Kevin Levin has a list of monuments that have come down in 2017 in a blog post titled, "The Year Confederate Monuments Came Down". Creative, catchy and fresh, isn't it? Not a bit banal....
Sez Kev, "There is no other way to spin what happened this past year as anything other than a complete rejection of the Lost Cause and the belief that Confederate military and political leaders deserve to be honored in our public spaces..."
What he's saying (he may not realize it) is that HIS SPIN is right and anyone else's spin is not right. Is he not? There's no other way to spin it except the way HE has spun it....
Once again we have a glimpse into the leftist, anti-Confederate mindset. Spinning is okay for them; it's not okay for anyone else.
Spin, btw, is just another word for interpretation -- a favorite word of what passes for historians these days. That's what Levin thinks the job of a historian IS -- to interpret history ... to SPIN it. And if you don't accept his spin, or if your spin clashes with his, then you're ignorant and probably an evil white supe, to boot.
He relates the comment of a resident of Memphis as if he's reporting on somebody telling the gospel truth, as if anyone who is for the removals is incapable of spin. "Finally," sez the Memphian, "we can come down and really enjoy this park. And we don’t have to see something that reminds us of our painful past: the lynchings, and beatings, and the selling of our forefathers.”
"In the end," Levin concludes, "that is what this is all about."
It's not about the truth, oh, no. It's not about other viewpoints that are just as valid.
You're a historian. You spin history, and your spin is to paint the side you don't like as total evil and unworthy of remembrance, and the side you do like as totally righteous. Your spin fosters a victim mentality in yet another group. You do this for years and years, indoctrinating students and the public.
And when somebody chants that indoctrination back to you, you crow, "That's what it's all about!"
(Note: Kevin doesn't even mention the extremely pertinent leftist/socialist/Deep State war on our current president that uses fabricated or artificially incited racial conflict to discredit him and portray him as a racist. Although you'd have to be deaf/blind/stupid or off-planet to miss it. All you have to do is ask yourself why all these removals did not occur at sometime the previous 8 years... But that doesn't fit the pre-selected spin. )
Sunday, December 24, 2017
The Co-Popes of Confederate Right-Think -- Hall and Levin
Posting on a comment thread of a Confederacy-hatin' blogger, Kevin Levin, Delusional Andy Hall writes:
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Folks, two things about Andy -- he tries to come across as unruffled, unemotional and above the fray, but it's futile, because his hatred manages to punch through, anyway.
The other thing about Andy is that he thinks he knows everything there is to know about an event (not to mention the people involved) without the benefit of having been there. Presumably, reading about it on the Internet opens his brain and pours in a bunch of information that isn't reported, so he can speak of it as an expert -- as if he was right in the middle of it, beginning to end, and knows every single thing about it. What happened at the Sutherlin Mansion in Danville when the Third National was removed is an example.
But the most telling thing about Andy is how he knows heritage folks, INSIDE OUT -- almost always people he has never met, never talked to, never been around. He reads some sentence on the Internet and HE JUST KNOWS. He can tell you what MOTIVATES THEM. He can tell you WHY they are thus motivated.
Well, no. He doesn't and he can't. What Andy can do is hate certain people, bigtime. And not only that, but to post crap that will encourage others to hate them, too.
Andy is like a reformed drinker who now rails against any and all who drink -- even if it's just swallowing a spoonful of Nyquil when you have the Mother of All Colds and you just need some sleep; you're no better than the town drunk.
He used to see Confederate history in a favorable way, or sez he did. But then he SAW THE LIGHT. He was WOKE. The scales fell from his eyes and now he knows that heritage folks are Satan's minions on earth, spreading lies to entrap people, and send them to Civil War Hell... And Andy is the infallible pope of Civil War History. He knows it all, folks, even what he doesn't know. What he thinks about it is RIGHT. It CANNOT be wrong because HE SAW THE LIGHT. And he not only SAW THE LIGHT, he did what was right in response -- he got on the Internet and started drumming up hate for heritage folks who don't see things like he does...
Of course, Andy isn't the only one who thinks he is infallible about this stuff. You could call Kevin Levin Andy's co-pope of Civil War History. He knows it all, even the unknowable. And he is as much a hater of heritage folks as Andy is. More on Levin in my next post.