Monday, January 21, 2019

Getting it wrong because of ideology

The overly leftist Other Forum (OF) which summarily kicked me off for saying/doing no worse than its leftist members do every flippin' day, can get pretty pathetic. Not all, but many are so blindly leftist they can't see reality.

For example, one guy posts about Nick Sandmann, the young man showcased in so many Lincoln Memorial videos "... he has the white-power-OK hand signal in his signature. So heart-achingly sad."

Patch up yer old heart, F---. The hand-signal you're talking about is a HOAX. It does not mean White Power. It means what it has always meant -- "OK". The White Power nonsense was thunk up by kids on 4-chan, totally fabricated, to show how biased and gullible the leftist media is, and boy, did it work. The media fell for it, bigtime, and reported it just like it was true. It was so embarrassing for them, they are trying to claim it was "adopted" by white nationalists after it was proven and known to be a hoax, simply because they couldn't stand to admit they'd been had -- especially about something so important to them as white supremacy. Utterly ludicrous and disgusting.

Another fellow has twisted himself into a giant pretzel -- trying to "be fair" to everyone, I guess. And he gets sooo much wrong.

T--, the initial videos weren't edited, except perhaps for length. They were likely cell phone videos uploaded as soon as they were shot.

How do you know that their history led the blacks to the Mall to protest? It appears to not be that at all. They are Black Hebrew Israelites. Their doctrine says African Americans are God's true chosen people because they, not the people known to the world today as Jews, are the real descendants of the Hebrews of the Bible. Most are harmless, but there is a growing extremist element within the group who are antisemitic. Presumably the ones at the Mall were from the extremist element. However, I have found nothing online that would indicate they are Trump haters and would thus be offended by a MAGA hat -- but who knows? I mean, they think they're God's Chosen...

At the time of the mis-reported confrontation, the Catholic teens' protest -- the March for Life -- was over. They had been given some time to walk around and sight-see and were to meet at the Lincoln Memorial where the buses would come to take them home.  This is according to Nick Sandmann's statement.

 The First Nations elder did not move between the blacks and the kids to "defuse" things. He said he did it to "intervene" which doesn't necessarily  mean to defuse. There can be all sorts of motives for intervening. Besides, it wasn't his place to intervene. Phillips is an experienced leftist activist. He has been in situations like this before and behaved the same way for the same reason. His description of the event at the Lincoln Memorial has inaccuracies (purposeful ones?) in it. USA Today reported:
Phillips, 64, an elder of the Omaha Nation, was participating in an Indigenous Peoples March that was concluding when he noticed the verbal clash in front of the Lincoln Memorial steps and decided to intervene.

“There was that moment when I realized I've put myself between beast and prey,’’ Phillips told the Detroit Free Press, part of the USA TODAY Network. “These young men were beastly and these old black individuals was their prey, and I stood in between them and so they needed their pounds of flesh and they were looking at me for that.’’

Phillips said he became frightened as the throng of teenagers grew around him, adding that they yelled at him to “Go back to the reservation’’ and broke into chants of “Build that wall.’’ He also questioned why chaperones did not get involved.

Part of his fear, Phillips said, arose from what he perceived as a “mob mentality’’ in the boys.

“It was ugly, what these kids were involved in,’’ he said. “It was racism. It was hatred. It was scary.’’
And he is either outright lying, or he is senile. The boys were "involved" in a show of respect for human life. That is not racism, hatred or frightening. Numerous reports indicate that "Build the wall" is not heard on any of the videos. Did any of them say "Go back to the reservation"? We do know some of the "First Nations" people with him told the Covington boys to "go back to Europe."

Nick Sandmann's statement said the Covington boys asked their chaperone if they could do some of their school's spirit chants, to drown out the ugly talk from the Black Hebrew Israelites, and the chaperone said okay. THAT's what they were chanting -- not "Build the wall."

Phillips' statement to the press is tailored to make the boys look like a "mob" and  himself like a victim, or near victim. What hooey. As I said, he's a professional at this.

But I imagine it's hard for a leftist to give up on such a beloved concept as white Catholic MAGA boys turning into a threatening mob.

These boys were trashed in the media, whose aim apparently was to drum up hatred for them in anyone who read their deceitful reports. Why? Because they are (1) white (2) male (3) prolife (4) Christian (5) MAGA hat-wearers. Any one of those would be enough to cause visceral hatred on the left -- but together, there was no other response possible.

If the BNL claim above is true, Mr. Phillips is simply not credible, and you cannot help but wonder how credible are his other statements? The ones in the press about the incident depicted are pretty wild. I, for one, am extremely skeptical.

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