Sunday, June 17, 2018

Levin's Ongoing Lie

He contends that support for the Confederate flag is "eroding" in the South. defines erode thusly:

verb (used with object), e·rod·ed, e·rod·ing.
    to eat into or away; destroy by slow consumption or disintegration:
    to form (a gully, butte, or the like) by erosion.

That makes erosion sound like a natural physical process. In school, we learned that rain on soil where there was little vegetation would erode the land, wash it away.

But Levin's choice of words is wrong, like so many of his other claims.  If someone takes an excavator and digs a trench, that is not erosion.  If they take a bulldozer and scrape the soil away, that is not erosion.

He contends that the Virginia Flagger track record of placing Confederate battleflags beside busy thoroughfares is somehow a failure, because flags are still being removed from public locations. He passes off the private-property flags with a forced laugh.  In fact, the people who get enraged about flags on  public property are also enraged about flags on private property.

Levin can interpret it as failure if he wishes. But a lot of nutcases in Virginia are so enraged they are apparently willing to jettison America's bedrock belief in private property to assuage their steaming hatred.

The equivalent of excavators tearing up the land is what's happening with the Confederate flag in particular and Southern heritage in general. It is deliberate.  The destruction is coming from Levin, who then lies about it and claims it's "just happening" -- and others join him; the usual flogger suspects plus the creaky denizens of the decayed halls of academia. It is orchestrated by the leftist Southern Poverty Law Center. Their "Whose Heritage" campaign provides bulldozers and excavators used in the attacks.

If they weren't attacking, flags and monuments would not be targeted for removal. It is that simple. The public would not be working to remove the artifacts of the Confederacy. Sixty-two percent of Americans polled want Confederate monuments left alone. It is leftist activists who are running this show, not the people. Ordinary people may be hesitant to protest the removals because they fear being called racists -- even though they aren't racists -- because a charge of racism doesn't have to be true or proven these days in order to lose your job or get expelled from school.

But they surely aren't behind it and they are getting tired of the left's bulldozing of Confederate heritage, a precursor to bulldozing U.S. heritage. Already statues of  George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, even Teddy Roosevelt, have been caught in the left's crosshairs because ... white supremacy -- as looney as that is.  And Americans who admire and honor their country, its history and its heroes grow sicker of it every day.

One outcome of that disgust with the left's hatred and destruction of America is -- the election of Donald Trump to the Presidency.  Unsurprisingly, all the leftists, the floggers and other Confederacy haters also viscerally hate Trump.

When you have Antifa rioting, arsoning, and pepper spraying old people, but the media and leftist commentators pretend they played no role at Charlottesville, only the alt-right and white supes deserve the blame -- well, don't be surprised when the people elect Corey Stewart... 

Enjoy your little fantasies that Confederate commemoration is "eroding," Levin. When the bulldozers and excavators are made to malfunction ... when they are destroyed and go still and silent, the "erosion" will stop, and the flags and monuments will return.


  1. Hey, how come Susan Hathaway uses an Alias now...and you claim I use so

    1. She's not using an alias. She's using her real name.

      You have used many, with intention of deceit.

  2. Just the number of Northern transplants and other foreigners are increasing.


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