Mere hours after my news flash that "Victor 'Vic' Hatcher" was yet another made up profile of Corey D. Meyer, I got a Facebook message from Corey, again denying that he was the porno blogger. The entire thread, including time stamps, is posted at the end of this blog entry.
I figured that by messaging me, Corey was tryin' to tell me something -- he has a track record for telling on himself that way, messaging me when he gets impatient for me to "find" something on my own, just like the first time he messaged me about the porno blog back in March. So I took a quick peek at the Confederate Flagging blog to see what "Victor" was up to and -- lo, and behold! -- "Victor" has disappeared, the porno pics are back up, and the blogger is identified as ... MOI!
Yep, looks like Ol' Victor/Arie has been thrown under the porno bus. Corey is so mean to his fake profiles...uses them and then throws them away like an old Kleenex.
Impersonation is fraud. It is identify theft and strictly against Blogger rules. This case of identify theft has been reported to Blogger. Who knows how long it will take them to do anything about it. Meanwhile, I'm notifying my blog readers and Southern friends on Facebook about this vindictive attempt to frame me.
Identify theft is also against the law. Most statutes criminalize identify theft for the purpose of committing financial OR
non-financial fraud.
It's unfortunate if these photos offend anyone -- they certainly offend me -- but I can't apologize for them because I have nothing to do with their existence or their appearance online. This has been somebody else's sick, degenerate project since March. My participation has been limited to denouncing it and attempting to expose whoever is behind it, to the extent that I can.
It's very simple. If Corey is not the porno blogger, all he has to do is post some proof, or at least neutralize the evidence against him I have collected and presented. Instead, he just says he didn't do it. He even tried to pin it on David Tatum, for cryin' out loud.
So now, here's this odious attempt to frame me as the owner/author of the porno blog but I'm not going to whine like Corey. I'm stating flat out, I
not only deny
owning and authoring the blog, I also
denounce the porno blog both for its pornographic pictures -- something Corey did not do; he called them "funny" (and this person who thinks sexually degenerate photos online are funny
teaches school kids...) and its denigration of the Confederate flag.
I state again, it is identity theft, fraud and simple hatefulness.
Blogger lists all my blogs on my legitimate profile. The identity-theft profile doesn't show them. It also doesn't show the list of blogs I follow -- and it would if it were legit. Fraudulent profile on left. My legit profile on right.

Click for full-size image
So Blogger has been notified that I'm being impersonated. The porno blog and the message thread have been cached. We'll see what happens next, and how long it takes....
Facebook Message Thread
Kindred Blood 4 hours agoYou are fully obsessed aren't you Connie. I can tell you now and with a straight face...I am not responsible for the "Confederate Flagging" blog you claim I am. I suggest you look closer to home. I don't like using Blogger, but David Tatum has several blogs under his name that use Blogger. To me this looks like an inside job if I have ever seen one. Someone trying to make us look know reverse psychology. Think about it. But I suggest you stop spreading false rummors about me.
Connie Chastain 3 hours agoSorry, Corey. I don't care what you tell me and with what kind of face. Your denials are hollow. You promoted that blog to me in this very FB messenger, with your Kindred Blood ID and as Robert Billy. You admitted that Robert Billy was a fake profile you made up to spy on the SHPG. That means everything you said as Robert Billy was a lie. When I recently posted screenshots of the messages where you admitted it, you said I had "photoshopped" it, implying the info was made up. No. You have a track record for lying and you have thoroughly discredited yourself.
Kindred Blood 3 hours agoBe careful...
Kindred Blood 3 hours agoYou have very little credibility either.
Dixie Bashin': The Ugly, Hate-Filled People of Connie Chastain's "Backsass" Group
A blog that makes fun of those people who embarrass southern heritage by a true southerner. (If that makes me a scalawag, I consider the source.)
Kindred Blood 3 hours agoOBTW, just because I gave you a link to that site, don't think I have anything to do with it...
Connie Chastain 2 hours agoCorey, when I accuse you of being a liar, I don't use what someone else claims about you. I use YOUR OWN LIES.
That whole "blog" is Brooks Simpson's temper tantrum because I disrespect him and his hatred of the South. It was created just to attack me, taken from a phrase I coined (Dixie-bashing Bloggers). It is full of lies. You can look at it and call ME obsessed? Only people with little sense and less scruples can take it seriously. Nearly every post over there is an attack on me.
This is just an example: He said I lied about Tyler Ratke's profile disappearing, but I didn't lie. By my experience, Tyler DID disappear, because I didn't know Facebook says "page not found" when you've been blocked (nobody has ever blocked me, so how would I know?).
He has posted a mountain of lies about me at Crossroads, too -- has claimed two or three times that I've "admitted" stalking him on my blog -- I've made no such admission. You couldn't find it on my blog if your life depended on it. Like you, he lies flat out, and he lies by implication and innuendo. You can't prove ANYTHING about ME by what Brooks Simpson says. He's as big a liar as you are.
I have lots of author services jobs in progress. When I get a little caught up I'm going to rip "Dixie Bashin'" to shreds, just like I ripped your phony porno blog to shreds.
Yes, you gave me the link to the porno blog to try to get a rise out of me. You created it to insult the flag and create anger in Southern heritage advocates, but how would that happen if nobody knew about it? So you started sending the URL around. It's your site. You built it. It wouldn't surprise me if you even took some of the photos.
Kindred Blood 2 hours agoConnie, call me a liar all you want still will not change the fact that I am not responsible for the blog you claim I am. I have read what is on Dixie Bashin and I believe what that person says. The quotes are taking directly from your blog and Facebook...the proof is in the puddin.
Kindred Blood 2 hours agoOne quick one time in the past when I was using Billy Yank as my handle I got into a heated blasting of Michael Cushman or Palmetto Patriot. Someone then started using that name to post on a porno discussion board and posted comments...about 900 of them under my name...Billyank1864 and when you did a google search for that those post came up first. I never found out who actually did it but I believed at the time it was I began posting stuff on that site under the name Palmetto Patriot and used a big confederate flag as my avatar and even posted a link to his site. He found out about it and blamed me...I denied it and eventually deleted the account.
The point is that I felt bad about doing that to Michael and vowed I would not do it again...and I have not.
Connie Chastain 2 hours agoIf the quotes substantiated anything, Corey, he wouldn't have to embellish them with his lying commentary, now would he? That's just like you and your ilk. You believe it because you share his hatred.
I call you a liar, Corey, not because somebody else says you are, BUT BECAUSE YOU LIED TO ME. Directly to me. Your "Robert Billy" message thread established you as a liar and totally destroy your credibility. As far as I'm concerned, at least, you're beyond rehabilitating.
Connie Chastain 2 hours agoNice little story -- told by a liar.
Corey, you do know that re-creating the porno blog and making it look like I did it is a violation of Blogger policy, don't you? Be careful...
Even more proof you're the porno-blogger... Messaging me as soon as you put it online... LOL! You're a depraved person, you know it? What are you addicted to more, porno, lying or your hatred of Southern heritage folks?
Kindred Blood 2 hours agoAsk Michael...
What are you talking about...
Connie Chastain about an hour agoWhat am I talking about? LOL!!! So is this a collaborative effort between you and Simpson? You know, Corey, for somebody who lies so much, you're not real good at it, ya know?
Kindred Blood about an hour that is funnnnnnnny! They must not have liked what you said about that blog or who they are. You know you are right and wrong. It is neither Prof. Simpson nor I, but I do know who it is. Maybe we should strike a deal?
Oh and you can ask Michael about the story I told you. It is true.
Connie Chastain about an hour agoYup, YOU didn't like what I said about that blog or you. You're giving yourself away again... Messaging me JUST when it goes online. What a coincidence, huh! So, who's the blogger. Victor "Vic" Hatcher???? LOL! You've established yourself as a liar. You are not credible. Get that through your skill. You are a proven liar, and that makes anything you say suspicious. Once you've ruined your own credibility, you can't get it back.
Connie Chastain about an hour agoSkull, not skill. You have a skull, real thick one. You don't have a lot of skill, not even at lying.
BTW, Your "Be Careful" warning above is also a dead giveaway.
Corey, why did you put a picture of a family with children on your new porno site?
S'matter? Where'd you go 23 minutes ago? You can't post porno pics on a blog and message on Facebook at the same time? LOL!
Kindred Blood about an hour agoActually I am installing a Train simulator for my kids...that is where I went. Plus I have said over and over that blog is not mine. It appears now that it is yours. LOL...enjoy!
Connie Chastain about an hour agoLOL. You're a proven liar, Corey. Installing a train simulator for your kids? LOL. Posting pics of kids on your porno site and now using a reference to your own kids in your lie?
Why did you just HAPPEN to message me today, within minutes of the new porno blog going live? You can't even see how you give yourself away, can you?
Connie Chastain about an hour agoYepper. Not even a good liar, nor good at trying to frame somebody, either. If that was my blog, all my other Blogger blogs would be listed on the profile... Proof I'm being framed by somebody who is really, really inept at it. LOL!
There now. All documented...up to the current minute.