Friday, June 8, 2018


Doesn't matter if you do. This is right:


  1. Slavery was legal in every state and territory in which it hadn't been abolished or banned. Furthermore, it was protected by the Constitution.
    It was also within the Constitutional and legal purview of the states to abolish, ban or permit it as they saw fit. Which the Northern states did, by abolishing it where it existed, and banning it where it did not.

    The Abolitionists and Free Soilers had no legal or Constitution right to raise private guerilla armies for the purposes of preventing Southerners, or any other Americans, from entering into, or settling upon, the territory of Kansas, or any other territory, Wherein they had every legal and lawful right to be.

  2. You can make as many memes as you like, but history doesn't agree with you.

    1. Corey, history isn't an entity with volition, to agree or disagree with something or someone. There is nothing in history that disputes my meme. You may not like it. Pffft.

  3. "You can make as many memes as you like, but history doesn't agree with you."

    Says the man whose own memes are so lame, his fellow political travellers don't even like them much.

  4. I'm Corey, I post with my own name. And there is much of history that disagrees with the state declarations of causes I'd secession.

    1. Corey, you are a liar. You have no credibility, capisce? You've posted here, there and everywhere with false names intended to deceive. I don't believe anything you say. Most people I know don't believe you, either. You have RUINED your reputation. You have made yourself lying scum.

      Only four states issued Declarations of Causes. Nine states didn't. In any case, secession is not war, and the reasons for each are different. Some states may have secede to protect slavery, among other things, but they ALL fought because an army of barbarians wearing blue uniforms swarmed across their land, murdering people and destroying everything.

      But, as the meme says, SO WHAT IF THEY HAD? THAT DID NOT JUSTIFY THE UNION'S BRUTAL, SAVAGE, UNCIVILIZED, GENOCIDAL WAR ON THE SOUTHERN PEOPLE. My gosh, SLAVEOWNERS were morally superior to the murderers who invaded the South.

    2. What Corey's implying, but won't ever say, is that Southern Secession didn't have moral legitimacy. However, morality and law aren't the same thing.

      Corey brings up the ordinances of secession because it's the core element of a moral argument. Moral arguments aren't accepted as a legitimate defense in any court of law.

      The moral argument is a distraction from the fact that the Abolitionists and Free Soilers, and the various factions that supported and pandered to them, violated the Constitution, broke the law and broke the Union.


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