Tuesday, July 21, 2015

More Memes...

...to make Simpson and his lemmings flip their lids....
 Did y'all see all the hordes of white folks rioting, burning, looting over this racist insult and others like it that cause open season on whites? Gets them victimized in the "knockout" game? Gets white babies shot in the face?  Yep, mindless whites burned whole towns, overturned and burned cars, cleaned out stores...  Y'all didn't see that?

Me neither.

True, dis.

Ya think?

Left/lib priorities:


  1. Connie,

    I know this off topic, however I think it is important that we support this family in their time of need. I will be trying to find updates on the funeral etc.



  2. George, you're so right. I'm keeping an eye open for info about donations to the family or other memorial efforts and will either post about them, or put a notice in the sidebar. You might check here if you're on Facebook: Justice4Anthony Hervey

    I remember back in the early 2000s when Anthony started making the news for defending the flag. I was on a very leftist Yahoo group at the time, and one woman from Mississippi near Oxford, a huge, self-styled "anti-racist" who loved to project what a deeply caring individual she was, call him insane and said all manner of slurs against him -- because he saw the flag differently than she did.

    I have read that he held advanced degrees and had studied at Oxford -- England, not Mississippi -- though I haven't verified that. (This isn't the time. For now, it's a time of remembering and mourning.) That shows you what total hypocrites leftists are.

    1. Connie,
      I do not have facebook, but if you get any useful info from there either email me or post it here and I will copy and paste.

      Not Jessie's link below for donations.

      Those of us who defend "Confederate " are called names. It is something I have got used to.

      I never met Anthony, but like you I do understand he was well educated. He had to be brave, a Black man doing what he did took guts. I give him props all day.

  3. Here's the go fund me site for Anthony www.gofundme.com/hervey please pass around its up to over $1100.00 as of today.

    1. Thanks Jessie I appreciate the backup.


  4. In my opinion Simpson, Levin, Hall, Mackey and a few others are the main contributors to Anthony Hervey's untimely death.

    They helped create the monster flag hating community, are the most prolific haters of all, and are a kin to shouting fire in a crowded theater.

    Lots of innocent people are getting trampled in their wake.

    1. "They helped create"

      ...along with assorted politicians, news media, company CEOs, and thugs posing as "Civil Rights" advocates...

    2. I agree.

      I have nor noticed any local coverage. Of course we are talking WLOX, the station that hate anything Confederate.


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