Sunday, February 24, 2019

Time to get over the fear of being called "racist" -- here's why

"... human beings are to a greater or lesser degree racist, a trait that evolution has hardwired into the genes of our species for good reason — survival of the homogenous group to which each belongs and the retention of its resources and achievements..."

" has little to do with the melanin content of the either tribe’s skin, although that can often be an indicator of historic intent and practice… The propagation of the concept that racism is solely the product of different skin colours is a very red herring indeed."

"... at last we Whites appear to be looking to our disparate tribal origins and beginning to understand that to unilaterally forgo the survival benefits of racism is but a subtle form of suicide, and once we are no longer prepared to accept this fate we will have surmounted the deleterious effects of the decades-long campaign designed to neutralize our will to survive. Those who seek to destroy us know that first they must undermine our ancient social cohesion with lashings of historic guilt… and they have almost succeeded." (Emphasis added.)

From: Race Wars or Situation Normal? — That is the Question
by Seneca III at Gates of Vienna

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