Thursday, April 27, 2017

Congratulations, John C. Hall on the Launch of your Book

Congratulations to my friend and confederate (and Confederate!) John C. Hall, Jr. on the publication of his wonderful book, Above the High Water Mark. Yes, I've had some sneak previews, and it's truly engaging.

All too often in the popular culture, Southerners of the civil war era are portrayed as malevolent quasi-humans. John's great-great grandfather, Stephen Alpheastus "Fes" Corker, the subject of the book, obliterates that fabrication. His letters show him to be a warm, thoroughly human man concerned with home and family, including slaves, concerned with the men in is unit, particularly the sick, injured and dying ... but a fierce soldier who exhibited the courage and valor that Confederate soldiers were known for then, and still are.

John's book will be an invaluable resource for those researching the war, or the historic South, but it will be equally appealing to those reading for pleasure. A love story, a soldier's tale, a portrait of survival and recovery after devastation... A worthy addition to the Southern Confederate canon....

Visit John's book blog for a closer look at the story and a great first review by Scott Mingus, Sr. There's also ordering/purchase information. The book is available from the publisher, from and from CreateSpace.

Much success, sir, to you and your book! Godspeed.



  1. "Southerners of the civil war era are portrayed as malevolent quasi-humans."

    They still are.

    1. Yep. It's in novels and on TV and in movies. There are some positive portrayals, but mostly the popular culture plays Southerners as horrific monsters. They hate us.

  2. Corey, when you start publicly condemning critics and opponents of Confederate heritage for rioting, destroying property, shooting people, killing people, fomenting hate, and when you do it over and over and over, everywhere, the way you post your petty criticism of heritage folks, I might revisit listening to you. But right now, you are too dedicated to stirring up hatred for them, making them targets of leftist nutcases, focusing on imaginary racism -- thus showing yourself to be morally deficient and far inferior ethically to people you criticize.

  3. Corey, does the hate in your heart ever weigh down your spirit?

    A lot of the people you and your ilk call "racist" are not ... but do you know what? There are full blown white supremacists that are morally superior to you.

    1. "Corey, does the hate in your heart ever weigh down your spirit?"

      He doesn't see it as hate. It's Patriotism®.

    2. Oh, I think he knows it is hate, James. He doesn't give a teaspoon of mud about patriotism; he's admitted he doesn't care if the U.S. flag is trashed. Yes, he knows it is hate, and he doesn't care. Like so many other pretend "anti-racists," what REALLY motivates him is destruction. He's a brother to antifa. They do in reality (riot, burn, attack, injure, destroy) what he tries to do with his keyboard. You could say he's not courageous enough to do it in real life, like they do ... except they're not really courageous, either. They've just had their empty heads filled with indoctrination.

    3. My theory is that the Yankees used the concept of the "United States of America " as a means of gaining a psychological and political advantage over Dixie. If the South had gained her independence, the North would have dropped the flag, the name and the pretence shortly after. On the Union Million Man Militia FB page,they quite freely admit that they're all about Northern supremacy and nationalism. It's not about "America " it's about them and their sixteen states. The flag and the other trappings of America are mere props to them. I've noticed that they're becoming openly hostile to the Western states as well. Eventually, they'll drop the pretence and admit what they really are.

  4. Corey, racism/non-racism isn't the only criteria for morality, although that is about the only moral standard the godless left recognizes.

    There are some very good people who are labeled "racist," using the oily, slippery, ever-changing, false, deceitful "definition" holding sway in the twisted remains of American culture, just as there are some thoroughly bad characters counted among "non-racists" and "anti-racists" you approve of -- people who hurt, injure, destroy. You have no moral authority for criticizing of most of the people you criticize....

    1. "Racism" is a nonexistent sin invented in the 1930s. Morality concerns things like honesty, integrity, and fidelity. Not whether you like or dislike certain people.

  5. Corey, I'm not afraid of posting your comments. I just don't like you.

  6. Corey and his Neo-Yankee associates aren't even on the same football field, politically, as those who are the real opponents of he and his gang.


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