Sunday, March 12, 2017

He Just Can't Stay Away....

At his XRoads blog, Brooks Simpson tells a commenter, "I’m noting this event because of the close association between this person and a Confederate heritage group."

This event is the sentencing of a man, Jason Sulser, for trafficking in child pornography. We know the Confederate heritage group Simpson is talking about can't be the Virginia Flaggers, because they do not have a close relationship with Sulser.

But in case that is who people think he's talking about, let me disabuse you of that idea right now. Simpson tells the commenter, "You might want to do a little research before you offer your opinion."  I also wrote a comment to leave at XRoads but Simpson has a long, long history of not posting comments he doesn't like, or that prove he is wrong -- especially mine -- so I'm addressing some of  my comments in this blog entry to him.

I might suggest that you might want to do a little research before you offer your opinion, Simpson, but, of course, we know that when it comes to Confederate heritage folks, and especially the Virginia Flaggers, you don't want to do that. What YOU want to do is join DeStroy in fomenting hatred for the Virginia Flaggers. That is why you have posted about them, or hosted comments about them, hundreds of times on your blog -- with the posts and comments almost always hostile and frequently deliberately untrue.

If the Virginia Flaggers are the "Confederate heritage group" you are talking about without naming, then read on and add this to your research.

Mr. Sulser has showed up for some events that the VaFlaggers also attended. He may have showed up for some Flagger events that were open to everyone (the Flaggers say he attended about 3 of over 700 events). He and the Flaggers have traded a tiny handful of comments on Facebook. Are you seriously claiming that constitutes a close association? If so, then the VaFlaggers have close relationships with hundreds, possibly thousands of people they've never even spoken to, but who attended events like the Tomato Festival and the Mechanicsville Christmas Parade, etc.

BTW, your alter-eg-- I mean, your buddy DeStroy said months ago he was going to compile a list of Virginia Flagger-sponsored events that Sulser attended -- dates, times, locations --  and events organized by Sulser that the Flaggers attended, and post them on his blog. Not events sponsored by others they both happened to attend, but THEIR events and HIS events. DeStroy has posted no such lists. We can only assume he hasn't because he can't, because he can't find and/or document any.

Simpson, I know you have a visceral desire to portray the Virginia Flaggers as racist evil-doers, but they are not and your longing to believe they are is both pathetic and contemptible. Let us not forget that you had among your blog followers a convicted pedophile and a convicted child porn trafficker. What is there about you that attracted these followers? And how many other of your followers are the same, but they just haven't been outed yet?

And what about your close association with the antifa commenters at XRoads. DeStroy is an antifa supporter, and probably antifa himself.. "Liberty Lamp" is antifa... Antifa are the folks who rioted and attacked people and injured many after Trump's election. They riot and burn buildings at college campuses to deprive certain speakers of their constitutional rights to appear and address audiences there. They have beaten up peaceful demonstrators; they've pepper sprayed old people, and destroyed property at otherwise peaceful gatherings from California to Virginia...

In the USA and in Europe, dressed in black, with black hoods and masks, they are the left's KKK, the storm troopers of the New World Order*.... and you have welcomed at least two to comment on your blog. What is there about you that attracts the KKK of the progressive left? Why have you not denounced the violent antifa?  Why leftist antifa, or their supporters, commented at your blog in the past? Why have you continued allowed them to comment at XRoads, most recently on March 11?

As I have challenged elsewhere, Find me ANYWHERE online a video where an innocent pedestrian or even a Flagger critic walking down the Boulevard in Richmond gets physically attacked, hit, punched, slapped, and kicked like the unfortunate protester in Berkeley who was beaten and kicked by antifa thugs. (See the video at the February 10th entry of this blog.)At most, critics on the Boulevard might find themselves videotaped... but not violently attacked -- not by the Virginia Flaggers, at any rate.

What we are seeing now is what we've seen all along. "Progressives" like Simpson and his followers are more offended by some people's words than they are other people's violence and thuggery.  And many times, the words they object to are not offensive in and of themselves. In that case, these critics assign meanings to words that they don't actually have, so they can condemn others, not for what they say, but for what critics say they mean.

Simpson has stepped up his attacks on Confederate heritage folks recently, after laying somewhat low for a good while, and letting his Restoring the Honor persona-- I mean, colleague, do the heavy lifting of heritage bashing. I'm not sure what happened lately to set him off... but with haters like that, you might never know....

*ht to Baron Bodissy at The Gates of Vienna for the
designation, Storm Troopers of the New World Order.


  1. I wonder if they've cleaned things up at Barrett yet?

  2. Simpson is back to his old habit of assassinating his own intellect in order to try to make somebody else look bad. Over at DeStroy's hate blog, he sez, "I'm amused that Chastain thinks I'm you, or that you're me. Sure seem to be desperate times in Flaggerland."

    This is a university professor, now, folks. You would think knows there are words that have more than one meaning. He has done this before. He is pretending he doesn't know that so he can say I think he's DeStroy, or that DeStroy is him. But there is another definition to alter ego....

    al·ter e·go
    1. a person's secondary or alternative personality.
    2. an intimate and trusted friend.

    You'd think he would catch my drift by the way I worded the sentence: "BTW, your alter-eg-- I mean, your buddy DeStroy said months ago..."

    Buddy? Friend?

    And DeStroy comes back with this hilariously unbrilliant stroke, "No one will ever accuse her of being bright," after Simpson's faux pas.

    Nobody will ever accuse you of being bright OR decent, DeStroy..

    While we're at it, let's look at how DeStroy answers this:

    BTW, your alter-eg-- I mean, your buddy DeStroy said months ago he was going to compile a list of Virginia Flagger-sponsored events that Sulser attended -- dates, times, locations -- and events organized by Sulser that the Flaggers attended, and post them on his blog. Not events sponsored by others they both happened to attend, but THEIR events and HIS events. DeStroy has posted no such lists. We can only assume he hasn't because he can't, because he can't find and/or document any.

    Sez he, "Strap in folks, we're just getting started. Foolish Connie doesn't understand just how difficult it is to lay out 2 gigabytes of data in a single post. We plan on taking our time. Folks, also note, that isn't what I said, but it was similar to that. Either way, Connie's about to eat her crow again."

    What hooey I have not eaten crow before ... but that's exactly what you're doing now. Down the hatch, DeStroy. Beak, feathers, feet and all.... The "2 gigabytes of data" is a laughable excuse. Just getting started? If it's THAT big a job, why is he just now getting started? He has had MONTHS AND MONTHS to get started and MONTHS AND MONTHS to finish.

    He hasn't done it, folks, because he can't. He made a big boast he can't back up. He's scrambling around NOW trying to find something, ANYthing he can construe as "proof" of his claims.

    Listen, liar -- event, location, date and proof of who SPONSORED the event.

  3. Now, there's this:

    Wonder if Brooksie is rallying behind this.

    Arizona State is becoming a safe-space parody of a university. Snowflake city....


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