Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Kevin Levin's White Dreams-- er, Nightmares

The history of Confederate monuments are (sic) wrapped up in the desire to establish and maintain political control for white Americans. White supremacy is what made the monuments possible to begin with and it is the monuments, that, in turn, would help play a role in solidifying white political control for future generations.  ~Kevin Levin
Monuments to soldiers have been erected since time immemorial by people around the world, but all of a sudden, in one time and place in history, they had nothing to do with soldiers who endured unimaginable suffering and death defending their loved ones, homes and communities, but with white supremacy and political control.....

These Confederacy bashers and white-Southerner-haters, of which Levin is such a splendid example, have just gone crazy from their hate... Bonkers. Nutzoid. Bananas. Loony.  And they can't even see it.


  1. Even funnier than how fast these jokers are losing it is how big the backlash against all the hate they inspired is growing.

  2. Levin the history teacher says, "The history of Confederate monuments are (sic) wrapped up in the desire to establish and maintain political control for white Americans."

    Most of the war monuments were installed at the turn of the twentieth century. That 1900 for those who can't read. President McKinley facilitated the rise in monument building shortly after the Spanish-American War. McKinley saw the Union and Confederate soldiers fighting side by side, and thought it fitting that a time of reconciliation is in order.

    McKinley was the last president to have served in the American Civil War, beginning as a private in the Union Army and ending as a brevet major. So, is Levin saying that the Yankee born Union soldier McKinley was trying to maintain political control for white Americans? Levin needs a history lesson.

  3. Apparently, those monuments have an effect at long distance if the white power structure at the all white school Levin indoctrinates at is any example.


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