Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Obsession Continues...:)

It's a slow news day in Richmond when a tenent/landlord dispute makes the news.

The VaFlaggers haven't cut any trees in several weeks.   Must've been the tree fairies...


  1. You know that no tree were cut because you were there...either you know what is going on all the time or none of the time Connie, you can't have it both ways.

  2. "....either you know what is going on all the time or none of the time Connie, you can't have it both ways."

    What a bizarre claim. Are you, um, imbibing?

    I'm not having it "both ways." You floggers do love that false dichotomy, don't you. It's either ALL this or ALL its polar opposite. (You do know all-or-nothing thinking is a cognitive distortion, don't you?)

    There IS a third alternative and I can, and do, have it.

    I know what's going on SOME of the time.

  3. Simpson & Son's are slam eat up with it. Scoffing about "Ya Can't see the Flag" now it's Trees "are" being cut. According to Corey " you can't have it both ways"
    Corey also seyz _ " You know that no tree were cut because you were there."
    Can I get an interpreter ?
    Connie were you in Richmond or Chesterfield, or Suffolk ?

  4. Dave, I traveled through Richmond on a charter bus, going to D.C. for the Inaugural of the 104th Congress on January 4, 1995.

    That's the only time I've ever been there. I think I may have been asleep, both going up and coming home, when we traveled through Richmond.

  5. Connie, when asked before about things the flaggers were doing you claim to not know what is going on with them 24/7. But now that there is a little negative press you seem to know that there have not been trees cut in weeks.

    So which is know or you don't know?

  6. Poor Corey, I mean max, I mean, who are you this week? Grayson didn't cut the trees down neither did anyone associated with the flaggers. Someone needs to go take all of floggers money for slander in court. Give it time.. then the filthy flogger will shut its hole.

  7. What negative press about the VaFlaggers? As far as I know, neither the landlord or the tenant in that dispute are VaFlaggers.

    "Connie, when asked before about things the flaggers were doing you claim to not know what is going on with them 24/7."

    I think you must be remembering something wrong as I don't recall either the question or the answer. However, it is quite true that I don't know what's going on with them 24/7. I don't know what's going on with my HUSBAND 24/7 (I'm asleep a fair portion of the 24; and I also don't know what's going on with him the hours he is at work because I'm not there.)

    Corey. Give it up. The Virginia Flaggers are not what you and your fellow floggers so desperately want and need them to be.

  8. Corey: "But now ... you seem to know that there have not been trees cut in weeks."

    Yes, I know because the I-95 flag site is something I'm very interested in and I frequently look for info about it.

    Don't you remember back in December, Al Mackey made pics of the site and bellyached because the VaFlaggers hadn't done any more tree cutting since the excavator was stolen?

    Now there has been some tree cutting, but it wasn't done by tree fairies OR by the VaFlaggers, per my sources, which I consider to be very, very reliable.


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