Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Graciousness and Tolerance of BParks

(These comments were posted at flogger Brooks Simpson's Crossroads flog on the dates indicated.)

December 15, 2013

Anyone (btw that’s how you spell it Margie) who participates in writing sexually mature (adult) fiction that features children’s cartoon characters has to expect some odd looks at the water cooler. (Although this is the same mindset that believes the Confederacy was right, so I take that statement back.)

December 15, 2013

That whole perverted Hey Arnold Romance episode is incredibly disturbing. Carl Rodan’s hobby has all the warnings of a kid toucher. Seriously, better keep an eye on him. I can see him turning up on Americas Most Wanted or the National Sex Offender watch list someday. Of course then Connie Chastain would find a way to defend that behavior too as some kind of Heritage right for white southern men. Maybe she would write another imaginary book called “The Mosby Molesters”. I think she’s up to 5 fake books. (What's funny about this is that it's two middle aged men from HER side who showed up on that kind of list. --cw)

December 15, 2013

Hey D.R. I wish you could meet my gay friends who would show you an abomination. Some of them are even Christians and were born in the South so what do you say to that?  Did you ever stop to think that you are in the minority here? That the racist homophobic bassackwards way of thinking that you and Connie and kid toucher Rhodan  and bats**t crazy Mike Lamb and the VA Flaggers share is just like your ancestors…GONE! The entire country has changed around you and for the better. Red states are turning blue. You can spout your hate from the safety and anonymousness of the Internet but would never have the guts to day it to someone’s face.You’re a coward D.R.  You’re whole movement is made up of cowards and your Confederate forefathers are ashamed of you! 

December 15, 2013

Sorry but this post really put me in a holiday mood:
12 Days of Christmas (Miss Connie style)
On the first day of Christmas Connie Chastain gave to me: one mythical view of the Confederacy…
On the second day of Christmas Connie Chastain gave to me: two fake eBooks and one mythical view of the Confederacy…
On the third day of Christmas Connie Chastain gave to me: three pro slave posts, two fake eBooks and one mythical view of the Confederacy…
On the fourth day of Christmas Connie Chastain gave to me: four poorly photoshopped racist banners, three pro slave posts, two fake eBooks and a mythical view of the Confederacy…
On the fifth day of Christmas Connie Chastain gave to me: five wannabe klansmen (named Hall, Lewis, Lamb, Rhodan and D.R.), four poorly photoshopped banners, three pro slave posts, two fake eBooks and a mythical view of the Confederacy…
Feel free to join in folks…

December 15, 2013

Connie is ranting again and her devotees are piling on too. So much ignorance in one place is bothersome. These people represent everything that is wrong with this country. Freedom of speech should not apply to them.

December 16, 2013
I nominate that we follow the lead of The Grammies and create The Connie. (That statue however would NOT be naked. I draw the line there.

December 17, 2013

Connie is obviously getting out of hand. I am actually starting to feel sorry for her as it is becoming apparent that she has way too much free time on her hands. Doesn’t she have a bunch of trashy books to write?

December 17, 2013

These folks have more embarrassing moments than the Kardashians. Seriously between the fake monument vandal incident, to Tripps arrest and SCV disbarment, to the ‘invisible’ I95 flag and stolen excavator it’s a comedy of errors. No wonder the MOC is closing. It’s the only way they can avoid public association with these yahoos. I’ve actually spoken to several REAL honorable SCV members who are horrified by the Connie Chadtains of the world representing their ancestors. They feel they have been hijacked by tea bagging, flag waving, nutjobs.

December 19, 2013

All excellent points, so in her efforts to publicly ‘support’ the event, Connie more than likely informed the whole world that the flag site was ‘incomplete’ and that the ‘security measures were not yet in place’ – then the event photos and descriptions that she posted (in an effort to make the site actually noticeable) led the alleged thieves right to the construction equipment which was sitting unattended and ripe for the taking. Once again, Connie hurts the cause by ‘helping’ it. Ha! Glad she’s not my gal pal!  (Gal pal? [Ewe... Shudder!!!] Actually, she's giving my little niche blog a lot bigger readership, and more pull/weight than it has.  I don't think the ones who stole the excavator are likely to be aware of Backsass, at all.)

December 19, 2013

I don’t want to speculate but I will, as the whole vandal-monument-incident was manufactured, and the Tripp Lewis arrest incident completely self-instigated, any chance the Grayson Jennings equipment theft at this flag site was also an ‘inside job,’ – used to garner sympathy and support? I saw a show one time that depicted these incredibly desperate people with a disorder in which they intentionally put themselves in precarious situations in order to have people save and support them. I don’t anyone more desperate than this group so I can only assume that…

December 19, 2013

Congrats to the winners! Instead of putting their time, money, and efforts into real battlefield preservation or historical presentation, these folks put a big redneck ‘middle finger’ up next to a highway (where no one will see it.) We could never damage the neo-confederate heritage movement more than folks like Connie and the VA Flaggers have done. They are imploding and their lost cause mission is imploding. Just this month we’ve seen the MOC prepare to merge with Tredegar and expand its focus (well done BTW), NB Forrest High School finally changed its name, the Confederate flag has been banned from NASCAR. The victories are coming and I think they are more responsible for our success than we are. Unfortunately these people wasted the entire sesquicentennial which was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to properly acknowledge the past. Instead, they were playing dress up and standing next to television race cars, ranting against the first black president and living up to every stereotype placed on them with their racism, sexism, homophobia, right wing tea-bagger fanaticism and their penchant for letting a mentally ill black man and a miserable author from FL represent them in social media. Well done. Your #1 ranking in the follies is well deserved.

December 21, 2013

I love how you neo-cons have to make everything a ‘left’ vs. ‘right’ issue. What does that even mean. I guess I’ll take it as your kind won’t be left much longer as the world is evolving around you. Ha! All you’re doing us following in the footsteps of your ancestors lost cause = an ignorant and extinct way of thinking. It’s 2013, get with the program son!

December 21, 2013

‘Abandon’ is a great term to describe this situation. Failure after failure must have got to Susan so she grabbed a life jacket and jumped off the SS Flagtanic before it went down. Seems par for the course for this bunch. They idolize traitors so they become traitors themselves. I see a day when it’s just Connie shipwrecked on an island with a volleyball named NB Forrest. :)  (Has this woman got good sense? Abandon? The VaFlaggers started as one person ... one person ... Susan Hathaway ... standing outside the VMFA with her flag. Today, there are about 50 core members, and numerous others have flagged with them over the past two years, and similar organizations have formed, or are forming, in several other states, thanks to her inspiration. Susan has a full speaking schedule at locations across the Confederacy. She has received numerous awards and commendations and there's no end in sight.... Oh, and if I had a volleyball on an island, it would be named Pat Cleburne, not that I have anything against NB Forrest -- but Cleburne defended my home in north Georgia.....)

December 22, 2013

Connie, Mike Lamb, John Hall and Carl Rodan are the intellectual equivalent to ‘human centipede.’ Thankfully they are being exposed through the web and will receive the judgement they deserve. Their hate and racist attitudes are not welcome anywhere. Here’s to a great coming year of Chastising Chastain and company. Time to make an example out of them.

December 23, 2013

You said “I stopped when my post were edited, ignored, and ridiculed to make me look like an idiot” No need to edit anything IMO as you appear to do that well enough on your own. Do you REALLY believe what you wrote, or are you showing off? I only ask because your statements are so out of whack with reality – there has to be another motive behind them. The fact that you self-identify yourself as a Confederate is an insult to the real Confederates who fought and died regardless if their ’cause’ was ill conceived. Not only do you sound like a nutcase, you have insulted your own ancestors. Well done. :) (Self-identify yourself? LOL. Isn't that like saying tooth dentist or eye optometrist?)

December 24, 2013

Terry, Seriously? This is a joke right? People don’t think or talk like that anymore in this century. It’s 2013 – soon to be 2014 hon. Get out of your mamma’s basement, pull aside that ugly Reb flag you use as a drape and get yourself some sunshine. Your people were intolerant domestic terrorists and they lost. Lincoln is considered one of the greatest presidents ever in the annals of history. The Union was saved. Time to get over it. There’s a whole beautiful country out there progressing forward for everyone regardless of their preferences and beliefs. Join us. Come out of your closet. We’re Christians who actually follow the teachings of Jesus to LOVE everybody, but your type makes it hard when your hold on to your granddaddy’s hate. (Don't you just feel the love of Jesus when this woman posts?)

December 24, 2013

Terry, I also wanted to respond to your questions as a courtesy…
“How’s that Obamacare thing working out for you?”
Pretty well. Millions of uninsured people will be benefitting from that program. (Willful ignorance. The program is a colossal failure, by design. For every person covered by Obamacare, 14 others lose their health coverage. This is the program of the colossal liar ... "If you like your insurance plan, you can keep your insurance plan."}
“I prefer Congress (government by the people) making our laws.”
Really? The same Congress that has an all-time low approval rating? Wow you set the bar really low. (The same Congress authorized by the Constitution to legislate. Apparently BParks has little regard for the Constitution.)
“How’s that Federal Reserve and hyper inflation and centralized banking system that steals your property at will thing working out for you?”
Hmmm, my property is fine, banking is good (I get free checking) and I understand that the economy is on the up. (Free checking? What a scream! The economy is in shambles, it will never recover. It "looks" good to people who want to believe because it's being lied about.)
“How’s the war in Iraq and Afghanistan and Vietnam working out for you?”
Pretty good. We are no longer in Iraq and we are minimizing efforts in Afghanistan. I believe it was your candidate who sent us there and then declared “Mission Accomplished” Our guy got Bin laden and is finishing the job. (Your man has also drone-killed Pakastani children by the hundreds. Swell guy, huh.)
You also repeatedly call Lincoln a tyrant, although most polls list him as the #2 greatest president of all time (shows how effective are the leftist propaganda and indoctrination efforts in our educational establishment)  second to only George W (no, not GW silly). So I think you’re in the vast minority which probably drives you nuts as you hate minorities.
Anything else?
Brooks, I love your writing, but do not know how you can tolerate these folks.
You have the patience of a saint!

December 30, 2013

If you read the latest post and deplorable comments on her blog on the NAACP and Jim Crow you will see blatant racism at a whole new level. I am publicly making a personal pledge to help expose and exterminate the VA Flaggers and Connie Chastains racist neo-con influence and make them obsolete in 2014. It’s on you bigot b****es!

I'm still heeee-ere, just like my flag. 

We're five days into the new year. Where are ya?
  BTW, you couldn't copy/paste any racism from my NAACP post if a year's supply of your "medical" marijuana depended on it because there's not any in it. You can try, but I don't think you will. So the exposin' and exterminatin' are just great gusts of hot air...

December 31, 2013

I simply mean to stop their hateful influence on the web. They are racist cockroaches.


  1. LOL I still want to know who this "Rodan" character is? He sounds cool and has an super name if you like Japanese monster I do!

  2. In all seriousness Connie, the floggers and their CLB's are just parodies of humanity. Thank you for pointing out their stupidity and radical insanity.

  3. Floggerette BParks posts at the Crossroads flog:

    "I feel honored as it appears I have an entire post of my own over at Miss Connie’s blog. I did not know she was so attracted to me. Maybe we can hook up for a pint sometime.)"

    When I mention her name 18 times in 21 comments, then we'll talk about "attracted to." BTW, a pint of what s/he's drinkin'? No thanks.


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