constitution? Of course you teach it! It is to your advantage to teach it. The real problem is the Marxist concepts behind how you teach it, as you interpret it. I mean this in how you teach the US Constitution as NOT being a literally interpreted document, but rather as a figurative or *Living Document*. The latter concept is Marxist as Marxism teaches that everything is RELATIVE. Everything depends on what a majority or the power in charge at the moment determines any interpretation to be.

    In a literal interpretation there is nothing specific to interpret other than the meaning or terminology of the writ itself.

    Take the General Welfare Clause for example. You will teach it is for use among the people as individuals, thus allowing all these social programs such as SS, Obamacare, HUD, and all these other federal agencies for individual public assistance And it can even be extended in the area of civil rights which actually opposes unalienable rights.

    The Constitution grants the feds the right to “provide for the general Defense and General Welfare of the United States”. The liberals, in order to advance their propensity for dictating and evasiveness, have twisted it to mean ”General Welfare OF THE PEOPLE”. (everywhere else in the Constitution when it was meant ‘for the people’ it SAID ‘for the people’!)
    BUT, if one pays attention, they will notice that there has been a marked increase and a concerted effort in shifting the power away from ‘We the People’ to the central government since the beginning of the new millennia. So, is it literally or figuratively interpreted? Literally it is for the individual states to apply any such welfare reforms as they see fit, NOT the fed gov.

    Of course you teach the US Constitution, but as a *COLLECTIVE* document that socializes society instead of liberating them. It's all in the way you interpret it. That's also where you lose on the States Right's issues per the 9th and 10th Amendments. If'n it ain't stated, then the right belongs to the state and the people. Is it stated that states cannot secede? Are there laws against it in the US Constitution? OTOH is it treason for the US Gov and the president to attack any state?

    As for your buddy James McPherson.

    I really liked what he wrote here, near the bottom of page 781 and top of page 782.

    James McPherson appears in many socialist websites and blogs with articles and interviews. For more info simply Google, "James McPherson socialist".

    Michael-- Deo Vindicabamur

  28. A Concept or two of socialism.
    But of course Corey Darling loves the idea of spreading the wealth as well as the misery.....

    Michael-- Deo Vindicabamur

  29. funny.

    Your links to McPherson are a joke. Neither one of them show he is a socialist...just that you think he is a socialist. One is from a text book that covers what socialists did etc. Historians who right about socialism are not necessarily socialists...

    As for you prognostication of how I teach the Const. is way off base. But nice try...LOL

    And can you explain to me how it is treasonous to attack a state. I think you know where your going to or coming from...but I need a good laugh. Remember the states Lincoln "attacked" were in Rebellion of the Laws of the US.


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