Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Crossroads Carnival of Malice, Part Two

         In one of the cases under discussion, someone made a bad mistake, is paying for it, and it trying to move on and move forward. You would think that at this time of year people who profess to be Christians would understand the meaning of their faith, instead of showing an unseemly glee about the whole business. But we would never understand just how base these people are if they did not have the freedom to show us their character and how they practice the faith they claim to follow.

        It’s not as if damaging personal information about some people in the Confederate heritage movement (including a story about a sex offender) doesn’t come into my inbox. I don’t see the point in going after them: why lower myself to their level? Chastain wasn’t interested in the welfare of children: she was just interested in playing the bully. Same with her chorus. Not that is should come as any surprise … but, again, it’s the freedom to express oneself that alerts us to just what sort of people they are.

~Brooks D. Simpson
Let's look at some of this a bit more in-depth.
You would think that at this time of year people who profess to be Christians would understand the meaning of their faith, instead of showing an unseemly glee about the whole business.
No glee on my blog, folks. The glee -- the rabid, frenzied glee is found in posts and comments by B. Simpson, BParks, LibertyLamprey and others about Carl Roden.

It is utterly fascinating that Simpson is defending a man who was arrested for soliciting children for sex as "someone who made a bad mistake, is paying for it, and it (sic) trying to move on and move forward" but excoriates Carl for writing a fanfic love story fourteen years ago. And how did Simpson likely find the fanfic?

He found Carl's handle, "Darth Roden" in a Facebook post, and he (or somebody) googled it, like I googled Mike Confoy.

Here's what Simpson found:

Here's what I found:

So, Simpson is doing BACKGROUND CHECKS on heritage folks and then splashing them all over his blog -- multiple times (in case his dumbed-down sycophants don't get it the first time).

He and his frenzied floggerettes think that what HE found is BAAAAAD, but what I found was  "mistake."

He piously sez, "It’s not as if damaging personal information about some people in the Confederate heritage movement (including a story about a sex offender) doesn’t come into my inbox. I don’t see the point in going after them: why lower myself to their level?"

Who's level? I didn't "go after" anyone. The point wasn't to go after Simpson's "good friends" featured in the news reports. The point was to show the utter hypocrisy of BParks, LibertyLamprey, Simpson and the rest, and their disconnect from integrity -- for falling down and having seizures of hate about FICTION but saying nothing about one of their cyber-colleagues who IN FACT, in REALITY, solicited MINORS for SEX.

They didn't know about it? They do now, and the loudest screechers are silent about it, except Simpson, who is treating 14-year-old fanfiction as WORSE, morally, than soliciting minors for sex ("a bad mistake"). 

Maybe it was a mistake -- I don't know. All I know about it is what was in the online news story and an email I received. But even if it was a mistake, it is still so greatly more more immoral than a fanfic love story written by a 23 year old guy 14 years ago, they're not even on the same page...not even in the same book, really. 

What's truly sad is that the flogger and his floggerettes are so warped by their hatred of Confederate heritage that they can't see their own ethical disconnect.

(In the credit where credit is due department, Kristin Konate expressed appropriate dismay over the Confoy revelation. We're still waiting for BParks and Liberty Lamprey to express theirs.)


Simpson comments:
Yes … but now the members of the VMFA are on notice that a Flagger tactic is to conduct background checks, and that the person conducting them is Susan’s “heavy hitter.”

Somehow I don’t think that will go over well, especially as people who work on the grounds there read this blog.
I wonder if they enjoy his flog as much as I do!  So who put the VMFA members on notice? Simpson? I've wondered if there isn't some kind of  "friendship" between Simpson and the VMFA that would account for his obsession with the VaFlaggers -- an obsession his fellow floggers don't seem to share. An occasional post is all you see out of them anymore. I wonder if, secretly, they're embarrassed by Simpson's mania seen in his 104 posts about the VaFlaggers (actually more than that now)... They may even share some or all of his views about the VaFlaggers, but they seem content to leave the unhinged addiction and the showcasing of it (the flogger version of "heavy hitting"?) to him.

But I wouldn't want him or VMFA members to be disappointed, so ... here's yer VMFA background check:

1 comment:

  1. I wonder how many struggling students get Extra credit for doing "research" work for Simpson ?


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