Sunday, May 27, 2018

Getting Back in the Swing....

For the past couple of years or so, my time has been claimed by a number of things beyond my control. I've been unable to regularly update my blog or do much other writing on behalf of our heritage.

I had four major surgeries in the past 21 months with lengthy recovery and rehab.

To complicate matters, in July 2016 I was diagnosed with severe iron deficiency anemia. Due to gastric surgery in 2011, I cannot absorb dietary iron, not from food or supplements. It took about five years to use up my iron stores; thus, my anemia diagnosis in 2016. My hemoglobin level was 7 (should be 12 to 15) and my ferritin level was 3; normal level is 100.  Seeing my blood test results, blood doctor said, "I don't know how you're walking around."

It required two transfusions and two infusions to return my numbers to normal levels, alleviate the fatigue and restore energy. Since I cannot absorb dietary iron, my hemoglobin and ferritin levels are now monitored every six months or so, and when the numbers indicate, I receive an iron infusion. This month, my numbers indicated it was time for an infusion, which I had a few days ago.

On top of everything else, in late January this year, I broke the radius bone in my left wrist, and cracked the ulna. This severely inhibits typing, and a lot of other things normal living requires.  Although the break healed nicely, it still hurts sometimes, and the hand doctor says it will take about six months for the pain to completely go away. But at least I can type now.

While I was working through all these maladies, I did what I could for our heritage. I participated in the efforts to save our Confederate monument in Pensacola, writing comments in the local mullet-wrapper following reports on the subject, writing and distributing handbills countering the demands of the mayor and some vocal leftist activists, and attending a city council meeting. The monument is safe. For now.

I've also made online memes and printed flyers and handbills for heritage hotspots and created an online group to answer the SPLC's ridiculous and dishonest "Whose Heritage" campaign.

But now that I'm emerging from the physical restrictions I've had, I'm ready to sure enough get back into the fray. I don't know how much I can do, how well I can keep up the pace ... but we shall see.

One of the projects I want to expand is the use of printed flyers and handbills to counter Take Em Downers and other Destroyers. By now, it is unmistakably clear that the media, national to local, is largely a leftist propaganda enterprise, and they are invested in drumming up hatred for our heritage -- and for us. Our views will not get a fair hearing or presentation from them ... so, we will attempt to inform the public about our side with a low-tech alternative -- printed handouts and, later, street posters.

I'll close out with some flyer samples -- some generic responses to Take Em Downers and some location-specific.


  1. Corey, please. A lot of Southerners back then believed that slavery was safer in the union that out of it. Some of my statements are my opinion and thus don't need to be backed up. I note that Livid Levin and Randy Andy don't back up a lot of their insolent hate-mongering about the Flaggers and other heritage folk with sources.

    I have provided primary source evidence to back up many things I've written for this blog but most of this blog is about the contemporary culture war and is common knowledge. But historically, the South seceded in large part to protect slavery, but they FOUGT because a bunch of barbarians wearing military uniforms invaded their land, threatened their families and communities... But suppose they had fought primarily for slavery. So what? That doesn't justify the savagery the union perpetrated on the Southern people.

    The Virginia Flaggers have posted thousands of images, and Randy Andy finds one or two mis-identified and he shrieks like a flippin' banshee, claiming this is proof they don't know history. He is a hater, just like you.... a pathetic one, just like Livid Levin.

  2. Corey keeps trying to apply a moral argument to a legal and political question. That's how Northern Nationalists get around the political and legal argument, which they can't win. They change the subject by reframing it as a moral question. The North's, more specifically the Northern supremacist argument, is completely outside of the laws, Constitution and any political theory underpinning the organisation and governance of United States. The only difference between them and current organisations like the Sovereign Citizens movement, is that they had the power of sixteen state governments and the Federal Government behind them. Or more precisely, Lincoln and the Republican Party.But their argument is no less spurious than that of the other, more modern political fringe movements. There's no officially accepted legal or political theory, or Constitutional amendment which grants the sixteen Northern states superior rights and authority in the Union, or makes the other states their subordinate subjects. Which is essentially their whole argument, and which they get around by conflating Northern Nationalism with American Nationalism, and the Northern states with America, itself.

  3. Glad you are back and doing better. Hope you have a full recovery.


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