Tuesday, August 21, 2018

The Self-deluded Civil War Left

So the statue had barely hit the ground, viciously pulled down by domestic terrorists, when Kevin Levin went into Quick Gloat mode and posted about it on his flog. Of course, we can easily see his obvious motives by a perfunctory look-see at his whole flog ... I mean, he's not coy about it, and it's pretty standard fair for leftist judgmentalness.

But now and then, he betrays his deeper views, his less often revealed motivations. I've written before about my observations of these deeper views and motives, and my conclusions about them.

What he wrote about the terrorist activity at the U of NC again brings these usually soft-pedaled views to the forefront. Sometimes, civil war leftists make it so obvious,  you have to amputate half your brain to not see it....

F'rinstance, he can't get through the first paragraph sticking with the subject -- he has to deviate into Charlottesville and the recent dud of an anniversary march in D.C. This has nothing whatever to do with Silent Sam. In fact, the Unite the Right rally in 2017 had nothing to do with the monuments in Charlottesville; the rallygoers didn't care about those monuments, so the connection is a media concoction -- a hoax -- beginnig to end.

But here's the kicker. Sez Levin:
Silent Sam didn’t feel anything while being toppled over by students nor did he feel anything while the crowd kicked and spit on him. The same could not be said for the African American woman, who Julian Carr referenced in his dedication speech for the statue in 1913.
What Levin mule-headedly ignores is that Silent Sam represents and commemorates UNC students WHO DIED defending the Old North State. They weren't horsewhipped. They DIED. You know, as in DEAD.

But this comment of Levin's shows the convoluted thinking that feeds his desperate need for SOMETHING to justify his hatred of Southern white folks. Julian Carr's mistreatment of a black woman reflects on Julian Carr and nobody else. It does not reflect on the UNC students who became soldiers to defend their state from an invasion of barbarians wearing military uniforms. It does not reflect on Southern heritage folks today. But Levin is nothing if he is not a peddler of guilt-by-association (even when it is isn't true).

His current comments also illustrate his apparent belief that black misery existed in inverse proportion to Southern white evil. So, in his determination to paint white Southerners as evil as he possibly can, he paints blacks as miserable as possible. You see this motive all through Levin's writing.

I left a comment, knowing he wouldn't post it. Having my comment show up in the comment thread wasn't why I left it, anyway. I simply wanted him read it, so he would know he isn't fooling some of us. To my surprise, he let it through:
Wow! You went into Quick Gloat mode, didn’t cha? Oh, how you love anti-Confederate lawlessness…. The only person responsible for mistreating the African American woman was the person who did it. Dylann Roof is a crazy person, nothing he did should validate any sane person’s thoughts.

I’ll bet you think this rise of lawlessness indicates a “retreat” of Confederate heritage, don’t you?

Do you know how utterly dishonest your stands and pronouncements look to sane, well-adjusted people?
In a hilarious turn, the first comment following mine was from the repetition-bot Dimmy Jick....the first grader in an old man's body.  I had forgotten just how kneejerk and infantile Dimmy is; he can repeat "racist" "racism" "white supremacy" and all the phony buzzwords without a single neuron firing. Honestly, folks, I cannot figure how how Dimmy got a college degree, served in the military, and got a teaching job.

I won't post Dimmy's comment. If you've ever read one of his comments, you've read them all.

CliosFanBoy wants to know, "if these statues mark “heritage” where are the statues to the southern Union units and the USCTs??" Most monuments were put up by RELATIVES of Confederate soldiers.  If he wants to put some up to somebody else, nobody is stopping him.

Claudia Gibson (Confederate descendant) sez, "I think every Reconstruction era statue should be pulled down." As far as I know, few if any monuments were raised during reconstruction. Claudia further sez, "The point of these statues was to enforce the disenfranchisement of southern African Americans." Not according to the people who put them up, so I wonder how she knows this. Does find out by talking to the dead? Does she hold seances? Throw chicken bones? Claudia finishes, "The speech made at this particular statue’s dedication only enforces that." The speech made at the dedication reflects on the speaker and his beliefs, nobody else's.  What you are seeing here, folks, is the effect of leftist group-think. They are incapable of seeing individual responsibility. What one person does reflects on his whole "group" -- whatever the accuser conceptualizes that to be.

Brad sez, "Sometimes popular action is the only way to redress a problem." Thereby approving of mob violence.... (The statue wasn't the only thing these thugs attacked. Levin didn't mention that.)

Rob Baker shares an episode of anti-Confederate indoctrination he subjected his students to.

Sez Jerry McKenzie, "Silent Sam let a lot of injustice pass without a word." Thereby showcasing his own ignorance of the purpose of war memorials....

Ewan Wardle thinks connections with tyrannical rule has been dissolved. He must have gone to school with Dimmy.

But that's enough. These people do not have the moral high ground. They don't have moral ground at all. Their hatred of the Confederacy, the South and white Southerners is based on lies and self-delusion. It is most unfortunate that in once-free America, these dolts and deluders hold sway in government, the media, education and the popular culture. The country cannot survive their gut-deep dishonesty.


  1. As has been pointed out on another blog;

    “The monuments being torn down should be viewed as a repudiation of the 1865 Armistice(s) and cease-fire agreements signed by Confederate generals, as opposed to the legitimately elected Southern government."


    "Thus when non-signatories to the 1865 Armistices proceed to violate the 150-year old cease-fire, then Southern non-signatories have no legal or moral duty to honor these 1865 Armistices either. In fact, we owe it to ourselves and our posterity to set things right for our survival as a People."

  2. Strange to see that Levin (a Jew) approves of Fascist tactics.

    1. Well, I think I remember him writing once that he's not a "practicing" Jew. Maybe that explains it? LOL!

    2. Now all we gotta do is sit back and wait for Corey to comment.

  3. The Julian Carr speech

    They cherry picked a few sentences out of Carr's speech to claim the statue was raised to promote "Jim Crow" etc, but they don't tell you there were four other speeches that day. One was by the governor of North Carolina. Here's part of his speech-

    “Ours is the task to build a State worthy of all patriotism and heroic deeds, a State that demands justice for herself and all her people, a State sounding with the music of victorious industry, a State whose awakened conscience shall lead the State to evolve from the forces of progress a new social order, with finer development for all conditions and classes of our people.”

    1. Why, Border Ruffian, you don't expect Levin to acknowledge THAT, do you? Silly boy.

    2. BTW, thanks for posting this, Border Ruffian. I've already used this information on Facebook.

    3. The source for the quote is the June 3, 1913 edition of the Charlotte Observer. The dedication of the monument is covered on pages 1, 2 and 3. It quotes several of the speakers- the Governor, President of UNC and representatives from the UDC. It mentions Carr, but does not quote any of his speech.

    4. Which governor was that? Kind of sounds like Charles B Aycock, but I think he was out of office then.


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