Thursday, January 9, 2014

The True Agenda

Once again, Simpson makes an entire Crossroads post featuring his misconstruction -- whether deliberate or inadvertent, I'll leave it to you to decide -- of something I've written.

First, note that neither Patrick Young or Simpson anwered the question in its entirety: Would you advise me how important it is — compared to other important things in life — to have a level of comfort with people of all cultures?

The boldfaced segment was ignored. I again leave it to you to surmise why.

Remember, I'm using the word "diversity" as a synonym for the leftist doctrine of multiculturalism, a point I've made more than once in these posts and comments, because so many people see it that way. Personally, I don't see them as synonyms, but have used it that way for the purpose of this discussion.

And considering that "diversity," as the leftist doctrine of multiculturalism, is being used to radically transform our culture, it behooves us to determine, as best we can, what the ultimate transformation is to be, and whether it is positive. Or, stated another way, whether it's any better than what it is to replace.

And he continues his propensity for lying, with this: And, as usual, when she says “white people, especially Southerners,” she overlooks (1) the fact that not all southerners are white (except in her segregated/exclusionist fantasy world)

A college-level teacher ought to know the restriction of that phrase to white Southerners is not overlooking Southerners of other races. You can't include other races in their hostility toward whites (Southern or otherwise) because THEY don't.  Do you suppose this man, who throws off on my level of knowledge and her intellect, cannot understand that very simple grammatical construct?

.....and (2) that not all southern whites are the same.

But we're talking about multiculturalist flogger blanket concepts and targets, not the reality of the Southern white population. Remember, Patrick asked me to answer the questions I posed to him. My answers, which are the basis of this whole exchange, describes my views not as they are, but as they are seen by prejudiced viewers, and distorted by multiculturalist thought.

Our Confederate heritage apologist pretends to know a lot about the people she despises.

Ah, but not nearly as much as floggers and floggerettes pretend to know about the people THEY despise. Besides, I don't despise anyone. But flogger hatred of Confederate heritage defenders, and flogger love of hideously denigrating those they hate is constantly showcased on Simpson's flog, and to a lesser degree, on other flogs. For example, Kristin Konate putting her address on Facebook and accusing the Flaggers of doing it -- and Simpson repeating this lie. That sort of thing happens repeatedly at Crossroads.

But you would think she wouldn’t be so stupid when it came to the diversity of the student population at ASU, where I work. You can find the figures for 2012 here.

I didn't say anything about the "student population" at ASU.
Indeed, she’s so fixated on African Americans that she overlooks this point: she defines diversity in terms of race and then in terms of African Americans, suggesting just how narrow her interests are and how limited is her understanding of the concept of diversity.

I mentioned blacks because that's the racial group harped on the most by floggers.

What this final answer shows, however, is the poisonous brew crafted by mixing hatred, ignorance, stupidity, fear, and insecurity together.
And what that statement shows is more of Simpson's deliberate misunderstanding of the starting point of my arguments -- i.e., What I Believe As Distorted by Multicultural Thought. Indeed, accusing someone critical of the doctrine of multiculturalism of hatred, ignorance, stupidity, fear, and insecurity is pretty much par for the course for multicultural elitists, and even their rank-and-file followers.

There’s no argument here for homogeneity or “sameness” here based on the supposed merits of these concepts, but an endless rant that suggests just how fragile white supremacy really is.

Of course there isn't because I'm not arguing for homogeneity or sameness. That is the charge made against those who oppose the multicultural agenda. I'm arguing that the "white culture" so despised by the multicultural elitists -- however they, not I, define it -- and so often portrayed as evil and in need of replacement -- is no more evil, inept or inferior than any other culture, including multicultural ones. I am saying that preference for sameness or difference, for similarity or dissimilarity, are two sides of the same coin.

I have presented in my answers to Patrick Young my beliefs as they are distorted by "diversity" champions and multicultural elitists, which their followers may not be knowledgeable about. (Some diversity-followers have positive motivations and either do not know about, or reject, the true agenda of the elitist leaders.)

 Now I'll state what I believe without the false filters.

I believe that the doctrine of multiculturalism (as differentiated from a personal preference for diversity) is an agenda for radically changing western culture being pushed at the top by people who neither believe nor practice it, and who certainly do not intend to live in the wreckage it will create. Yes, wreckage of western culture is their goal. How successful they will be remains to be seen.

Since I believe what they would replace western culture with would be far worse, I am opposed to the doctrine of multiculturalism and the agenda of its elitist pushers. It is part of the leftist/progressive spectrum, in which multiculturalism is socialism lite, socialism is communism lite, and communism is not lite. (See my previous post on "The Hive.") I also believe these are steps or stages the elitists have determined must be traveled to reach the ultimate goal.
Communism has been the greatest social engineering experiment we have ever seen. It failed utterly and in doing so it killed over 100,000,000 men, women, and children, not to mention the near 30,000,000 of its subjects that died in its often aggressive wars and the rebellions it provoked.

Every system or undertaking devised by man will be flawed, but some are much worse than others. Other ideologies put into practice have been mega-death producers, but not on the level of 20th century communism. Any human pursuit that results in the incomprehensible horror, suffering and death represented by those figures ought to be opposed. Any steps leading to it ought to be exposed and resisted. The doctrine of multiculturalism as conceived and practiced by the west's cultural elites is a very early step to that end.

Diversity simply means difference. Personal preference for difference and personal preference for similarity are both personal preferences. But when "difference" becomes political -- when preference for it becomes a political agenda to be used in the advancement of leftist/progressive objectives on the way to the ultimate totalitarian goal -- for example, when laws are broken in order to allow "immigration"* in numbers designed to radically alter the demographics of our country, disrupt and neutralize its identity and cultural cohesiveness in preparation for destroying and replacing the existing culture -- it takes on a whole new meaning and the agenda, along with its destructiveness, ought to be opposed. That agenda has nothing to do with the rosy picture painted of America's future of "diverse" citizens joining hands and singing Kumbaya or whatever -- but most of us won't know it until the bleak and bloody future becomes the present.


Remember one of my responses to Patrick Young in the comment thread of a previous post included this, "...why do they choose to live and work in such white, basically un-multicultural areas and teach at such white, basically un-multicultural institutions? They talk a good diversity-talk. They don't much walk a diversity-walk."

"They" in that passage refers to the floggers and in response to it, Simpson said, "But you would think she wouldn’t be so stupid when it came to the diversity of the student population at ASU, where I work. You can find the figures for 2012 here."I reminded him that I didn't say anything about the "student population" at ASU. I said institutions, and in the case of a university, that would include students, faculty and administration. 

Tonight, I came across some interesting figures that might explain why he wanted to look only at student diversity because when you look at faculty diversity, ASU gets a lot less diverse and more white:

--Faculty Diversity--
African American.....2%
Asian American ..... 9%
Hispanic................. 7%
International............ 5%
Native American......1%

Note that at ASU, there are three times more white faculty members than all other non-white groups combined.  Unfortunately, this website,, did not have figures for administration and staff, but you have to wonder if the trend of the higher you go, the whiter it gets, continues.

*Refusing to differentiate between lawful immigrants in reasonable numbers and illegal immigrants in staggering numbers reveals a multicultural agenda, IMO.


  1. Connie thank you again for exposing Simpson and his kool-aid drinkers for their hypocrisy.

    Though I am not sure if it is so much hypocrisy as it is the vast disconnect between normal rational thought and Leftist idealism.

    The reason he harped on Billy Bearden (as you mentioned in another post) and accused him of playing a victim card was because - in the minds of people like Simpson, Levin, Hall, and their peanut galleries - following the tenants of multi-cultism (a better name don't you think?) nobody is an individuals but rather a group collection of "victims" who depend on elitists like them to lead the flock.

    In their world every group of people based on racial identity or religious views are just groups of "victims" who are constantly being discriminated against by "privaliged whites" - ironic considering that the term and flawed ideology behind it actually came from rich Northeastern Leftist white elitists.

  2. Interesting indeed, Carl. Thanks for leaving your thoughts. I do believe you've got those folks pegged.

  3. Brooks actually defending the 'diversity' of Arizona State, wow. Well, I could run down that rabbit hole or address an issue that matters more to me. What neighborhood does Simpson live in? Where does he call home?

    Is he like the NCSU and UNC-Chapel Hill Progressive professors who live in their expensive homes but wouldn't dare live in 'that part of town?' Only White trash lives in 'that part of town.' Only rayciss Southerners should be forced to live beside 'those people.'

    Like a good Progressive, Simpson is entitled to his big house in a different part of town. He knows what's best for us...

  4. The more we look into the lives of the floggers, the more and more we see a lily-white world. I'm almost tempted to call them the "Ku Klux Floggers" with Simp as Grand Dragon. And I wonder what the few blacks that occasion flogger sites think of their say-one-thing-do-another lifestyles?

  5. Ms. Chastain, you wrote:

    "First, note that neither Patrick Young or Simpson anwered the question in its entirety: Would you advise me how important it is — compared to other important things in life — to have a level of comfort with people of all cultures? "

    I recall your own response to that question, which I reprint in its entirety, minus your citation of my own response:

    And #3:

    Yes, considering what "diversity" is being used to bring about in the USA, most people here are going to get extremely uncomfortable and worse -- miserable, wretched ... all those adjectives we used to describe the unfortunate inhabitants of impoverished, repressive, third world countries, which is what we will become in the 21st Century.

    I don't think leftists who are engineering this change in western culture really care about other cultures or their people. Oh, some good hearted followers may be thus concerned, but they are either uniformed about, or unbelieving of, the elite's ultimate aims.

    I sincerely believe many cultural elites in leadership positions -- such as the anti-Confederate bloggers I call floggers -- are not motivated so much by concern for the unfortunates, but by hostility toward what they perceive to be American whiteness, success and wealth. Never mind that many of them are white, successful and wealthy -- they exempt themselves.

    I truly believe, based on what I see and know of Simpson, Levin,, that they are far less concerned about blacks, past and present, than they are with demonizing white people, especially Southerners -- with exceptions for themselves and their followers. Otherwise, why do they choose to live and work in such white, basically un-multicultural areas and teach at such white, basically un-multicultural institutions? They talk a good diversity-talk. They don't much walk a diversity-walk.

    I did not want to point this out to you at the time, but since you have called me out twice for not providing you with the requested ranking, your own response also fails to compare "diversity" to "other important things in life."

    You may want to correct this omission before pointing to it in others.

  6. Well, Mr. Young, since my answers were a response to your answers (and your request) and since you didn't answer that part, I didn't. However, it's not a problem to answer now.

    I think there are a great many things in life that are more important than having a level of comfort with people of all cultures.

    Making a living. Pulling my own weight. Fulfilling my responsibilities to my family. I'm not employed now, but when I was, fulfilling my obligations to my employer. Helping those less fortunate as I can.. Paying my bills. Keeping up my home, automobile, and other material possessions the Lord has seen fit to bless me with. Taking care of the pets in my care. Taking reasonable measures to insure my health. These are just a few off the top of my head that I would rank as more important than feeling comfortable with people of all cultures. I'm sure there are many, many more.

  7. Not to mention the ethnic composition of the bloggers over at Crossroads. Those white sanctimonious frauds won't even let an African-American post over there. Miserable hypocrites.

  8. Ms. Chastain, you wrote: "Well, Mr. Young, since my answers were a response to your answers (and your request) and since you didn't answer that part, I didn't. However, it's not a problem to answer now."

    Actually, your "answers" were framed as answers to your own questions.

    In any event:

    You have now told us what "feeling comfortable with people of all cultures" ranks below (dogs and/or cats for example), now tell us what it ranks above.

  9. Mr. Young, please. You are a lawyer, are you not? An educated and intelligent man? And you can write:
    "You have now told us what 'feeling comfortable with people of all cultures' ranks below (dogs and/or cats for example)..."

    Sheesh. Everything I mentioned in my answer has to do with fulfilling obligations or responsibilities. That is more important, in my estimation, than "feeling comfortable," period.


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