Friday, May 9, 2014

Another Book About the South That Yankee Editors Love

Bill Sheehan's review in the Washington Post of Natchez Burning, by Greg Isles:

Some excerpts from the review (which should establish why I won't be reading this book) --

"Weighing in at nearly 800 pages, Natchez Burning is the first volume of a projected trilogy that addresses the racial history of the American South."

Racial history of the South. Of course.

"He came hoping to find peace and a fresh start, but instead became embroiled in a series of violent investigations that illuminated the darker side of life in Natchez, past and present."

Darker side of the South in Natchez. Of course.

"Among the events recounted or referred to here are the 1968 murders of two black civil rights activists, Luther Davis and Jimmy Revels, and the brutal gang rape of Revels’s sister Viola."

Civil rights violence. Of course.

"These and other atrocities were carried out by the Double Eagles, an ultra-violent splinter group of the Ku Klux Klan that plays an increasingly significant role in this saga."

KKK. Of course.
You have GOT to know the editors at HarperCollins/Morrow just LUUUUUV him. He's got the formula (trash the South, demonize white Southerners) down pat for getting his book noticed and  published by a New York-based Big-Six publisher, don't he?


  1. I guess racism stops at the Mason / Dixon line.

  2. And the floggers believe this kind of trashing the South doesn't happen.


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