Sunday, February 3, 2019

Now they're discussing Northam on the OF

I'm still kicked off the Other Forum, despite my repeated petitions to the owner and/or moderator, stating my case that the people still allowed on the forum post things far worse than anything I ever posted.  That means I can't respond when I see things (I can still read, if not post, on the forum) that really, really need a reply. I can't even respond to posts about me. Yes, they're still commenting about me. I guess I'm something of a legend over there now.)

Those people lie. They lied a lot about my posts, but they just lie routinely about most anything -- especially Trump. I've been enjoying the thread, now up to two pages of it, about Ralph "Coonman" Northam, he of the Virginia governor's office, post-birth abortion proponent and current blackface/KKK hood brouhaha.

One guy says he believes Northam's apology...I wonder what he thinks now that Northam has changed his story and says it wasn't him in the photo.

Another poster mentioned Northam's "appalling comments on abortion," which generated this response, "..his appalling comments about abortion...You mean the comments like old men should not govern how women manage their bodies? Or any woman who wants an abortion should have one? Those apalling comments?"

Ah, no, GL...the one where he said the baby would be delivered at term and made "comfortable" while the "mother" and her "doctor" discussed the situation -- presumably to decide whether the comfortable, living baby would be allowed to continue living or to be murdered. Or maybe they'd be deciding on prices for the baby's body parts?

When are these nutzoids going to realize that abortion is NOT about a woman's body? Her body is not shredded, her head not crushed, in an abortion -- it is the baby's body that is shredded....  The baby is INSIDE her body but it is NOT her body. I guess some of the wombless cannot understand that.

SVA, who has a track record of posting untruths and bizarre comments, adds, "However, the GOP is screaming for his resignation as are many democrats. Where was the screams from the Republicans when they helped confirm Kavenaugh. They seem to have had no problem with his behavior and it continued into his college years. Said BEFORE you start defending him because he was in high school SB."

Well, (1) Kavanaugh was falsely accused by a cabal of leftist idologues so Republicans didn't believe them, (2) his yearbook showed nothing to confirm the sexual misconduct he was accused of, (3) college kids drinking (or adults drinking) was not, and is not, a political issue (see Nancy Pelosi's in-flight hard liquor  "adult beverage" bills before you say another syllable about Brett Kavanaugh's beers) and (4) Republicans don't hold themselves up to be examples of sobriety the way Democrats claim to be saintly examples of anti-racism, which they obviously are not. Does that explain it, SVA?

RJ adds, "Democrats are very quick to condemn their own," and gives one example, ONE EXAMPLE, of Al Franken being thrown under the bus for one photo. He completely forgets Bill Clinton's vile behavior IN OFFICE that Democrats winked at, and the leftist, Democrat-supporting sex harassers in Hollywood and the news media.

A couple of comments come close to the crux of the matter (but then veer off): "The Dems have claimed the moral high ground, so must defend it; the Rips embrace the low ground, and advance anarchy..." and "Repugs don’t actually believe this is a serious problem- tRump is exhibit A- but know how sensitive Dems are, and so use this as a cudgel. Totally amoral- any weapon in a brawl. Dems still seem to think it’s a gentlemans game."

What these come close to, but end up completely missing, is that the Democrats are TOTAL HYPOCRITES because they claim the "moral high ground" and have falsely accused people of racism for literally GENERATIONS when they are as guilty as sin of the same sins. They've just always been protected from disclosure by the press. The Internet is changing that. No wonder they want to regulate it.... Republicans don't "embrace the low ground." Nobody champions what Trump said. Try to find where they have, fellas.

The forum's Great Wise One responds to this, "Just because he was promoting 9th month and at birth abortions . . ." with this: "This is a blatant falsehood. You are either deceived or deliberately lying." You're wrong GWO -- he defended and promoted post-birth abortion as something a woman and her doctor should DISCUSS after the baby is born.

SB remarks, "Imagine the furor if instead of blackface or a Klan sheet he'd been photographed wearing a red cap. Or a smirk." Indeed. SB is one of maybe four of five conservatives I found in the forum. What Northam is experiencing, he brought on himself. The MAGA hat kids were innocent and the press crucified them for no reason except for the media's deep, visceral hatred of Trump.

SVA falls back on his oft-repeated fantasy that Kavanaugh is an alcoholic, despite the fact that he doesn't exhibit any of the symptoms or tale-tell signs of alcoholism. This is a huge fantasy of the left.

One member I never encountered when I was a member posted this, "So he didn't pose in the yearbook photo, but admits to donning blackface to imitate Michael Jackson. ( Ironic, since Jackson had his skin surgically whitened) Wearing blackface is either wrong or it isn't."

Agree. He admitted to appearing in black face, period. But this person's comment, "Ironic, since Jackson had his skin surgically whitened," is not true. (More on this in my next post.)

A Virginian who hates the Flaggers posts, "My other half is Roman Catholic and has been giddy over this affair. He is a single issue voter and Northam's abortion position has pushed K-- over the top. I suggested he may need to go to confession this afternoon due to his schadenfreude."

But not due to his defiance of Scripture's prohibition of the sin of homosexuality... (shaking my head).

Someone mentioned wearing his MAGA hat proudly, with a smirk, and SVA -- again -- posts, "Firstly, I'm surprised that you can find one small enough to fit on your head.  Secondly, you realize those hats are made in China. How does it represent making America Great if Trump has a Chinese Factory making them and not an American Company? Ever think about that? I doubt it granted."

This insult to a fellow forum member is a far worse transgression that mine, and it breaks a clearly stated rule of the forum. Second, this fellow just lies like so many of them do -- over and over and over. Trump hats you buy at Walmart are probably made in China, but Trump hats you order from Trump's official website are made in America. Even the left-protecting "fact checker" website, Snopes, acknowledges Trump's official hats are made in the USA.

Flagrant lies about Trump are par for the course at the OF.

CK sez, "Weird how republicans are shocked by racism only when it serves their purposes."  It's not the racism, CK, it's the leftist, Democrat hypocrisy.

That condition -- rank, flagrant hypocrisy -- is the defining characteristic of the left.

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