Tuesday, October 28, 2014

More This 'n' That

 Go To It, Hank!

Some floggerette in Simpson's peanut gallery going by the handle hankc9174, comments, in response to a post about Weary Clyburn "...equal effort should be spent at the graves of the other 402,405 enslaved South Carolinians…"

Well, the person whose passing was recently commemorated and noted online was never a slave. The memorial was for Mattie Clyburn Rice, Weary's daughter. There seems to have been some confusion about that in the floggosphere (but then, when have facts and reality mattered to them?)

Be that as it may, Mr. hankc9174, why don't you start that equal effort? I mean, if it's something important to you, why don't you spearhead it? I personally think it's a good idea. I have no problem at all honoring America's slaves for their contribution to this country, and I think the slavery museum's financial difficulties are most unfortunate.  Maybe you could could step up and offer to help with that project, hankc9174.

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Rich, Rich Irony
Another perfect example of allowing a political agenda to influence one’s interpretation of historical events.  -- Al Mackey, Oct 28, 2014
And that, my friends, is a perfect description of  civil war "memory" and civil war "era" and civil war "other stuff" floggers (and their satellites and sycophants) whose dedication to their leftist ideology forms the basis of, and motive for, their interpretation of historical events. (But, of course, that was not who Al was referring to. I guess they sincerely believe people can't see through their pseudo-dedication to "history" to their true agenda....)

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Feel the (Leftist) Love 

Comment left following the Style Weekly report on the VaFlaggers new picture-takin' drone:

A bunch of crackers who act like fools and display the same stubborn pride that started the civil war in the first place. A hundred and fifty years after the war, and these goofs are still trying to fight. Not only should they not be flying confederate flags, the city at some point should take down those absurd monuments on Monument Avenue. A reasonably sized statute of Lee or Jackson at a Civil War museum of some kind could certainly be justified--but the massive statues that deify war generals on the losing side have long since served their purpose. They are like statues found in Russia and Serbia. I'm surprised they don't have halos over their heads. It's hard to become a modern, dynamic city when you've got ginormous statues of losing generals who fought against the United States on a main avenue. The Confederacy should be remembered but not celebrated, though I know there are those who still wear their Jeb Stuart woolies to bed and miss those good 'ole days of slavery and plantation life. I'm sorry to mention it, but it's 2014--time to move on.
Left by someone with the handle "Kazoo." You reckon this is the poster's real name, or is it a coward-handle to hide behind?


  1. Irony zooms right past these people.

  2. Crackers? So, he's only mad that Georgians are proud of their ancestors? What about the rest of us Southrons who aren't Georgia Crackers?

    Oh, and by the way, we aren't honouring "Generals from the losing side", we're honouring Southern Generals who fought for us and our land. By his logic, someone better ring England and tell them to stop honouring King Alfred, since he lost against the Normans.

    1. Correction; it was King Harold who died at the Battle of Hastings, not King Alfred, who was actually successful in his military campaigns.

  3. Logan, I've never heard anyone accuse leftists of having common sense and being logical, have you? Just FYI -- Georgians (which I am by birth) aren't the only crackers. There are also Florida crackers (which I am by virtue of Florida residence for 34 years. And I'm proud of being a cracker, no doubt about it!

    1. My dad's father's family comes from Georgia, so I got some "Cracker" blood in me. I didn't know Floridians were Crackers too lol. You actually don't hear that term used correctly very often.

      Not quite sure what us Backcountry South Carolinians are called.

  4. I'm a cracker, you're a cracker, he's a cracker, she's a cracker,
    Wouldn't you like to be a Cracker too ?

  5. Mackey, aka Cash, is certainly a perfect tool to be pointing out about people allowing their agenda to influence their historical interpretation. He has years and years and years of first hand experience of doing such.

    1. I think Mackey knows true history, he just avoids it entirely.

  6. The comments by "Kazoo" just shows that he/she/it is a Northerner. When Yankees speak of the United States, they mean just their sixteen little states. The other 34 don't count. That much is evident in their commentary, too.

  7. "The idea of black confederates is nothing but a smokescreen to shield the racism of the neo-confederates."

    -comment from Jimmy Dick
    ...who lives in a Sundown Town


    Another who would qualify as member of Westboro Baptist-

    "To really be period appropriate, the [Rice] family would have to dress like slaves." -Alan aka "lunchcountersitin"

  8. In point of fact, Simp, I rarely made anything of people posting anonymously until YOU started bellyaching about it, while accommodating anonymous comments on your flog.


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