Thursday, November 21, 2013

I Stand Corrected

Simpson has posted a comment at Crossroads, "One example will have to suffice for evidence that Connie Chastain is a malicious liar: she says that I accused Tripp Lewis of child abuse. There’s a reason she’s never offered proof for that claim: there isn’t any."

Well, there is proof that he IMPLIED it, with this statement, which accompanied videos of Tripp at Crossroads:
"Yesterday several bloggers (see here and here) highlighted the following video ... That a child was present was no accident, as we see from this picture..."

So actually, it was simply an inaccurate description on my part, since he just implied it, and did not directly state an accusation, as Corey, Al Mackey and some peanut gallery floggerettes did. But an inaccurate description is far from a malicious lie -- and absolutely nothing like the malicious lies he tells.

However, I do note that he didn't correct or refute accusations that appeared in his blog comments so he must have agreed with them. After all, Simpson has a history of implying that someone agrees with something unless they say, in a comment thread ON HIS BLOG, that they don't agree with it. (The reverse also applies; he implies they disagree with something unless they say, in a comment thread ON HIS BLOG, that they do agree with it.)

And what WAS the purpose of  pointing out, "That a child was present was no accident..."? Hmmmm/????

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