Friday, July 24, 2015


Except for, you know, when I'm not.

Somebody on FB linked to a cockamamie YouTube video claiming the Chattanooga shooting was a hoax. Showed two photos of a Marine killed in Iraq or Afghanistan or some place several years ago, and is now being palmed of as one of the victims in Chattanooga, Cprl Skip Wells.  Problem is, it ain't the same guy. Not even close....
What's the same is the expression on the face. You see that same expression in countless other portraits of marines in uniform.

Generally speaking, I don't believe most conspiracy theories. Sure, conspiracy happens -- it only takes two people, at minimum, and a plan to do something wrong, and voila! you have a conspiracy. But I reject most of the black helicopter-type conspiracies that have been floating around the Internet since I first got online with my WebTV unit back in 1999....

Except Jade Helm. That's an eeee-ville government conspiracy that I've written about EXTENSIVELY on this blog. If you don't believe me, follow this link to a Google index of all my posts about it:

Here's what I have said about other conspiracy theories....
I'm truly amazed at how people of seeming normal intelligence are so easily duped by something on the Internet. When did Americans get so gullible? I don't know how many times I've had to post to Facebook threads proving that the Dearborn MI city council did NOT vote to "fully implement" Sharia law ... that people in Hannah, Wyoming have NOT been microchipped for Obamacare implementation ... that Gen. Petraeus did NOT stage a coup in D.C. ... that a horrifying photo of a screaming man being tortured with a cattle prod is NOT Ambassador Chris Stevens ... that Florida's four "FEMA Camps" (on the infamous list of 800 FEMA camps nationwide) do NOT exist ...

Makes you wonder how many of the floggers get their news from the National Report. I mean, if they'll believe Kat and Spe-lunk-ing, there's no reason for them to NOT believe Nigel J. Covington III at the National Report....

I'm also dismayed by people's willingness to swallow, and then spew anger about, what they see on Facebook and elsewhere ... without even attempting to verify it. Most of the time, I keep my thoughts to myself, but sometimes I have to speak... for example when people post a horrific photo purportedly of Ambassador Chris Stevens being tortured that's actually from Argentina's Dirty War (blogged about that here)...  Or when they post pictures of charred bodies in an African village, claiming they are Christians "burned alive by Muslims" -- when, in fact, they could be from one of several accidental  fires that occurred when gasoline tanker truck wrecked and exploded.  Several of these tragedies have been reported in various African countries, with the dead numbering from the teens to the hundreds. Or when they post photos of Obama's Youth Army and compare them to "Hitler Youth" when, in fact, they are photos of Eagle Scouts participating in programs for law enforcement careers.... And I periodically have to post my research that found there are no FEMA camps in Florida, thus making the entire list of "800 FEMA camps" highly suspect.

So it's not like my suggesting to people that they verify before commenting is something new.
 Of course,  you wont find this truth at a flogger flog. Truth is the last thing they care about, particularly when it comes to Southern heritage folks. That's why they take one negative comment or incident involving one or a handful of heritage supporters and attribute it to tens of thousands (perhaps, by now, hundreds of thousands) in the heritage community.

I might revisit this odious leftist habit of smearing all with a tiny minority (also known as stereotyping or bigotry) sometime soon. We'll see....

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