Saturday, January 19, 2019

Confederate Blogging in the Era of Trump

The header of this blog says, "Defending Dixie -- Commentary on pro-Southernism and Southern Culture --  Confederate history, heritage and activism -- religion, politics and America's pop culture -- and whatever else I feel like writing about."

The emphasis has always been on -- and will remain on -- Confederate history, heritage and activism, primarily because that it remains under attack by the forces of the left; but I cannot resist participating more in the ideological battle the whole country finds itself in now. Of course, the forces that are out to destroy the USA have been at work for generations, but in recent decades they have gained much power.

My participation in this ideological battle is not undertaken from any hope of winning, and saving the USA from destruction. It's already way too late for that ... in fact, from my point of view, the country has already been destroyed. It doesn't exist anymore. The left has won, and thus, what awaits us is the fate of all countries wherein the left wins -- a fate worse in some places than others. But in every case it is destruction; it is bad for human beings; and, sooner or later, it is suffering and death.

The best we can hope for is for parts of the country and its founding basis to be preserved -- and I hope the South will be one of those parts. I am a seasoned citizen, and I likely won't live to see the ultimate fate of the country -- but I can spend what time I have left undermining the leftist forces of suffering and death in whatever way I can, and spitting in the eye of destruction. I'll do that from time to time on this blog.

The look of the blog will likely change a bit, particularly the content of the sidebars.

If you were a reader in the past, I invite you back. If you're new, I welcome your visits.

1 comment :

  1. I pray you are wrong about the country being irrevocably damaged,but I do agree with you on the rest. I too will keep fighting till the end, if only because I could never stomach betraying all those who have been brave enough to fight the Regressive Leftist Establishment.


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