Friday, September 26, 2014

Talk About Yer Misplaced Priorities

A woman is BEHEADED on American soil, in Oklahoma, the heartland, by a Muslim convert -- an act of random workplace beheading, don't you know. A Virginia co-ed goes missing and her kidnapper is arrested in Texas ... but she isn't found, yet.

In other news, the USA is badmouthed by its own president and first "lady" to the UN,  red-blooded American soldiers are going to get fired -- and replaced with ILLEGAL ALIENS (we can really depend on THEM to look out for our best interest, can't we?) and the scandal-ridden attorney general of the whole flippin' United States resigns, one of whose scandals involves VIOLENCE that includes the murder of a group of Mexican teens and a U.S. border patrol agent....

And while that, and worse, is happening, the floggosphere gets all bent out of shape over imaginary Southron violence. And SpeLUNKer hyperventilates about a Southern "ethnostate" that ain't gonna happen....


  1. No two ways about it Connie, this country today is a far cry from what it was in the 80s or even early 90s. A sense or national pride, personal responsibility, and work ethics have been replaced with a entitlement mentality fueled by political correctness that tells a generation of Americans that everything they demand is they are entitled to or a "civil right" and anyone who opposes them is a racist, sexist, bigot, and homophobic...even if those are not the motives of the opposer.

  2. 1.) Did you hear about the real black child in Chicago who was shot six times by gangbangers?

    2.) Speaking of "the ethnostate," I snapped this photo tonight while I was I was at the bookstore with my wife:

  3. Corey sez if floggers commented about this kind of thing on their civil war blogs, I would complain because these subjects don't have anything to do with the civil war.

    First of all, they post other things that don't have to do with the war, and I don't complain. As I have made clear repeatedly, when they attack Southern heritage, I defend or counter-attack. When they don't, I don't. (And the big Lunk's blog is not about the civil war, Corey.)

    They claim to blog about the civil war so that they have a convenient, built-in excuse to avoid acknowledging the horrific results of the ideology they cling to and worship. Transparent and obvious.

  4. This is rich considering that you people are the absolute tops at manufactured outrage. What's it like to long for a version of the 1950s that never existed?

  5. What's it like to long for a version of the 1950s that never existed? I dunno. I've never longed for a version of the 1950s that never existed.

    You must have us mixed up with someone else. There is nothing manufactured, and what you are mistaking for outrage is justifiable concern about the destruction of this country and its culture. I'm a secessionist, and i have more love and respect for the USA than you leftists, socialists and commies do.

    1. sorry Connie, but didn't you just recently argue against concern over the flagger wanted for kidnapping, and then collect & present a bunch of pics of US flags as dog clothing?

    2. No, I haven't argued thus. I don't know of any flaggers wanted for kidnapping.

      Yes, the pics were an object lesson.... Did it go over your head?

    3. Anonymous, can you seriously not distinguish between dogs wearing flag clothes and BARBAROUS MURDER BY BEHEADING? Seriously?

    4. There is a proud by neglected history of dogs serving the Confederacy during the war. Those PCers would probably deny this too, even if the pups were wearing CSA regalia.

  6. Your diagnosis, Anonymous? You can be treated with psychotherapy, it sez.


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