Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Is This Flag....

...a 48-star flag that was flying over Pearl Harbor when the Japanese attacked?

Or is it a contemporary 50-star flag?

If it's the latter, shouldn't it be replaced with a 48-star flag that was flying over Pearl Harbor when the Japanese attacked?

I mean, that's the reasoning (? smirk) of the floggers re: the flags in the alcove at Lee Chapel.

I don't know if the flag in this photo is 50-star or 48 star. But by the reasoning of the floggers, it should be a HISTORIC 48-star flag, one that was flying there when the attack occurred.  And it should go in some basement museum... except you can't do that at the Arizona memorial, or it would get wet.  In any case, any 48-star flag made now to go on the memorial would be a "replica" and "replicas" shouldn't be allowed, per floggers.

Hypocrisy, double-standards, a fine disregard for truth and logic, and a lust to denigrate...  Hallmarks of flogger "thinking."

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