Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The Real White Supremacists

 I have given this a lot of thought, and I have concluded that leftist heritage-haters either can't read or else they're baldfaced liars.

Take this from the "Destroy the Honor" blog.... S/he writes, "Stone Mountain has always been linked to the Ku Klux Klan." Always, huh....

I left a comment, saying, "I grew up in Georgia and visited Stone Mountain several times, the first when I was third or four grade. There was no "link" to the KKK then, or when I visited there in college, or any other time I visited. The KKK's association with the mountain was generations ago, liar."

When  my family visited there in the late 1950s, there was no theme park but there was a small building where a guide gave us info about the mountain and the carving. And there was no mention of the KKK whatsofreakingever -- not by us or anyone else we encountered of anything "linking" the mountain to the KKK. There were no KKK rallies or other KKK events while we were there, and not a glimpse of any Kluxers walking around.

Ditto when I was in college and a buddy and I went to Atlanta, stayed with my aunt, and visited Stone Mountain. We had a picnic and then climbed the mountain and made photos. No mention by us or anyone else we encountered of anything "linking" the mountain to the KKK. There were no KKK rallies or other KKK events while we were there, and not a glimpse of any Kluxers walking around.

An occasional KKK event  at Stone Mountain doesn't "link" the mountain to the KKK. There have been far more people visiting to ride the train, so you could say Stone Mountain is "linked" to railroads.

Anyway, this dipstick at Destroy the Honor posts this whopper of a lie: "Connie Chastain wants the world to believe that Stone Mountain, Georgia IS NOT linked to the Ku Klux Klan, an indisputable fact that even racists admit is true."

First, I'm not telling the world what to believe -- that's more the thing of megalomaniacs like Destroy the Honor and the Floggers. Second, I don't care what racists admit. And third,  I AM disputing the claim. It is not a fact. It is somebody's opinion.There have been some KKK events there? Whoopdedoo. There have also been birthday parties, family reunions, school outings, family vacations, concerts out the ying-yang... and many more things that could just as legitimately be said are "linked" to the mountain.

People like "Destroy the Honor" and Simpson and Mackey and others who have such a deep and abiding investment in pointing at others and calling them racists are really telling on themselves. They are most probably themelves white supremacists, and they're guilt-ridden over it because white supremacy is the worst thing you can be in our culture. So they try to salve their conscience by combing the Internet day and night -- I mean, they're OBSESSED with it -- looking for somebody they can point to and screech, "RACIST!" and ease their own guilt....

Doesn't work. We see through y'all...


  1. By their measure of racists, Washington DC is also racist as there have been Klan rallies there and countless other yankee cities as well. The rationale they use is narrow minded and absurd.

  2. Stone Mountain - supposedly where the "Second Klan" was founded in 1915...

    ...except I see evidence of it being around prior to that date.

    "Ku Klux Klan Again Active In South; Five Arrests Made"
    Wilkes-Barre Times Leader, October 13, 1914

  3. "Galveston, Tex.--At a mass meeting held recently the organization of a ku klux klan was indorsed, and the society has secretly perfected organization and commenced work."

    Cleveland Gazette, December 30, 1905


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