Thursday, July 12, 2018

Ding Dong, the Witch is Dead

Joy is ringing out in Dixie's corner of cyberspace today. The blogger who lied and called himself RBLee, titled his attack blog ( of them) after the Virginia Flaggers motto, has disappeared. The blog was titled Restoring the Honor, but I called it Destroying the Honor, because that was his purpose. My nickname for him was DeStroy

Well, the blog is no longer there and his twitter account (or one of them) , Don Chump, has vanished.

See, what happened is that *Brad Griffin of the League of the South finally had enough and turned into an internet Super Sleuth, and found a page online where this chump, who had successfully hidden behind anonimity for years, slipped up and used his actual name, which is (drum roll)....

And here he is.

This man has the voice of the classic Trickster. He was clever with the language, and if you didn't know the people he was talking about -- if you didn't know he was lying egregiously -- you might be tempted to believe. He combed the internet constantly for comments, events and photos he could misrepresent on his blog. One wonders how he could have held down a job when he spent so much time online ... but maybe he didn't work...

He was obsessed with race, racial matters and racism. He focused on white nationalists, the alt-right, conservatives and Confederate heritage, particularly the Virginia Flaggers. He strove mightily to show the Flaggers as the equivalent of racist groups, or connected to them. He never proved it, because you can't prove what ain't so.

One of his activities was to urge the media to look into these groups, particularly the Flaggers, and he expressed disappointment several times that the press didn't ask them the "hard questions." If memory serves, I posted a comment at his blog once explaining that the press in Virginia likely knew the Flaggers much better than he did, and knew there was nothing to question. But his animosity for the Flaggers could not be dissuaded.

But with the rise of the alt.right, his focus shifted. He was always quite unbalanced but after the Charlottesville brouhaha, he approached the edge of straitjacket territory. He filed FOIA requests, he reported on court procedings ... and was still at it when the blog disappeared.

I frequented his blog quite a bit when he was harassing the Flaggers but when he started focusing on white nationalism, I lost interest. It's a boring subject and has nothing to do with Confederate heritage support. Nevertheless, I am delighted that the blog and Twitter accounts have >poofed< into nothingness.  For one thing, it proves what we always knew about him, from his hunkering down behind anonimity -- he's a colossal coward.

But I don't think for a minute we've heard the last of him. He gets too much of his identity from harassing and bullying others. He is the kind of person who, given the slightest bit of power, would cause as much trouble, distress and pain as he possibly could. For no reason.

So we will celebrate and rejoice that this wicked witch -- at least, its blog and twitter feed -- has gone where the goblins go, below, below, below ... and pray it stays that way.
*I have made it clear how I feel about the League since it radicalized and abandoned Southern nationalism for white nationalism -- but for this accomplishment, Griffin deserves kudos.
** Breen's photo courtesy Occidental Dissent, via Fair Use Doctrine.


  1. I've noticed that a lot these characters have closed down their various accounts and blogs, as of late.

    1. I notice Brooks Simpson hasn't made a blog post since November, I think. Liberty Lamp has also let her blog go dormant (with no explanation) since August, if memory serves. Lamp is antifa ... maybe she's too busy going around the country beating up Trump supporters and setting things on fire. No idea about Brooks, though. About all he's done is repeatedly post profile pics on Facebook of himself in a hockey uniform. He has tweeted some, but he's blocked me frome seeing his tweets, so I can only see those that are in reply to someone whose tweets I can see.

      Kevin is still bashing the Confederacy and heritage folks, especially the Virginia Flaggers. As I've noted in previous blog posts, Andy is pretending to be above the fray on his own maritime-centric blog, but he's keeping up the nasty attacks on the Flaggers on other people's blogs...

    2. Incidentally, Corey has closed out both of his troll accounts on Twitter. The day before that, he blocked me on his "Champ Livingston" account. No doubt, he'll return under a new guise or guises, eventually.

      I blocked him for awhile, because I got tired of his juvenile inanities. He didn't have much to say on my links and references to the Online Handbook of Texas History. Usually, when anybody quotes a source or sources, he dismisses them as lies or as insufficient in quantity,which is an intellectually dishonest debating tactic.

      This whole business,though, with the Leftist trolls dropping out of the social media, is quite extraordinary.

    3. IDK. I known that Corey drops out of sight from time to time. He doesn't seem to comment on Simpson or Levin's blogs much. Apart from politics, some of the things they post are quite good, from an historilogical standpoint. I think they're above his head intellectually, judging by the few simple minded comments he's made. However, I've noticed that the Right have become more effective at argument and memes. I've noticed that Leftist/Neo-Yankee types tend to block me when I fail to fall into their argument traps, and tell them that they're wrong, and that their argument/Mene is foolish nonsense and illogical. Whether Trump is entirely responsible for this trend, or not, is debatable.

      As an aside, my friends, neighbours and I didn't so much as vote for Trump, as vote against the Clinton's. In Northeast/Central Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas, they're notorious for being dangerous to cross or displease in any way. Have been since the 1970s. We'd have voted for a fencepost, if it had had as much of a chance of winning as Trump did. Beyond that, our business with Trump is done. It's classic Southern politics. Voting in self defense, or voting to defend our states from outside inference and subversion, rather than voting to promote our interests and govern our states as we see fit. Only Yankees get to do that. It's one of the supra-rights and privileges they enjoy, and we, and people in Idaho or Colorado, do not.

  2. "*I have made it clear how I feel about the League since it radicalized and abandoned Southern nationalism for white nationalism -- but for this accomplishment, Griffin deserves kudos." Do you have any smaller font than this that you could use at the very, very end of your piece? I dont think it's possible but could you check into it?

    1. As a matter of fact, there is one smaller size. It's called "smallest" and I changed the phrase in question to that size, per your comment. I originally chose "small" because the next size up is the same size as the text in the body of the post.

      FYI -- when you're in draft mode, the "small" is much larger on the screen but for some reason, it shrinks when published. Just one of many Blogger annoyances.

  3. You know Connie, I posted that same version of the song on the morning of Nov. 8, 2016. Hee hee.
    Yeah I will give the devil -- aka Brad Griffin -- his due, like you I have no use for the LotS and far less for so-called "white nationalism" but still this was quite the coup.
    And Shawn, if you are reading this in some "safe space" somewhere, I just wanna tell you that it was fun tearing apart your arguments -- well, for me anyhow. But yeah hiding behind a keyboard and fake ID to attack people....not exactly the stuff heroes are made of buddy. REAL civil rights advocates step into the fight and face their opposition without masks.
    Now that yours has been ripped off and your ugly mug exposed, you don't wanna play anymore. Tisk tisk.

    Oh well, at least I still have the screenshots of me destroying your arguments -- another scalp in the collection for The Man Deniers Fear The Most.
    Still, you if ever wish to come back by my blog -- under your real name this time -- by all means, you are more than welcome. Show a little courage now that you can't hide anymore.

    1. Posted the morning of Nov. 8, 2016? HA! How appropriate, more even that my scenario.

      I have some copy-pastes of my exchanges with him on his comment threats. I'm just truly uninterested in looking at them right now.

    2. Yeah and he never responded after I whooped him and Corey in that particular exchange and tore all of his arguments apart. In truth he kinda stayed clear of me after that and never presumed to challenge or assume I wouldn't respond to his garbage again. Although I did hear that once or twice he made a few indirect insults my way.
      All the same things will be a bit quieter with him gone. I would invite him to come and debate me on topic at my site under is actual name if he can find the courage to do so without the mask of anonymity to hide behind.


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