Thursday, September 22, 2016

The Histrionics of Shoshana Bee (and Dimmy's Dullness)

Back in late August, Simpson posted at his blog another hate-filled, cut-throat, full-of-lies attack on the Virginia Flaggers -- with an occasional lie about me.  That post generated the usual smug, self-back-patting comments from his peanut gallery, a part of which is posted below. Most of the comments in the excerpt, but not all, were made by a Shoshana Bee (aka "Buzz,"), a leftist who travels the circuit of civil war blogs to post comments which sometimes include attacks on Confederate heritage supporters.

Before we get to Buzzy's pompous melodrama, let's look once again at how Simpson lies... how trippingly the hate and fraud flows from his keyboard. This is typical of the tone he sets at his blog...encouraging his peanut gallery to be as unscrupulous and as offensive as he is....
It is evident that Chastain’s claims of impaired health do not prevent her from posting extensively elsewhere, calling into question her assertion that she no longer blogs due to health concerns. (I have not asserted, claimed or said I no longer blog due to health concerns.) I see no reason to reproduce examples of her crude language and vile temper in my comments section. (But he has no problem linking to the utter filth that the cowardly anonymous blogger writes and posts at Restoring the Honor, or okaying Shoshana Bee's crude language and vile temper in his comments section. I guess crude and vile and filth are okay when HIS side does them.) Apparently she’s looking for a larger audience than she can attract on her own while hiding her views from people who might be interested in reading her novels (an admittedly small number).  (I'm not hiding my views from anyone. My author site links to my portal, which links to all my websites and blogs including Facebook and Twitter. So one wonders how he conceptualizes "hiding her views...."  Apparently the number of people interested in my novels, and posting positive reviews of them, stuck in Simpson's craw so bad, he made up a series of false and deceitful Amazon IDs and posted fraudulent reviews of my books, all out of his lust to hurt me and my books, because that's just how he rolls. The reviews are fraudulent because at the time he posted them, he had admitted he had not read them.)  After all, most people don’t want to buy and read books written by a bigot. (Well, apparently, some people buy and read his, and he is a colossal bigot -- and a hater to boot!) She’s an embarrassment to Confederate heritage even as she claims that she is one of its most important spokespersons.  (I've never made that claim, either. Is Simpson's hate, his desire to hurt, interfering with the functioning of his brain and making him lie? Or could it just be early onset Alzheimer's?)
Now back to Shoshana Bee. In this thread, Dimmy Jickkk mentions the "conversation" I had with him about my Cherokee ancestry (see previous Backsass entry).

Shoshana Bee
Observing this implosion from the sidelines conjures up a strange mix of a “Lord of the Flies” redux with a dose of schadenfreude on the side.
Brooks D. Simpson
Well, Ms. Chastain has been throwing tantrums all over the place.
Shoshana Bee
Maybe she will come out of “retirement” and write another entertaining blog post? It seems that you are her only muse these days??
Brooks D. Simpson
That’s the problem. Her outrage is our entertainment.
Jimmy Dick
Now KKKonnie is claiming Native American ancestry as proof she isn’t racist. For someone who has identified herself as white, proudly announced her racism for years on multiple blogs, and has no clue whatsoever what Native Americans have been through, I find her claim to be nothing more than the usual attempt to mask her racism.

I think we should let the Cherokee nation know just exactly who she is and what she claims to be and see if they want such a miserable excuse for humanity as a member of their tribe.
Shoshana Bee
WHUT???!! Beeing of half Native ancestry. nothing irritates me more when some two-bit racist hag wants to hide behind our feathers to justify her BS. I will out her sorry arse six ways to September if I see her mug cozying up to our table (I belong to a very large Native social network). What a #$$% coward poser. Geez, I must be out of the loop — I missed that one.
Brooks D. Simpson
You might enjoy this.
Shoshana Bee
Curiosity is killing this Leo: the link did not come through!
Brooks D. Simpson
Shoshana Bee
Oh, wow. All sorts of clever remarks come to mind such as: The apple that did not fall far from the tree sure knows how to cherry-pick ancestry. But what REALLY scares me is that maybe one of my ancestors mixed it up with one of hers when everyone “got together” in Oklahoma. No no no: I don’t need a long lost cause cousin!!
Brooks D. Simpson
Then you’ll enjoy this …
Shoshana Bee
OMG. Don’t scare me like this. I can see it now: I arrive at the next Pow Wow and the whole Chastain branch of tribe is there to greet me. I think I need to go wash my hands and burn some sage.

Although there's a lot here that begs to be addressed, I have to address just a very few peripheral issues, so I can get on with the meat of the post...

I note that the phrase, "a 'Lord of the Flies' redux with a dose of schadenfreude on the side," gives us a stark look at how Buzzy Bee's mind works. The comment, "It seems that you are her only muse these days??" is risible on the face of it (she doesn't know why I'm on blog-hiatus, or the heavily muse-involved projects I'm working on) but Simpson's reply is just too rich: "That’s the problem. Her outrage is our entertainment." Being as how I'm not outraged, their entertainment quotient must be lower than a snake's belly.

But now onto the genuine issue. Dimmy sez, "Now KKKonnie is claiming Native American ancestry as proof she isn’t racist.* For someone who has identified herself as white, proudly announced her racism for years on multiple blogs, and has no clue whatsoever what Native Americans have been through, I find her claim to be nothing more than the usual attempt to mask her racism."

I'm white. Why shouldn't I identify myself that way? I have to check "white" on virtually every medical record I've had to complete, and other forms as well. Maybe Dimmy's phony anti-racist jackassery kicks in when he has to check "white" but that's his problem, not mine.

But here's what I really want to point out. Dimmy's big claim showcases more than his characteristic befuddlement -- it clearly illustrates his cognitive dissonance, which is the "Stress (psychological) or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time (Wikipedia). Cognitive dissonance can lead to irrational decision making, as a person tries to reconcile his conflicting beliefs (Investopedia).

I mean, in the same sentence, he claims I have both "proudly announced" and made "attempts to mask" the very same (nonexistent) thing (racism). And this is a relatively minor contradiction; he's a walking bundle of contradictions (and irrational thinking).

Which is it, Dimmy? Proudly announcing? Or attempted masking? Make up what is jokingly called your mind!

Dimmy then issues this ominous threat: "I think we should let the Cherokee nation know just exactly who she is and what she claims to be and see if they want such a miserable excuse for humanity as a member of their tribe."

Well, do it, Dimmy. Here's the Cherokee Nation's website.   Here's the Government's page. And here is contact info:  And here is the email addy for questions about citizenship and tribal registration:

Now put up or shut up, Dimmy.

But Buzz embellishes her threat with some great theatrics: "WHUT???!! Beeing (sic) of half Native ancestry. nothing irritates me more when some two-bit racist hag wants to hide behind our feathers to justify her BS. I will out her sorry arse six ways to September if I see her mug cozying up to our table (I belong to a very large Native social network). What a #$$% coward poser. Geez, I must be out of the loop — I missed that one."

Two-bit racist hag? What a stark and marvelous display of the reality of the leftist heart... proving the leftist fable of "tolerance" isn't just a fable, it's an outright lie. (Folks, I don't know when I'll get to it, but I'm planning a blog post of all the filthy and hate-filled names and labels I've run across that anti-racist jackasses try to  pin on heritage people, conservatives, Christians, etc. Already collecting the material, and Shoshana Bee's "two-bit racist hag" is at the top of the list.)

Hide behind your feathers?  Not the least bit interested, so keep your feathers, Poka-hontus. I don't hide, period, behind anything. So get on with "outing my sorry arse six ways to September. I can't wait for the legendary outing to begin! Sounds like fun! (I note in passing that obviously, Simpson doesn't mind crude language and vile temper in his comments section, after all -- as long as they're from people who share his ideology.)

I have absolutely ZERO interest in cozying up to any table you are sitting at, Sitting Bull. But It would be interesting to know why you think it is posing or cowardly to obtain government certification of my degree of Indian blood, and a certificate of citizenship in the Cherokee nation.

As for Buzzy Bee's hysteria after reading Simpson's lies about my Chastain kinsman, she makes an empty-headed comment worthy of Dimmy -- "But what REALLY scares me is that maybe one of my ancestors mixed it up with one of hers when everyone “got together” in Oklahoma. No no no: I don’t need a long lost cause cousin."

Poka-hontus, my Cherokee ancestors, except for the one on the Dawes Roll and her direct descendants, all stayed in Georgia... So calm your hysterics, Buzz... There will be five of us with Cherokee citizenship -- my sister, who already has it; myself, and my three nephews. None of us are interested in "pow-wowing." You can wash your hands and burn whatever you like, but it might better serve you to have your heart examined and get the hate amputated....

*(Actually, the issue wasn't so much racism as it was Dimmy's abysmally ignorant claims about minority subcultures. Sed he: "There is no white culture and never has been. Culture in this nation has always included minorities. You and your kind (My kind? Stop your bigotry Dimmy.) just don't want to acknowledge this." To which I replied, "Certainly there is a white culture. There are all kinds of cultures, and white is one of 'em. You'd argue with that? Are you saying they all exist except white? My gosh, Dimmy, I myself am of a nonwhite culture (my grandmother is listed on one, maybe two, Cherokee census rolls taken by the government, and earlier ancestors are on earlier rolls)." This is an acknowledgement, by me, that "....this nation has always included minorities..." proving that Dimmy is a liar.)

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